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Forum Post: KKeep in mind that “The web is the real battle ground”

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 2:14 p.m. EST by Democracydriven (658)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The corporate media no longer has sole control of the message, that’s the main reason the movement has gotten this far

Be aware that the globalist know the only way to stop the movement is to stop your voices.

I imagine they are pulling out all stops and are using every trick in the book to: discourage, demonize, fear mongering, distract and on and on.

If you don’t comment on obvious distraction forums they will fade away. If you do not comment back to those who are making ridiculous comments or inciting you to engage with them in fruitless debate, they will go away

Anytime you see people that appear to be in control and advocating things that would make people distance themselves from the movement. Call them on it so others can become aware of this “person”

Be on the lookout for “imposters” that are advocating things, like overthrowing the government, violence, seizing property etc.

Be aware that their motives are very likely aimed at giving you the wrong impression of the movement (Like the corporate media is currently doing).When you see this call them on it and this will clue others into it.

Another tactic is impersonating or forming sites and pretending to fight for the cause when in fact they are trying to sway opinions against it.

This is solely my opinion based on what I have seen. I am just another voice try to help the cause



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[-] 4 points by pissedoffconstructionworker (602) 13 years ago

Absolutely. There's a furious memetic battle being waged, as the 1% and their minions push false memes and hijack narratives (for instance, fake pics being used on the 53% tumbler).

Systematic and wide spread propaganda trolling and sock puppeting, poll freeping, false flag websites, and many other tactics.

I feel pretty good about our side's skills, though. We've got the kids, and they grew up on this stuff.

[-] 1 points by Democracydriven (658) 13 years ago

What is memetic battle? This sounds like something I should know

[-] 2 points by pissedoffconstructionworker (602) 13 years ago

The general idea of memetic battle has always been around: propaganda and public relations are two aspects.

But with the internet as the main vehicle of communications in this war the pace has stepped way up. It's almost happening in real time now, whereas in the past, propaganda or PR campaigns played out over much longer time scales.

[-] 1 points by Democracydriven (658) 13 years ago

Thanks I'll have to do a little research to get a good feel for it.

[-] 1 points by pissedoffconstructionworker (602) 13 years ago

This might interest you:


Also, do some research on the antics of the Ntrepid Corporation.

[-] 2 points by Democracydriven (658) 13 years ago

That is awsome. Do you know what you and I have in common?

I am also a pissed off construction worker.

[-] 1 points by pissedoffconstructionworker (602) 13 years ago

Then I'm glad you're part of this, brother.

[-] 2 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

"Be on the lookout for “imposters” that are advocating things, like overthrowing the government, violence, seizing property etc."

that's the banks and governments jobs

[-] 1 points by Democracydriven (658) 13 years ago

Well now that you mentioned it................................

[-] 2 points by gtyper (477) from San Antonio, TX 13 years ago

Yes, it's scary to see these tactics at work.

I'm debating several people that refuse to drop their partisanship for unity and I wonder if these are real people that believe the stuff they are putting out there or are they shills and fakes to derail the movement?

Some of the nonsense out there isn't even rational or sane!

[-] 2 points by Democracydriven (658) 13 years ago

I personally think they are shills.

I used to blog @yahoo news. These guys would come in all at the same time if it looked like someone was starting to shape opinion counter to theirs

Another thing that would happen is that if I made a comment that they had no answer for and would expose their hypocrisy (a silver bullet of sorts). Often time yahoo would not post it (having not blocked anything prior) These people would be posting racism, name calling, massive post that would drive me off the page, yet their post got through

It is a war and be sure there of plenty of them making a living in the virtual army trying to help maintain the status qou

[-] 1 points by Democracydriven (658) 13 years ago

This is my last attempt at informing people of the real deal. Those of you that have been on here for a week or so know this sight has been overran.

If nobody bumps it. I will assume it is not considered of value and let it die

[-] 1 points by Democracydriven (658) 13 years ago

Is this not true

[-] 1 points by Democracydriven (658) 13 years ago

If you think this valid give it a bump

If you think this is BS say it

[-] 1 points by Democracydriven (658) 13 years ago

If you are reading this and you want others to read it. You need to give it a bump

If you don't want others to read this, you are not part of this movement