Forum Post: Kucinich bill seeks to end the Federal Reserve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 2, 2011, 1:36 a.m. EST by Dutchess
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Listening to Kucinich speak about the Fed, one gets the sense that he’s moved even closer to the position typically championed by his polar opposite in the House, arch-conservative Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX), currently a candidate for the Republican nomination to the presidency
Listening to Kucinich speak about the Fed, one gets the sense that he’s moved even closer to the position typically championed by his polar opposite in the House, arch-conservative Congressman Ron Lawl (R-TX), currently a candidate for the Republican nomination to the presidency.
Paul and Kucinich have both long agreed that something must be done about the Fed, formed by an act of Congress in 1913 as a way of stabilizing the banking industry. Both men have vocally supported audits of the Fed’s accounts, but Kucinich has not gone as far as Paul in most of his advocacy. Until now.
The fed worked just fine with Glass/Steagall in place. I don't think wall street should be allowed to have anything to do with the Fed, but I don't know where R P or D Kucinich think the money to lend for housing or small businesses will come from without the fed. We gave wall street the keys to the nations wealth with all the deregulating in the 90's and big surprise wall street went on a big gambling spree that we had to pay for. It is funny how the right and left wings extremes are more circular than linear
ummm, don't read too much into kucinich, he also believes he's seen UFO's and they communicated with him.
I'm from Ohio, and didn't need to see his plan to end the fed to know he was a nut berger.
Just anouther symptom : P
So, yes, he IS close to RP, not a surprise really.
Hmmm. UFO's merely means...Unidentified Flying Object just like Conspiracy means two people getting together to plan something unlawful.
Why are people so easily indoctrinated with concepts that bare no meaning whatsoever?
Oh, also can't let conspiracy thing lie either.
Yes people do conspire to do good and bad things
which is why we , rightly , have criminal conspiracy laws, because criminals conspire.
But whenRP or Kusinich play off the same nutty mad libs conspiracy.......
both say there is a(world org/ or alien org) controlling the world then we need to (return to gold standard/nurture the planet) then now we have to ( both filled in end the fed)
Both play with same conspiracy MAD LIBBS but doesn't mean there's a conspiracy,
Just that their both nutty..... Now excuse me while I go to my next UN, alien Illuminati meeting. We're discussing how we can accelerate global warming to make the planet more habitable for us reptilians. : P
Are you.......not paying attention?
I have no prob if someone 'sees' something unexplained
But when it communicates with ya......... I'm rightfully thinking danger ward escapee....
To even think we know everything about our universe is even more absurd, won't you think?
Us reptilians already know everything.
It appears that does not include you...
Go Dennis! I would love to see him challenge Obama for President.
not a tennis fan
the people need to be in control of the money
I'd like to get him and Ron Lawl in a room together for a couple of hours. That might be some interesting conversation.
Me too, they probably deserve to be in the same ward
They are not polar opposites. They agree on major points.
rah rah rah!
Dennis has long been my favorite dem.
just as ron my favorite republican.
whatt??/ you put it on wiki??
yes, of course?
I thought you did not like RP? These two have to form a ticket in my opinion. They agree on more with each other than with their respective parties.
i love ron. i just can't vote for him. my position is nuanced but i thought well explained. ?
omg, we need to meet. We are both in SB. remember I wrote you before or was it someone else?
I will vote for RP but if Kucinich decides to run which I don't think because money is of course the problem....I am going to the RP stand at east beach tomorrow to reregister just to vote for RP
I do think there needs to be a COALITION...I saw a police combat training on Carrillo on Wednesday around 6pm. And I am thnking in going in front of the City Council on Tuesday....all dressed up in business atire of course.
when? where?
Veterans for Peace today at 3pm? at the pier? I volunteer taking down the memorial every time they put one up. I was at OCSB yesterday, trying to tell people the urgency of dropping all ideology and focus solely on whats happening in the Senate and how they now officially have declared war on the American people .
i will rush out and try to get there i guess.. short
what time does it end? its 400 now... i'd get there 5 earliest...
Oh was wrapped up at 4pm. and I had to pick up my youngest daughter from Nutcracker practice..
Ohhhhh Dennis. JFK tried getting rid of the Fed. It didn't turn out well for him. The Fed has the backing of the power elite. If Dennis keeps pushing that envelope, at the ver least his political career will be destroyed in any number of ways, if they can't dig up a woman who will swear she slept with him, they'll get him on some fiscal impropriety.
Look at Herman Cain, every week, there is another woman coming forth. Herman wants financial reform, he has that 9-9-9 plan. Is it just coincidence that all these women are coming out now? Someone said 'coincidence usually requires a lot of planning'.
999 would hurt the middle class and the poor even more. Cain's just clueless, he's an insider (ex federal reserve borad member) and he isn't for any REAL change.
Those women are just skeletons that are probably being paid to come forward but honestly, who the fuck would run a presidential campaign without first taking care of those kind of skeletons? Cain has shown he lacks judgement over and over and over...
Look at what happened to Tiger Woods. He had his under wraps, and then they all came out at once. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. In Cain's case, some of the skeletons may have been sent politically. There is probably some truth in some of the allegations, but why would these women all come out now? It just looks like somebody's paying them to do it.
""JFK tried getting rid of the Fed. """
Actually that is not correct and Edward Griffin who wrote 'the Creature from Jekyl Island' a second close look at the Federal Reserve explains it in detail in his book .
What actually transpired with the silver certificates is documented in the link below.
Thanks for the clarification.
Its important because the Fed issue in itself is real. Caroline Kennedy released the statement by Jackie Kennedy recently who thought LBJ and Texas tycoons were behind JFK's death.
Herman Cain is also extremely dumb in regards to foreign policy. He is also a black man that thinks racial profiling is a good idea. MLK would be ashamed to see that kind of talk.
I'm sure he probably did sexually harass those women. People tried to back up Clinton when it happened to him... just turned out he was lying.
I don't see any women claiming sexual harassment against RonPaul.
Innocent until proven guilty.... but Herman Cain is not a good idea based on everything outside of that.
Ron's a gentleman, from the old school. He has a lot of attractive women working for him because women like men with integrity, honor and substance. Looks is only part of the equation. Ron seems like the type of guy you could sit down and have a conversation with and he would actually listen to what you had to say rather than be thinking about sex.