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Forum Post: Labor Support

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 5:57 a.m. EST by FHampton (309)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

"Red-shirted Communications Workers—many of them recently on strike against Verizon—graduate student members of the United Auto Workers, building services workers in their SEIU Local 32BJ purple T-shirts, and Transport Workers Local 100 members were among the unionists visible in the crowd. The victory came 'because of our unity and strength,' said James Taylor of 32BJ. He also thought Bloomberg had made a political calculation: 'Especially with the unions out here, they can’t claim it’s just a bunch of college kids.'

Why was his union out for the protest? “Everybody’s under attack,” he said. 'Nobody’s safe.'"




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[-] 2 points by FHampton (309) 13 years ago

Solidarity from UAW 2865:

There is an Alternative: Organize, Mobilize, Occupy! Statement in support of the Occupation of Wall Street

UAW Local 2865 endorses the ongoing movement to Occupy Wall Street and other sites of corporate and financial power. Workers, students, and community members from coast to coast have mobilized to both oppose cuts in funding for vital public services and demand that corporations and the richest members of society pay their fair share. We support and stand with those fighting against corporate greed and inequality.

Since the economic meltdown of 2008, workers and students have been forced to swallow the bitter pill of austerity while those corporate heads and financiers responsible for the implosion have grown richer than ever. Public sector employees continue to face an onslaught of attacks upon their benefits and livelihoods, students are confronted with higher tuitions and indebted futures, and average workers in the private sector are daily forced to meet the specter of unemployment and poverty head-on. Meanwhile, the income gap between the top one percent and the bottom ninety-nine continues to grow ever wider. Adding insult to injury, the wealthiest Americans and the politicians who do their bidding refuse to invest in the wellbeing of those who actually create their wealth. We sow the seeds, and they reap the rewards.

In California, corporate and right-wing interests have been on the cutting edge of a nation-wide political effort to force austerity upon the majority of state residents – all the while continuing to support tax breaks for millionaires and corporations. In concert with a coalition of labor, student, and community organizations, UAW Local 2865 is working to mobilize discontent over immanent budget shortfalls into direct action to ReFund essential social services in the state. A renewed commitment to – and investment in – the public realm would create millions of new jobs and provide California workers and students with important services. We believe that Wall Street and those who have profited from the financial crisis should pay for the damage they have caused to the public at large. An increase in income taxes on the wealthiest one percent, as well as the repeal of corporate property tax loopholes, would ensure that all Californians have access to important services such as education.

Enough is enough. There is an alternative to austerity and inequality: organize, mobilize, and demand that corporations and the richest Americans pay their fair share to refund vital public services and public education!


[-] 2 points by FHampton (309) 13 years ago

Solidarity from the International Longshore and Warehouse Union:

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

On behalf of 40,000 members in the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU), I want to thank you for organizing your “Occupy Wall Street” protest in New York City which is inspiring millions of Americans.

Most of us are tired of seeing a handful of the richest corporations and executives behave as though they’re entitled to live like kings at everyone’s expense:

They aren’t paying their fair share of taxes, so schools are cutting back and colleges are raising fees – leaving students with obscene debts. It’s time for the millionaires – the richest 1% – to start paying their fair share so we can support education and other vital services.

They’re destroying our democracy and right to a voice in the workplace. By making it almost impossible for workers to form unions and negotiate fair agreements, corporate America is dragging down the living standards for all working families.

They’re threatening to destroy Social Security and Medicare for future generations. We can’t allow corporations to privatize and profit from these programs. Instead, we should close the loopholes so corporations and the rich start paying the same contributions as everyone else.

Your decision to bring these and other issues to corporate America’s doorstep is courageous – and involves some risks. We weren’t surprised that some of you have faced beatings and pepper spray from overzealous police. Your crusade to shine a light on the corruption and injustice that’s infecting Wall Street is bound to ruffle some feathers. We’ve experienced some similar rough treatment in Longview, Washington, where ILWU families are also taking a stand against corporate greed. Our fight there is against EGT, a multi-national corporation that took taxpayer subsidies to build a grain export terminal – then betrayed workers and the community.

Like you, ILWU members in Longview have been arrested, beaten and pepper spayed. We know that justice won’t be won by asking greedy employers for permission or waiting for politicians to pass laws. That’s why we hope that you’ll stand your ground on Wall Street while we do the same in Longview – because An Injury To One Is An Injury To All!

Robert McEllrath International President
