Forum Post: KISS
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 6:40 a.m. EST by arlingtonkarl
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Everyone, You are providing the pain and energy. This will ultimately be effective in making permanent change only with focus. To change our systems and their corruptions, we must create (or coop) a political party. The current parties (and their members) are too locked into defending their historical positions to advocate (or allow) significant change. They are too vested in the system that has caused our problems. But to create a party for change, the first hurdle is to have a clear new message. To grow a message, it must be simple. Here are my suggestions to help voice your messages:
Core Human Principle: Cooperation not Competition
Core Objectives: Medical, Homes, Education, Retirement, Jobs (MHERJ) Medical: A simple national medical insurance plan Homes: Every homeowner should have the right to refinance Education: Every capable person should have the right to attend a college Retirement: The nation should have a guaranteed universal retirement system Jobs: The government must focus to keep and create jobs. (e.g., repair our crumbling infrastructure)
National Finance Plan:
Raise gas tax, dedicated to infrastructure Create 1% national sales tax dedicated to national debt New simple income tax, to remove special interest subsidies, balance burden, and lower base rates Budget national agencies and programs for 5 or more years; zero base all revisions
Long Term Goal: Prepare country for world values with financial and trade integration
We must be able to adapt in this rapidly changing world; current parties work to maintain the status quo. People need the rights that George Mason penned but were not included in the Constitution - the rights of Petition and Recall. Petition to pass laws that special (money) interests block; Recall when necessary to remove leaders quickly before they can cause irreparable damage. For Constitutional changes, we need party that can advocate.
Karl Arlington VA
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