Forum Post: Killing Water Here. Fracking
Posted 6 years ago on Aug. 19, 2018, 10:30 a.m. EST by gsw
from Woodbridge Township, NJ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Many Red States and others too are hurting this fundamental life source, water.
Fracking is destroying U.S. water supply, warns shocking new study Toxic wastewater from fracking jumps 14-fold from 2011 to 2016 — and it may get 50 times bigger by 2030
The frackers won't stop until we're all dead. What self defense {stet} actions are needed to protect our family of life on Earth?
P.S. a note to the web programmer. Get rid of the frackin' Brit dictionary! Defense is spelled defense in this country!
, for humans and most other species, will most likely conclude with extinction or a massive die-off, as well as climate conditions that will preclude most known life forms. We engineered our march toward collective suicide although global warming was first identified in 1896 by the Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius.
The failure to act to ameliorate global warming exposes the myth of human progress and the illusion that we are rational creatures. We ignore the wisdom of the past and the stark scientific facts before us. We are entranced by electronic hallucinations and burlesque acts, including those emanating from the centers of power, and this ensures our doom. Speak this unpleasant truth and you are condemned by much of society. The mania for hope and magical thinking is as seductive in the Industrial Age as it was in pre-modern societies.....
Chris Hedges
The rich have bunkers...
Now - if only they would go to them and never come back out........
21st Century Dream Home, tiny homes,
Social conditioning to be OK with living POOR, with being the working poor and living with even LESS, of being a society/civilization that is OK with more and more of the population, living with less and less, to be OK with the very few HOARDING OBSCENE AMOUNTS OF ALL RESOURCES!
And leads to the end.
I once saw an episode of "Tiny Homes" on HGTV a while back where they romanticized how a father and his daughter chose a shed, a literal shed, to live in for their tiny home so that they'd have money to go on trips. Okay, they could go on trips but my god, they were living in a shed!
The tiny home movement has it's good points in terms of the environment and simplicity etc. but if you dig deep you can see that people are living in these homes because it's all they can afford.
It is also an escalation in living "POOR". These tiny homes are a step down from manufactured homes/trailers (twice the size) for the same price, which used to be the norm for the working poor.
(edit) Sad really really sad.