Forum Post: Know Your Enemy!! FED
Posted 12 years ago on Feb. 25, 2012, 9:38 p.m. EST by EndTheFED
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End the Fed. They are behind most things wrong in America, and the world.
If you have a hour or so watch this video about the FED.
We must stop the use of any present day type of currency.
The Creation of the FED, the Federal Reserve System is the Biggest Corruption of the US and has lead to Global Debt, the Financial Crisis, the Mortgage Crisis, the Savings and Loan Crisis, and even the huge transfer of taxpayer money to the Prison-Military Industrial Complex and War.
Edward Griffin starts out naming 7 reasons to Abolish the FED A. It is incapable of accomplishing its stated purposes B) that the FED is a Banking Cartel C. It is Instrument of Usury D. Creates the worst kind of Tax. E. Encourages War F. Destabilizes the Economy.
Then Edward proves the first 4 reasons are true.
The Fed is a Central Bank like what was invented in 1600s in Europe.
US People worried about Big New York Banks that were money controllers.
The FED was created by Bankers using deceit, then they were able to change the banking laws 100 times to get us to where we are today. We have very unstable swings of bubbles, recessions, depressions, etc.
The Bankers got what they wanted in a cartel where they controlled the banking growth to New York City, made it difficult for smaller banks to compete, have the tax payer pay for big bank loses while small banks go bankrupt, have congress in their pocket, have amassed huge profits they use to increase their power and control over other people, etc.
The profits of banks come from very little work at all. They make these huge profits from loans and investments by charging huge amounts of money FOR CREATING MONEY OUT OF THIN AIR.