Forum Post: Land is the world's largest commodity which determines the entire economy how to stop one percent from hoarding it
Posted 12 years ago on March 22, 2012, 11:39 p.m. EST by elf3
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The current tax system is determining who should succeed and how much and shifting the burden onto the working class instead of creating equality and a fair shot. We have no free market we have a system cherry picking who will succeed - this film in the link provided below brought up an interesting point - One percent is hoarding all the land - so taxes on property are fair because land always increases in value - so even if you’re paying tax on it you will still profit - it will discourage land hoarding because you will sell it rather than let it sit empty and get taxed and others will be able to buy it at a lower cost rather than create a shortage and cause prices to skyrocket. If you decide to horde land only to create scarcity and fix the market you'll be punished for destroying the free market by having to pay more tax on it. So you wouldn't have this odd situation where one percent of the population is determining and creating the market (because they do own almost all the land and hoard it to fix prices and fix the market) which affects the entire economy. It's a fixed market system we have now we need to unfix it - taxing land instead of wages or business is a real solution. Right now the rich are not taxed on their land - they are treated as capital gains investments and they get to defer paying taxes if they invest it in property (capital gains investments and renting to you for a pretty penny) and if they do pay tax on it when they sell or "liquidate it" they get to claim a lower tax rate on the income earned from hoarding land and thereby fixing the market by causing prices to go up, rents to go up, and a lesser amount of pay to go to employees or entrepreneurship. This was a very innovative and smart documentary for anyone looking to a solution and who hates the system we are currently serving: called Real Estate for Ransom
expand the above to include all resources. why should an individual be able to horde vast stores of anything, to just speculate and 'play' the markets? The current system is not devised with logic and utility in mind, it has grown from fear, and greed.
This is actually a terrible idea because in practice it would make it impossible for people like Ted Tuner and Harrison Ford to do what they do for preservation, in my state they will just sell it if you give it to them. I do support paying the bills with an across the board property tax, all forms of property after allowing the first $100,000 or so of net worth, after that you tax, and that way people pay according to what they use of government, after all what is government but a way to protect what we have?
Thanks to the person who originally posted the film!!!!!! - Great Piece - can't find your post now
Also before I get this comment on fixed income retired people because I had it too - yes we would have to "grandfather" a few retired generations to protect them since they didn't have the same start.
thanks - it didn't look right to me but my spell check is broken and told me hording plus it be late and me tired - work all day - wage protest at night ? I'm going to have to schedule this better - I'm running out of time to do laundry and dishes - does anyone even read this anyway - I hope it's making some kind of difference
""NATO is staging "Massacre of Christians in Syria by Muslims", by bringing Al Qaida and other radical Islamists to Syria, in order to initiate a war, where they can nuke Iran, give a lesson to rising China, control Middle East oil resources, and allow some people to print as much money as they wish by using petrodollars, so they can control the society and the world through their wealth and power. This will also allow capitalism to continue by breaking the Eastern and the Socialist spirituality which is growing around the world and which is the biggest threat to capitalist ruling elite. ""
stop spamming have an original thought.