Forum Post: Kudos to the Media Team
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 6, 2011, 4:46 p.m. EST by Boletus
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
After being galvanized by watching the live feed on the bridge march, I direly hoped that the live stream for yesterday's march would stay up and running. Well yesterday I spent >15 hours glued to my PC, watching in pride and solidarity as the people took a huge step forward toward restoring some economic justice to our ailing nation. The multiple cameras showing raw footage of the events as they unfolded left me feeling like I was almost there myself. Everyone from the camera persons, to tech support and coordination, to the chat mods picked up the ball and worked like dogs to keep the documentation and participation alive. Kudos to you all; you are heroes in the first degree.
The value of the live feed is much larger than informing the 14,000 or so that were directly participating from afar. This is the footage that rocks the world, from Idaho to Japan to Brazil to Germany, etc. It is shared by countless seekers of the true story through their own communication channels (YouTube, emails, reposting on personal websistes, etc). The lame coverage to date by the MSM is plainly shown to be a pathetic attempt by the powers that be to marginalize this epic movement.
With that in mind, I beseech those that have discretionary income and/or technical expertise, and who wish to support this movement, to provide assistance not only the OWS live feed but also those for Boston, LA, and the other occupations (take your pick). SF was its normal crazy self last night, but once people on the ground realized the world was actually watching, folks pulled it together and made some real progress toward consensus and rational group decision-making. For a semi-anarchic group in SF, that is no small accomplishment. It is a two way street; people from afar feel like a part of what is going on, and people on the ground have a greater sense of the import of their actions.
So keep it coming, from as many places and times as possible. Realize that, as humans, we are all voyeurs by nature, and there is no show like the real thing. This is the highest, best use of all of the communications technology humans have created recently. People are actually putting down Minecraft, Facebook, etc to see the real deal as it unfolds. This is what history looks like.