Forum Post: Launch of @OccupyHomes
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 5:16 p.m. EST by OccupyHomes
from Eastman, GA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Let's defend homeowners threatened with illegal eviction. Banks have been operating massive forgery factories for years now and law enforcement has chosen (paid to) to look the other way.
In fact, the way they do look is the direction of the victim homeowner. Once there, the armed thugs forcefully evict them from their home without any proof of standing from the bank that sent them.
Since they can't count on law enforcement to protect them from illegal seizure, we need to step in and occupy their homes with them before their eviction and stop this facist act of state-sponsored armed theft.
Would like to reach out to all local generalassemblies to establish homeowners defense working groups. These groups should contact homeowners who are requesting help but have had their backs turned on them by bank-owned law enforcement and other impotent gov't agencies.
Please hit me up at @occupyhomes to discuss getting this done using the wildly successful decentralized occupy model.
Millions of Americans are living mortgage-free during the foreclosure process while renters continue to pay for homeowners' poor decisions.
If you fail to pay your mortgage, why exactly should you by permitted to keep your home? By that logic, you should be able to stop paying on anything you purchased and just keep it. Homes do have a very special place in the American psyche, but that doesn't give one the right to keep something they didn't or can't pay for.
Absolutely. I was thinking the same thing. Right now OWS (at least in NYC) has the numbers and the media attention many people about to loose there homes need. Group protection has saved people from eviction, and even forced banks to re-negotiate trick variable rate mortgages already, here in Brooklyn, and in Boston, Chicago, elsewhere already.
OWS is performing a great a symbolic act in Liberty Plaza, but could do better now joining with the many groups that have put years in helping save mortgagees from eviction. Occupy homes should be a working group of every OWS group.
There is indeed such a project already:
The groups help families stay in there homes until the bank agrees to sell the property at market value back to the residents or accepts rent. It is particularly effective for "underwater" mortgages.
Oh you mean...the homeowners that purchased houses that they couldn't afford to start with yet NOW feel like it should just be GIVEN to them..................
How about doing it like my husband & I did....We built our log cabin (with a little help from friends & subs) from the ground up. We lived in it when there was no electricity (just a drop cord to a saw service), a bed & two chairs were the only furniture for a while, no running water, no bathroom (outdoor building had a shower I took showers in 15 degree weather in) and we still use wood to heat it to this day.
18 years later, it is STILL not done but it's a long way from where it started and we own it outright because we happened to pay for it as we went. We also worked our butts off along the way to do it.
I'm sick and tired of hearing about these "poor, sad, pathetic" homeowners that bought something that a little commom sense would have told them they couldn't pay for.
Unfortunately, if you have a mortgage on a home, you are technically not the owner of the property. You are a glorified renter until the balance on your mortgage is satisfied. A real homeowner is somebody who does not owe a mortgage or have a lien on a property with title work in their name. That is why we have the ability to walk away from mortgage agreements in America. So if you are advocating for the revolt of renters against those who hold the deed "banks", you are on loose legal ground.
These groups would do ... What exactly?