Forum Post: last 3 of 6 things OWS has accomplished
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 6, 2011, 7:16 p.m. EST by aquainted
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
MAINSTREAM MEDIA CORRUPTION HAS BEEN EXPOSED LIKE NEVER BEFORE – The coverage (or lack of coverage early on) that the mainstream media has been giving to the OWS movement has majorly backfired and has exposed the dying institution for the fraud that it is. Many of your average hard-working Americans who spend most of their lives just trying to make ends meet have long relied on the evening news to let them know what’s going on around the world. When thousands of people were camped outside of Wall Street for months and half of the country still didn’t know about it, it raised some new concerns in the hearts of those who still trusted the word of the mainstream media. The fact that the pundits on the news only say what their paid to say, and what they are allowed to say, has been proven on a daily basis since these protests started.
THE NEW AMERICAN POLICE STATE IS EXPOSED – For the most part, these protests have been entirely peaceful. The majority of the violence that we have seen has actually been unprovoked police assaults on innocent protesters. Thanks to advanced technology, images of peaceful protesters being maced and roughed up by police went viral on the Internet and showed the world how police brutality works in America. As the independent media began to investigate the details, it was uncovered that J.P Morgan chase alone “donated” 4.6 million dollars to the NYPD. When we follow the money it is plain to see that the police officers aren’t here to protect us, but here to protect the highest bidder. This has been going on for some time, but luckily we now have cold hard proof and documented evidence of the corruption that exists between the financial sector and law enforcement.
WE ARE FINALLY STARTING TO LOOK BEHIND THE CURTAIN - After watching Bush Sr., Clinton, Bush Jr., and Obama systematically destroy our economy and take away our freedoms over the course of various Democratic and Republican presidential terms it has become apparent to the American people that they really have no say in their political system. Americans now realize that going to the polls at election time is going to do absolutely nothing to change the foreign or domestic policies in this country. These policies are dictated entirely by big banks, multinational corporations and international think tanks that operate through Wall Street and the financial district in London known as “the city”. The worst of these organizations -- the Federal Reserve, committee of 300, the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and the world’s dominant banks -- are not being specifically called out enough yet, but you can rest assured that they are starting to get extremely nervous. If we can keep up the pressure and continue to educate those around us about the intricacies of this struggle, then we have the potential to create an unprecedented change for the better.
J.G Vibes is an activist and artist who has been studying occult history, theology and government for most of his life. In 2007 he began hosting electronic dance music events and establishing Good Vibes Promotions as a respected name in the counter culture. It wasn’t until 2008 that he began to fuse his philosophic ideas with his events, this was around the same time that he began writing and putting together the plan for his book Alchemy of the Modern Renaissance. Since then he has established a record label and a website that hosts a wide variety of activist information that is frequently updated. (facebook page updated more frequently)
just need to get a Direct Democracy voting system now, like what or what is happening over at
Americans ignore the insanity and incompetence of the government
Let's begin with the budget and the squandering of trillions of dollars on more and more weapons. Only raving maniacs would create the American foreign policy and defense policy. Americans do it with a straight face as if they were sophisticated and educated people.
The economists and bankers in America have created policies that allow and promote wild gambling with derivatives that they claim are complex as if they worked. They worked to destroy the banking system and put 50,000,000 Americans out of work with the globalization policy that is nothing more than simple slavery of Chinese workers. That slavery is hidden behind the bogus claim that China's currency is too strong. If China allowed its currency to rise in value to the dollar, the US debt they own $1.137 trillion (the same as it was in August 2010) would be paid back with half of what they loaned.
The Chinese government isn't stupid. They aren't going to take half of what they loaned. The American people are completely uninformed nitwits who have no clue that the government they believe can't be voted out of office with a 3rd party, would be gone if they heard what SCREWED AGAIN is trying to publish for them.
The ignorance and incompetence of the American government is displayed by the liars that divert attention to 9/11 every day. The American people refuse to hear about and understand the evidence that proves clearly the 9/11 was a direct attack by Bush who was warned officially more than 40 times and chose to use the Al-Qaeda attack as a false flag for the incidents revealed by SCREWED AGAIN.
Well stated
Thank you.