Forum Post: Last minute thoughts for July 4th.
Posted 11 years ago on July 6, 2013, 3:48 a.m. EST by Builder
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Last-minute thoughts for July 4: the light at the end of the tunnel
by Jon Rappoport
July 5, 2013
For 95% of the population, if you give them hope they eat it like candy and forget it an hour later. Then they want more. They’re hooked on the hope machine.
They somehow believe Hope is Action.
They are the fearful, the submissive, and the delicate.
They have an endless capacity for self-delusion.
Hoping for hope is what elects presidents, one after another. Whereas, what would happen if enough of us refrained from voting for either of the two major criminals campaigning on behalf of the double-headed Washington crime family?
On election day we would crash the system by withdrawing our consent, the consent of the governed.
We wouldn’t be hoping for hope.
“Today, the American people registered an astonishing 13% turnout and loudly expressed their no-confidence in government. Washington is lying in electoral ruins.”
If the live audience for one of those half-cocked presidential television debates roared with derisive laughter at every turn, they would sink the whole charade, in front of millions of viewers.
“…a better day ahead for all Americans…”
Laughter cracks like thunder through the hall.
It bounces off the walls and runs up and down the aisle. It invades people all over the America in their homes. Despite themselves, they begin chortling.
Pretty soon, they’re rolling off the couch and hitting the floor. They call other people to make sure they’re watching the debate, but they can’t talk. They can only shriek with laughter.
The whole country bursts its androidal bubble. Waking up from the big trance.
I’m sure you know about movements in states to nullify federal laws on the grounds they’re constitutionally illegal. Ultimately, this is a form of corrosive laughter.
Decentralization of illegitimate power should be a laughing matter. It should stage parades with surreal floats. It should walk along sidewalks with crazy signs. It should bellow from billboards. It should come blasting out of churches.
You want to make a difference? Organize a hundred parents in your town and have them make guns out of pink cookie dough and give them to their kids, to take to school. It’s a start. It stimulates the dormant absurdity-center of the brain. It screws with the robots in charge of things.
I want to hear what a million people standing in the Washington Mall laughing at the federal government sounds like. I really do.
When was the last time you laughed so hard you thought you were going to die? Remember how that feels? Reality explodes. Which is the whole point.
Last week, I was watching the news—a form of self-torture I try to avoid. I can’t even remember what the item was. It was some kind of baroque political jive. I went into hysteria-land all of a sudden. It was one of those laughing-weeping blow-ups out of nowhere. I ended up with my head on my knees.
I don’t know about you, but I need that once a day. I really do.
This isn’t the red pill or the blue pill. It’s the crap-in-your-pants pill.
A few years ago, it happened to me in the Vatican. We were there to see Michelangelo’s ceiling in the Sistine Chapel. Have you ever gone? The room is like a steam bath. It’s hot and humid. You’ve got these people, who’ve come from all over the world, and they’re sitting on benches around the periphery and standing—and they’re all looking up.
It only takes a few minutes to realize Michelangelo wasn’t a happy camper lying on that scaffold. On most of the panels, he did fast cartoons. Now and then he’d bear down and execute an immortal face. But most of the time he was aching and grumbling and wondering how he’d let himself get roped into the commission.
This struck my funny bone. I held it in until we got out of the room and were walking back toward the entrance. Then I started laughing. A few people saw me and didn’t like it. Too late. That made me laugh harder. The whole thing, the whole edifice of the Church, with its specialized access to God through licensed priests, was now bleeding into my laugh-center. I was a goner.
It took me a hundred yards along the carpeted corridors to calm down. But then I was at the counter where they sell prints of the Michelangelo—horrifically bad prints—and I was in stitches again.
Wait a minute. What about the millions and millions of people around the world—the billions—who are in chains of one kind or another, who are starving and dying, who are fighting manipulated wars, who are suffering…
The point is, that’s all coming from centralized criminal power. It’s no joke. But when you start to decentralize, when you think about it and find ways to DO it, the whole frame of the Matrix wobbles, the whole arch of consensus bullshit reality and the media that promote it do become a matter for laughter.
And not just a giggle or two. I’m talking about immortal laughter that wipes them off the face of the Earth. I’m talking about a natural and repressed impulse that, unless it’s exercised to the fullest, can turn around and ruin your well-being and take you down.
The Matrix is a joke because it’s designed to stand in for your own power to create reality. That’s the biggest joke of all. If I were the king of that most insane of all human endeavors—”mental health”—I would rewrite the books and point out that Sanity is, in fact, solely defined as: being able to comprehend the biggest joke of all…and that’s all Sanity is.
If you can’t access your imagination, you can’t laugh. Simple.
And you’re dead.
Perfect Builder. Jon Rappoport is one of my faves. I just read this a few hours ago, thought about posting it, then got side tracked.
What a coincidence, given that Rappoport normally doesn't get posted here.
I was reading somewhere else as well, that humour should be used heavily during revolutions. I couldn't agree more. Lee Camp comes to mind as well. It just makes the tyrants look so stupid. Its a good strategy in the right places.
Thanks Builder, I love this piece!
Michael Moore emphasized humor should be part of revolutions.
I saw a news special about a doctor in Egypt that has a tv show based on Jon Stewart's Comedy Central show. Stewart actually appeared on the show recently. The news report stated that 30 million people watched the show regularly! There's only 80 million people in Egypt and the show is completely different from anything they've been exposed to during their life. I wonder how much the show affected the current uprising, and the apparent disapproval many Egyptians have with the US Government.
Satire is my favourite comedic genre.
Australians call it "taking the piss".
Satire gets more difficult as the world becomes more extremely crazy :)
Provides more material, in my book.
Surprising how hard it is to present satire in the written form.
More to do with inflection and tone.
True. Jon Stewart and Stephan Colbert come to mind.
I hadn't read him before, Renneye, but I do love me some Lee Camp.
Chin is now up with the biotech thing as well.
Such a nice day with my new friend, so life is looking up. :-)
Laughter signifies understanding.
Test this by telling jokes people do not understand.
If you laugh at this joke thinking you understand, but really don't, it is likely the last laugh will not be yours.
I like the spirit of the piece, but imagination based laughter is fantasy relief at best.
The truth is needed to understand. The public does not have enough of it to understand.
Having written that, consider how deep and meaningful the laughter would be IF the public could handle, AND knew enough truth.
Jon Rappoport wrote it.
The rising consciousness of the public is proportionate to the innate self-defense initiative, and (more importantly) the parental protection reflex. Tell someone that their children are under attack, and it's becoming crystal clear that big agra and big pharma are in collusion with the FDA and EPA, and you're going to experience one of the strongest reactionary movements in modern history.
You know, that's a damn good angle to get people to listen. Tell them their children are under attack and that might just break the stupor of some of the masses. But I guess the real credit should go to Renneye, since she alluded to that when she first posted about MAA on the Monsanto thread. I guess I was just too preoccupied.
It's the obvious way to go with this issue.
I really don't care who takes the credit, Gno.
I also know five young couples who are experiencing difficulty conceiving, and the information I'm showing them is getting such a reaction, you wouldn't believe.
It's war, and our enemies have not been the slightest bit uncreative in creating their BS stories, so I'm quite chuffed to simply be passing the truth around for a change. There is simply no need to even embellish the truth.
It's bald, confronting, and infuriating in its simplicity.
And it's spreading like wildfire.
Spreading like wildfire thanks to people like you, B. And you're right, there's absolutely no need to embellish anything. It's good that the people you know seem to respect you enough to listen to you and believe what you say. It's surprising the amount of people that would just say "bullshit" to some of these things, especially here in the States.
It is war, and the problem is one side doesn't even know a war is going on. It's our job to alert them to this fact.
It's not been an easy road always. There's been a rapid change in the way people are perceiving the mainstream media's usual BS, and a correspondingly increasing openness to information from other sources.
The global MAM on the 25th May was quite a turning point, at least here in Australia. Even teens are talking about it. Though most are parodying their "hippy parents" and pretending to be drooling of GMO's (it's like, OMG, we need some GMO's) I'm countering with "you won't need any birth control. Your generation will be the last. Live it up."
Hehehe, that's a hell of a way to wake 'em up. "You won't need any birth control. Your generation will be the last. Live it up."
There's a t-shirt I saw on one of the webpages. It said:
Don't forget the global march in October. It's "World Food Day' or something to that effect. This time I'm gonna try to do something since I sat out the one in May. No ride out to Monsanto World Headquarters. And very little coverage here by MSM, which isn't surprising. I'm sure Monsanto has quite the influence in this town.
And since I didn't make it to the last protest, I felt compelled to do my part with that post I just made. Hopefully putting that info here for all to see helps make up for me slacking back in May. ;-)
And it gives everyone the knowledge they need when someone asks "What's so bad about GMOs?"
This google generation of kids knows everything, so I don't mind doing some mental smacking around with some harsh reality.
Truth is, it's the truth. The enemy has been actively trying to dumb us down, chemically neuter us, and create endless health problems, so we're forever indebted to them, not just for our basic needs, but for our health as well.
I can feel the global awakening happening, and damn, don't it feel great?
And I'm not one for too much esoteric babble, but how's this for a daily reading? July 7 is 7 Etznab/Tijax. The keen insight of Etznab helps you pierce the many veils we live wrapped up in, and see the way things are, simply and directly. Uuc only intensifies the blinding light of truth, for it enables you to see things from all sides. Today is like having a multidimensional sword of truth to slice your path through the overgrown jungles of others’ personal myths, falsehoods and agendas that have been strangling your own psychic freedom and purity all these years—likely without you noticing. As you journey through Eb’s Trecena, use the sword wisely.
Yes it does feel great. I feel it too, it's damn near palpable. And it's happening fast. Worldwide, like the proverbial snowball.
It's no coincidence Monsanto had that rider slid in under the door considering how much anti-GMO evidence has been coming to light. That rider came right on the heels of that Seralini study with the rat tumors. It's as if they knew there was going to be a storm this year and wanted some insurance.
Exciting times. It's like the penny has finally dropped.
I'm wondering if the latest news stating the Mons is back-pedalling all over the globe, might be a false flag op, to take the pressure off. I'm spreading that, regardless of whether it's right or not. I want people to maintain the rage. At least for as long as it takes for everyone to know what those phukkers have been doing.
I thought the same thing today, Builder.
What got me thinking that way was that Monsanto very recently bought "Blackwater", if you can imagine?! Why would they do that if they were backing off. Its a temporary retreat to regroup, I think.
Replying here to both you Renny, Bulder & g too.
First g "You made it thru." You know this hasn't exactly been a prison sentence for me up here in AK...g, and they do have electricity here
I'll be toughing it out here until the 20th of July
Although i seldom like being far from my granddaughter, this past weekend at my other daughter's invitation, i went to the Girdwood Forest Fair which was 2 overnights for me (4 for her and her girlfriend/helper), and it was really cool....great food....neat stuff...super bands....and many really good people.The best part was of course being asked to go in the first place
Signs were all over the place though...NO Dogs....Religious Orders, or Politics, so i just concentrated on having a good time with some really good people
The fair unlike the first bluegrass festival i went to is mostly a vendor fair with all home-made and crafts. My daughter started a business 5-6 years ago where she makes an all natural marinade and bottles it in a beautiful bottle with red wax on the top, and beads hanging from the neck of the bottle
Her booth/tent was decorated beautifully with potted flowers, colorful table cloths, pictures, etc, and she dresses in a beautiful long dress, and a wide-brimmed hat. She loves dealing with people while having fun. And I'm truly amazed at how organized she had to be to pull it all off with such style
Friday night, we walked a mile up the road to the ski resort Alyeska (sorry corporate owned..;-( to see a good band The Denali Cooks play at the lodge until the wee hours in the morning. That was fun
Much of the world we talk about here, she (as do my other daughters) puts into practice on an everyday basis including her business, which is a common theme in the small business communtiy in Alaska that she is a part of. If you are out to screw people, you will get exposed quickly in her World
That being so, of course she treats her one long-time employee who was there.... very well. Even so, i had a great time teasing her, in telling her friend/employee that she should rebel against the oppressive conditions that my daughter makes her work It would have been difficult for her to complain though as her friend was drinking wine at the time...;-)
Although she wasn't looking for another vendor (store) to sell her product in because of time constraints with grad school, she made a contact with a person who she really connected with the day after i left (Sunday) who wants to sell her product. This was also the day that all the vendors at the fair.... trade their products with each other, which I find really cute. I didn't ask, but i hope she made a trade with the smoked salmon people...;-)
As far as activism goes up here, i have put most of my efforts into using the bulletin boards which are at every coffee shop I've been to
There are colored full page blow-ups (81/2 x 11) from the Monsanto Occucard....the contents of a hyperdermic needle being pumped into an ear of corn with text underneath the picture. It's really quite
Then there are Student Debt...Wendy's...Walmart...Republicrats & Wells Fargo (Occucards)....and some hybid and original stuff that can be found in cafes all over Alaska including in such places as the Snow City Cafe and Moose A La Mode in Anchorage, and in several Matanuska Valley coffee shops too (names of cafes withheld on purpose)
I have met some really interesting people who are very active in trying to repeal the Oil Tax Giveaway where the oil companies got a huge break on the their taxes despite the amount they pay being far less here than in other parts of the world. This was promoted by Governor Sean Parnell, a former lobbyist for the oil companies (that's sick, eh?), and apparently by two of the legislators who still work for the oil companies and should have recused themselves. Admittedly, i am not up to speed on this as much as i should be, but if any of you are interested, feel free to put up a post, and i can put you in contact with one of the people who is leading the repeal efforts
Good Night & Solidarity from AK.
Hey there Odin!
So very glad you're sharing your journey with us, activism and otherwise.
It sounds like "COMMUNITY" is abundant in Alaska. It stands to reason that folks living in areas, climes and conditions that are sometimes less than ideal, require people to depend on each other. They learned early on, to pool efforts and skills if they wanted their communities to survive and thrive. We could learn a lot from our brothers and sisters of the north.
Your granddaughter is a lucky little girl, Odin. I just know she is aware of Monsanto's ill intentions. How many little girls are lucky enough to have that kind of honest early education?! Indeed, any progeny of our Odin, will have the activist mind, imbued and inspired. Such teachings will be necessary on this long journey of exposing the lawlessness of the oligarchs, and the sequential building towards an empathic society.
Incredulously, conflict of interest abounds and astounds. Corporate sell-outs should not be allowed near government positions.
In the absence of heavy regulation within capitalism, which are contradictory terms, and therefor, unfortunately, unlikely to ever happen...the only way to ensure corporatism and government do not cross over is to put governing control in the hands of the people. Ahhh, my beloved, 'People's Society'.
One where dignity is the heart...beating with a love for ALL fellow human beings.
Sounds like you're doing a splendid job of piling on the memories up there, Odin. It is they that will sustain you through your activism back home.
Be safe, be well.
Get some life into your soul.
Sounds brilliant, Odin.
I'm getting some urban garden crews inspired in my home town, and pushing the apiarist craft into new areas.
It's all grist for the mill. All a push in the right direction.
We just work our way into things, and find our niche in life.
The World we want starts now Builder, and it starts with a dream that we act upon
Whatever and whoever we were doesn't matter. It is who we are now, and what we strive to be is what counts
Thanks for the update, my friend. We've been waitin' for ya. Rumor had it you might have been banned, but we knew had that been the case, it wouldn't have slowed you down one iota. And true to form, you keep spreading the good word everywhere you go although I imagine it was a bit hard to bite your tongue during the Girdwood Forest Fair, lol. But I can appreciate the idea of "NO....Religious orders, or politics" at a gathering like that to keep the spirit of the event. And it's always good to hear the updates about your kinfolk.
And thanks for the reminder of the Monsanto Occucard, which I'll post to my Monsanto thread in the next couple days, along with a gaggle of new links.
But in regards to your last paragraph, that is sick that industry shills can go on to government positions, or to be allowed to play both sides like the two legislators you mention. It's one of a plethora of dysfunctional aspects of these modern times that seriously needs "restructuring."
G'nite dear.
Lol! I am so going to get you!!
g'nite 'G'!
G'nite to both you "dear" people who contribute so much to our struggle
So good to see you, 'dear' man. ~.^
Are you kidding?! What I do couldn't begin to touch what you do with your activism...and that's final.
Have you given them an earful in Alaska yet?
Hope you're making wonderful memories up there!
G'nite Odin.
Odin! My God man, you made it thru! Heheh.
I was just about to log off when I saw you and had to say hi. Hopefully you'll be on tomorrow so I can ask you about your adventures beyond the Great White North. ;-)
G'nite my friend.
Come and get me, I dare you!
Just thought you'd be interested in the strange tangled web behind the alleged purchase of Blackwater by Monsanto. Shady dealings, for sure.
Sly Dog - inviting the chase - Nay - taunting a chase - you Dog you.
This game of chess has been on the table for a couple of decades, Renneye. With the dollars involved, I'm doubting there's gonna be a hasty retreat. Not when you've bought yourself a POTUS and a SCOTUS.
I'm doing my best to channel what these phukks are planning. I've got people here asking me what to do, and what to say.
I'm used to being autonomous. It's a bit of a change for me.
You're being called upon. Embrace it.
Check back in here for encouragement & surround yourself with your activist Aussie friends.
Solidarity, Builder!
Thankyou, my friend. Solidarity.
My solopsist gypsy life might have to go on hold while we save the world again.
No worries...I have enough egocentrism & gypsy for the both of us. I'll keep a close watch on them until you can take them on again. ~.^
I'm not sure it's false-flag, or propaganda since it's no longer a surprise Mons has a huge PR budget so it's not much of a stretch that they could plant false reports in media around the globe no prob. It feels real to me though, and even if it was a ploy, it's too late I think. The truth is getting out. And we've been hearing it from an awful lot of sources. The Indian farmer suicides is legit and that's one of the more widespread facts circulating. It's certainly a biggie and quite the eye-opener for the uninformed. That story alone is worth its weight in gold because it touches so many bases of what's wrong with GM crops and Monsanto's business tactics and ruthlessness.
The scary thing for most people here, is just how many things they consume daily are part of this poison scam. Couple that with info on how the big six are weasling their way into our regulators and govt, and the eyes start going wide, and the brows start ruffling.
Surprising how social media is letting it all go through the machinations. I was having posts deleted or shadow-banned for a while, but that seems to have stopped completely.
You know, when my mom was still here, we used to eat pretty good, home cooking and all. She passed away in Jan 2008 and since then my diet has taken a turn, obviously. I eat far too much processed and canned, and I've noticed in the last five years my health has taken a hit as well. I didn't put two and two together until last year when I began taking stock of my lifestyle. Some is age-related of course, but in finding out how much processed and canned food are high in GM ingredients and other poisons, there's no doubt in my mind that's part of the problems. Time to change course.
And I'm not surprised censorship is in play as well. When I was doing research on the Monsanto thread I noticed for a short time freemarket5555's post "GMOs - a boon to mankind" was on page 1 of a Google search I did. You'd be hard pressed to find this post on a Google search, unless you typed in the exact title.
Hey, maybe I should change the title.
Anyway, B, I have to go now. It's almost 3:30 and I have someplace to go in the morning. But we'll talk again tomorrow night.
For sure. Look forward to our discourse.
We can hope instincts are not over ridden by confusion on how to react. There are also very likely false organizations that absorb response and direct the public away from effective action. We are really trying to defend the constitution by trying to see it enforced.
Most activism as turned into a psyops. Muddy waters. In trying to get a decent line of logic towards effective action, there is an immense sorting of crap and misrepresented crap which is mostly issue based. No solution.
A light bulb snapped on in my head;"Hey, why not only work on things that are actually true solution. We KNOW the psyops is NOT going to embrace actual solution. Everything else, yes, but not solution.
Then the work of sorting false solution. Law, history, precedent. Then testing what might be real solution. When the psyops opposes, aha!
Sure, the next generation and their children are in the crosshairs. But teaching solution rather than numbing fear does not fit into the PTB's strategy and gains ground reducing fears.
Awesome post Builder. Begging the corrupt to save us only further proves to them that they have nothing to worry about.
Hysterical laughter - Is NOT farfetched at this point in time.
We're riders on the storm, DKA.
One more for the road - slow ride .................................
Take it easy.
Catch-ya later.
We're the fortunate ones.
In many ways - but I think not as in the song.
Everyone should be aware:
So we gotta take it easy and the L.......
"Sly Dog - inviting the chase - Nay - taunting a chase - you Dog you."
Heheh, yeah. Hey, I could see getting into a wrestling match with Renneye. She's feisty though, so she might just kick my butt!
You would love it - who you trying to kid? {:-])
Yeah, you're right. I probably would. ;-)
Probably? Definitely!
Nya nya na nya ya - catch me if you can - ooops I tripped - how clumsy of me.
You got me, it's a definite. That was always a good way to instigate bigger (ahem) and better things, wasn't it? A wrestling match with a girl you had an eye for.
Oh, hey Ren! Didn't see you standing there, . . err . . . ah. . . um.
Wrestling match, huh? Oh, you'd just love that, wouldn't you.
Welllll . . . yeah, I guess I would. But only to see if the old bones could still take it, you see.
Edit: ~.^
Uh-huh...yeah, I'll just bet!
You might win, 'g'...but I'd give you one hell of a fight. ~.^
"If we vote down the humorous posts here, they'll go to the bottom of the thread. I'll see what I can do."
That's not a bad idea. I think I'll help. And I just finished watching that clip. It's a good one and definitely needs to be placed on the Monsanto post. There's are a few others as well. In fact, when you go over there to link it, put it in a reply to me close to the top, maybe right under my Seralini and Pusztai comment. We'll use that spot to place other related YT clips as well and they'll be near the top for all to see. Sound good?
The down-voting is done....and I'll do the youtube link now.
I'll meet you over there, heheh.
Easier just to delete.
"Would you like me to teach you, 'g'?"
Why yes, yes I would. I'm not very worldly so I'm willing to learn all about other cultures. Might as well start with, . . . uh, where did you say you were from? ;-)
Sorry darlin'...this isn't a Montessori class. I'm the teacher, and I decide the curriculum.
First lesson: We're having a revolution! Get Back To Work!!! I told you I'd get you. ~.^
Exposing the WTO, Monsanto and GMO's with "Greening The Revolution" filmmaker
Heheh, you're right. Enough of playtime. Thanks for being so good-natured about it all, although we did kind of trash Builder's post. A preemptive apology to Builder.
I certainly hope you cross linked that YT clip unto the post where it belongs, my girl. Unless you're expecting me to do it all. Jeez!!
Smart to concede, dear man...and you're a pretty good sport, yourself.
Yes 'G', much fun. Thanks a bunch!
I'll definitely cross-post that link to your Monsanto thread.
If we vote down the humorous posts here, they'll go to the bottom of the thread. I'll see what I can do.
I heard you Swedish girls were feisty. My buddy Odin told me. ;-)
Feisty? Odin told you? Darlin', you haven't seen feisty.....yet.
Anything else you think you want to tell me about Swedish girls, 'g'?
Careful Romeo. <wicked grin>
Uhhh, . . . they're usually blond? And ummm . . . they like meatballs and Vikings, I'm thinkin'?
Oh, and they say stuff like, "I vant to be alone." (Garbo)
How am I doin'?
Played it safe, did you? Good call....I guess. 'Cause, I was about to teach you...such a lesson. ~.^
Would you like me to teach you, 'g'?
Digging a deeper hole?
"Light a match 1st before drinking a glass full."
No doubt! In this day and age, you can't be too careful.
Sad to say - Hey?
Sad. And criminal, what these entities are doing to the planet. There was a time you could dip water out of a mountain stream and drink it.
Criminal is a very kind way of putting it. I am really not a violent person - BUT - when I contemplate this SHIT ??? and all of the individuals involved ( including governmental positions state and fed ) - well........................
"Yeah yep nothin goin on round here (whistling)"
Are you munching saltines? - didn't think to offer me any? - well A-hem - try humming.
Unfortunately, no. Getting busted gives me dry-mouth, heheh.
Must . . . have . . . water . . .
Heh heh heh - life flash before your eyes? Light a match 1st before drinking a glass full.
"Digging a deeper hole?"
Yep, probably. But she has a sense of humor (I hope).
She has a GR8 sense of humor and will likely chuckle quite heartily as she beats you up. {:-])
Heheh, yeah she does. And yeah she probably would. ;-)
And you would love it and no doubt have a gut busting laugh during.
Heheheh. I think I forgot to place a wink after that statement. I'll have to go up there and edit it, lest people think I was a liar.
OH don't go acting all innocent now................getting me in 2 trouble and all.....
I'm trying to backpedal, but I'm not doing too good a job of it. ;-)
psst Be cool Man be cool act casual...........shhh..... Yeah yep nothin goin on round here (whistling)..................
He WOULD - He's such a dog.............................
Hi - we were just sort of kinda .... well.......
Having a nice day? {:-])
Ya ya...I know what kind of nice day you're talkin' about. Pink tennies, indeed! ~.^
Aww shucks - well......I....... Ummm ( rolls over on back - tail wagging - paws in the air )
Lol!! Aww, there's a good boy...want some lovins'?
Eyes closed back leg a kicking tail thumping the ground.......................
Lolol!! I think its undeniable, DK. Clearly, there are two Dogs around here!
Absolutely - today just happened into a moment of tension breaking fun.
And no it is not paranoia if someone is out to get ya. Problem being having others recognize.
(...oh shit... she did notice me... I think.... play it cool dude just keep cool ... it just might be that it isn't you..... yeah yeah.... I'll be cool....was there something in that grass? - I'm feeling so paranoid....shhhhh man "be cool" )
Ya know, there's a script in here, somewhere. Lol!
Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to get you.
Gawrsh my covers been broken ( rolling on grass tail going a mile a minute ) wonder what gave me away? ( Hhmmmm act cool she might be talk'n about someone else - damn that is some tasty grass )
Heheh...cute! ~.^
Heheheheheh. Damn.
Oh don't give me that - u wanted to get caught - you Dog - You!!! And Ya got me in trouble doing it 2. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Oh and now it's MY fault, is it? Well just let me scroll back up this thread . . to . . see . . . what . .
Oh, hmmm . . . <looks down sheepishly. Kicks a rock with his shoe>
HEEHEehee - you ol dog U.
I get the impression you're a bit of an ol dog yourself. I've seen you flirting with a certain girl on this forum. She has a thing about cockroaches, it seems.
Well back in the day - there were not a lot of hep stores or an overabundance of mega malls.
We could just go to a shoe store back then and have it done fairly cheap. No mega-malls for sure, but still a fair amount of local shoe stores. And they did actual repairs. Shoe stores back then were nothing like the throwaway world we live in now. I'll bet if you took a worn pair of shoes in to be resoled nowadays, they'd look at you like you were crazy. "What?? Why not just buy a new pair?"
These Days - A decent suit? Fitted? Not off the rack unless you know someone that does alterations.
Oh yeah, anyone in their right mind would have it tailored, of course. It'd be rare to get a perfect fit off the rack. But if you'd read that article, you'd get a feel of "the good old days" when they made quality shit that lasted. I learned more about suits in that one article than anywhere else.
My cousin and uncle own & run a shoe store in ND and they replace soles heels etc.
It is a dying art/trade.
And there's so many of them. It's sad, really. I have a newspaper article somewhere around here in the archives that talked about a legendary suit maker here in downtown St. Louis. He was the last of his breed when he finally retired. He was known nationwide for the quality of his workmanship and you'd be impressed what it used to take to make a quality suit. I think he said he used something like 60 or 70 different pieces of cloth to put it all together. Custom jobs, of course. Nowadays you pull something off the rack and have a tailor fit it to you, if that.
Was hard to find long distance or high performance in my area .............
Hmmm, that's surprising considering it's so close to Minnie.
Damn....back in the day there were those honkin platform shoes and they were in style ( imagine that )............Hey.......your not spillin southern bible thumpin secrets are ya?
Not deliberately, heheh.
I remember those platform shoes. Quite the style, eh? There was a style around here at about the same time where you get a cobbler to put tire treads on your shoes. They have those around there back then? You gained an inch or two and they lasted a very long time.
Thx - if I maintain my cool others "might" not notice it isn't a halo - Hey?
Especially if their short in stature and can't see it. And use a booming authoritarian voice when you talk to them. They'd be awestruck, heheh.
Damn - "my bald spot" - huh - never thought about that till now.
Yeah, but you wear it so well.
Who - MEeee ??? ( Chin pointing down eyes looking-up halo appears over head ) - U must be mistaken.
Halo? Looks like glare from the sun to me.
The good ol days - though I was slow - so I could chase but not catch - unless of course it was a set-up. {:-])
Yep, the good ole days. I was pretty shy in school so the 'set-up' ones made my job a little easier, heheh.
Oh shit, here comes Renneye. Mums the word.
Heheh, worth a double-twinkle if I could.
I think she left again. You playing innocent - HAH!!!
Nah, she's still here. We're not getting off that easy.
eep - um - I mean - yeah I know - pssst "act casual". ( whistling nope nothin happenin here )