Forum Post: Latest On Stop-&-Frisk
Posted 10 years ago on Feb. 22, 2014, 10:19 a.m. EST by JGriff99mph
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
It's all slipping away, right in front of our eyes. A corporatism takeover of every position and institution and level of power. All being consolidated into the hands of fewer and fewer people every year.
Nothing is happening at any level of government of any real consequence to stop this, and as of right now, there is no public will to do anything of real consequence at a large enough level to stop it, much less reverse it.
So where does this trend lead?
nice images
I didn't read the last , perhaps fewer words ?
An absolute end to stop and frisk is the only acceptable goal and result imo. Its just another extension of this rabid police state we are currently living in, and its gonna spread to every corner of every neighborhood.
There are plenty of people who have been convinced through corrupt propaganda that stop and frisk is in their best interest, the same fear mongering nonsense as the "war on terror".
But because of the wonderful nostalgia of our "land of the free" many think the government (and current world empire) will only do what is what best for us.
The ones in charge have been at it much longer than you or I, and clearly they are progressing with their plans unscathed for the most part.
if there is a plan.
I think the rich may be
mostly interested in money and property ownership
The OP's title was apparently some kind of marketing ploy.
It could have at least included this.
Stop and Frisk is just one more way for them to desensitize us and continually beat us down emotionally as well as physically.
The imagery starts off with the nonsense we are fed on the history of this country, followed by the most recent excuse to treat us as animals, followed by the illusion of having a choice out of it, and then a summation at the end.
Its all part of the same sick machine that has conditioned the populace to react in certain ways to most all things political, as the responses of this post are proving.
Attack the people, tell them other people are to blame, then sit back and watch them attack each other.
The European Union opposes the death sentence
but in the United States we accept it as status quo
Much like it's acceptable for police to stop and frisk here
Libe(R)topians, still full of shit.
All rhetoric, and no meat.