Forum Post: "Kindred" - an alternative to Capitalism and Parliamentary Democracy
Posted 10 years ago on Sept. 6, 2014, 7:37 a.m. EST by SalmanEagle
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From my site [email me at if you like this idea] -
"Kindred" is a proposed politico-economic alternative to Capitalism and Parliamentary Democracy. The concept was fathomed to enable sustainable kindness in society.
Briefly, the Kindred model is based on two things:
Under the Kindred model, Rating Sheets are used to rate each participant. Forgery is prevented by having small groups, which ensures accountability. Universal acceptance ensured through relational organic growth. And the “free-rider” problem solved by requiring a Minimum Kindness Rating.
In a Kindred society, people will compete in kindness with eachother to have a greater number of their own needs met. Since even the poorest person can be kind, a Kindred system would end poverty. The issuing of "money" is devolved to the kindest person of each group – instead of there being just one central bank; thus the monetary economy is more responsive to the needs of the people.
Offer Of Free Services: find 5 Individuals and let them know what services you are offering for free. You six form a “First Family”.
Get Together: you six should meet atleast once a week.
Rate: now, you six should rate eachother’s Kindness – giving a score from 1 to 100 on a sheet of paper possessed by each person being rated.
Requirement: each participant specifies a “Minimum Kindness Rating” another person in the First Family must possess in order to receive the free service.
Leadership: the participant in your First Family who receives the highest Kindness Rating maintains the Family’s Rating Sheet – which is used in the next cycle below to get rated from other Families. The kindest person is the representative of the First Family.
Now, repeat above five step cycle – replacing Individual with First Family (group of six Individuals):
Offer Of Free Services: six First Families state, each through their kindest person, what services they can offer eachother for free.
Get Together: the kindest persons of the six First Families should meet alteast once a week.
Rate: the kindest person of each of the six First Families rate eachother’s Family in Kindness on a scale of 1 to 100 on the Family Rating Sheet possessed by each of the kindest persons.
Requirement: the kindest person of each of the six First Families specifies a “Minimum Kindness Rating” any First Family must possess in order to receive free service from his First Family.
Leadership: the First Family with the highest Kindness Rating among the six, its kindest person receives possession of the Second Family‘s Rating Sheet – which is used in the next cycle.
Now, repeat above five step cycle – replacing First Family with Second Family (group of six First Families – 36 Individuals). Then you would again repeat the cycle replacing Second Family with Third Family (group of six Second Families – 216 Individuals). This process is repeated until the Thirteenth Family will span the whole population of the world (assuming each person is part of just one family).
A member of one Family can identify himself to members of another Family, for the purpose of receiving service, by getting a signed statement from the kindest person incharge of both Families that will state the Average Kindness Rating of the Family that the member belongs to. This signed statement will be the "money" in a Kindred.
The end result is a world where everyone is empowered to receive free services (and products) because it is in their own control to perform and meet minimum kindness requirements.