Forum Post: Latest poll shows 46% agreement with OWS
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 8:44 a.m. EST by Febs
from Plymouth Meeting, PA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
How do we get that to 99%?
What one or two points can we stand behind that the vast majority of Americans support?
Drop the inane far left rhetoric and inflammatory 'revolutionary' talk and you'll get 99% on board in a New York minute. That wealth should not be allowed to corrupt the political process for example is something we can all agree on; silly drum banging, praising Gadaffi and Ahmainejad, and references to Communsm only turn potential allies away, and understandably so. The wacky drummers, lunatic fringe element and kids-pretending-it's-Woodstock elements need to go home.
Agree completely, well said owstag.
Curb corporate influence in our political process at all levels. Give political voice and voice back to the individual. REAL individuals - people. A CEO is a citizen and a toilet scrubber is a citizen and each should have the same ability to influence politics. Then it is purely up to the merit of the individual and his or her ideas.
Most people, maybe even 99%, would probably get behind this goal. There will be disagreement on how to go about it but first and foremost let's try to agree on something positive to achieve.
I want nothing to do with communism, socialism, "the revolution", anarchy, destroying the system, and what not.
But I didn't let the presence of people who back those thing scare me off.
Nut the fuck up, in other words.
Oh I agree with that entirely. This movement seems to be made up of many people that don't understand the concept of "My issue may not be, and is not likely to be, your issue".
this is a good post.
Be more specific and make your goals clear. Most people are going to agree to equal treatment for everyone, regardless of income level. I'm still not exactly sure if that's what OWS represents. It's difficult because there's so many people involve that have their own version.
I will say that I have more respect for OWS after visiting the forum, for the most part everyone has been informative or at least tried to be. There are still a few jerks, but that's the way the world is.
fuck war
free doughnuts
Not all the 99% oppose war and the dieters and those who react badly to gluten don't like doughtnuts.
Well DC empowers the bankers, so until you protest them the majority will call this a new hippie movement. Not saying I agree with that statement but we need to face the cause of the problem not the effect. Banks are there to make money like any other business across America, because money turns the wheels of the economy. Occupy and protest the wrong doer not the beneficiary.
The banks collude for their own benefit by controlling monetary policy. I agree the Fed is the root but its not a topic 99% of Americans know about let alone agree on.
Unfortunately for you, the people in the US that are part of the 99% that are willing to do something about it (like try in life rather than complain about how big corporations have all this money) agree in no way shape or form with you... at most you will get to 50%, this movement is already dying in America (where it really matters).
To get to 51%, let alone 99% will take some leadership and maturity. Right now the movement is a lose knit bunch of lefties shouting about revolution and ending capitalism (I know not everyone, but a loud minority can shout down a quiet majority) which is turning many people off and away from the movement. have a clear message of ending corporate influence in DC and take the movement to DC where the real problems originate. Work to overturn every seat in Congress and keep doing so until there are real people representing us, not just rich lawyers and political legacy candidates in DC. Support people who want to go to DC and enact campaign finance laws. Support candidates that are willing to fight for term limits. Start at the local level and foster change at the state assemblies and then those successful at the state level can continue on to higher office and effect change at DC. It starts from the ground up, but just sitting on a corner yelling about corruption while not addressing any specific problems does nothing.