Forum Post: Knowledge is power - read details of what caused where we are at today...
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 11:57 a.m. EST by sarahmille2
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The greatest empowerment in any cause is to have the knowledge of the facts and truth that has lead us to where we are today.
Below are links to articles of author/columnist, David Lawrence Dewey. Dewey is noted for his, "Truth is What Matters", columns. He warned in 2004 of the coming financial meltdown and the reasons why and then again in 2008 - also about massive job losses that were coming and the reasons why. I strongly believe that many Americans know very little about the real facts of the corruption and this is where I feel Mr. Dewey's articles will benefit the cause and also I believe once you read his articles you will see how valuable they are. His articles are packed with facts, graphs and detailed information. His article in 2004 is mind boggling because he warns of what is going to happen because of the banking deregulation in 1985 and 1986. What he warned about started in 2008. Dewey explains in detail what that opened up and what it was going to cause and it did and he was warning people in 2004, 4 years before it happened. And his articles on job losses, it has been unbelievable how he was right on target and was warning Americans of what the politicians were doing to let the jobs leave America in 2004 and 2008. Dewey spells it all out with the facts and he tells it like it is.
And the documentary that Dewey worked on with Director David Burton, INGREEDIENTS, every American needs to see this documentary - it shows how Americans have been poisoned by the food corporations for GREED !
Thomas Jefferson, one of the founders of this great nation said in 1802:
"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property - until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."
This is what I mean by knowledge - read Dewey's articles, email your family and friends this post and links to Dewey's articles! Hello Washington Politicians --- Putting People Back To Work Will Solve The Deficit Crisis and Save Social Security ! The Facts and Truth You Need To Know America ! - July 15, 2011 What Has Truly Caused the Job Losses and the Financial Meltdown - The Facts! February 20, 2010 The Truth About The Job Loss In America - More Job Losses To Follow Has the Walmart Corporation Played a Huge Role in the Loss of American jobs? - Feb. 2004 American Die Each Day For Lack of Health Insurance and Health Care - Nov. 2009 Has Common Sense and Honesty In Health Reform Been Replaced With GREED? - August 2009 Job Loss and Unemployment Hit Records Highs - November 30, 2008 Causes Of The Financial Crisis Today - September 18, 2008 America...It's Time For Some Wake Up Calls ! - June 28, 2008 Global Warming: Is It Too Late? - March 30, 2007 Ice Shelf Falls Off Into Artic - Is Global Warming Real Enough Now? - Jan. 1, 2007 The Costs of illegal immigrants ! - April 14, 2006 Eyes on China - The Price Of Oil - August 30, 2004 Global Warming - Fact or Fiction - August 1997