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Forum Post: Kieth Olbermann and Ed Schultz Reduce Coverage of OWS

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 19, 2011, 8:15 p.m. EST by kayak69 (57) from West Sand Lake, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The Countdown with Kieth Olbermann show used to dedicate about 90% of the show to OWS and Ed Shultz also provided ample coverage, but that has changed. OWS is lucky if it gets mentioned now. Doesn't this send a message to the organizers? The movement must change. Find capable leaders, document and strongly promote demands (The99Declaration for example) and don't stop until changes are made. One of the top priorities should be getting the money out of politics. OWS didn't initiate that effort. Bernie Sanders did. OWS needs to FOCUS - FOCUS - FOCUS. Do it now. Don't wait or you will be too late.



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[-] 2 points by newjustice4 (8) 13 years ago

Because ows was suppose to help obama like they do on their shows but the american people high jack this movement. This movement was started by the elites to gain power out of chaos. The people behind the scenes call them trolls

[-] 2 points by JenLynn (692) 13 years ago

Activity in the Forum is slowing, fewer people watching the live feeds, decreased coverage. It's all giving the same message. OWS seems to be just demonstrating different causes to get anything going instead of focusing.

[-] 1 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 13 years ago

Truth is that at the end of the day OWS to most of the world is the NYCGA, and OWS needs the focus of the National General Assembly to have any real future with the electorate. The 99% Declaration WG needs OWS to keep reminding the electorate of the depth of the anger out there. And the electorate needs them working together to turn this ship around. This is an opportunity that won't likely come around again for a long long time...

[-] 1 points by JenLynn (692) 13 years ago

It may give some hint about the actual level of support too. How many vote, where the votes come from.

[-] 0 points by thrasymene (6) 13 years ago

don't worry we all figured it would slow to a crawl during christmas and the winter months but this spring we RISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! spring of 2012 will be our spring believe that.

[-] 1 points by JenLynn (692) 13 years ago

Maybe, we'll have to wait and see if people stay with it or get discouraged because they don't seem to have any specific plan.

[-] 1 points by jomojo (562) 13 years ago

We are idiots. We are the 99%. ...............Just having a little fun here. Oh hell I'm sure some of you have read some bs I've typed on this forum before, and know I'm full of it. The fact that I can't even make paragraphs shows that I'm low tech. What's my message? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8o3peQq79QChances are with each word I've lost more readers. Now there's a pro saying what needs said. He didn't use a soundtrack, because I think he clearly wanted to present the document in a manner that would allow it to be judged on it's content. He and his staff also can't be trusted, (even though I tend to), since they are money making talking heads with sponsors. The editorial he once made about the new Occupy Wall Street movement, may have truly increased protestors showing up. On the other hand, they are probably all trolls working for homeland security. I digress. Returning to my leading idiot remark. Perhaps some donations should be used to produce a round table discussion and invite some talking heads and see if some non idiotic wisdom could be produced. Or...we could facebook and twitter until the masses come to this forum and learn just how sane we are.

[-] 1 points by mee44 (71) 13 years ago

That's what happens when all five MSNBC viewers tune out!

[-] 0 points by brady (-5) 12 years ago

ows is irrelevant, a dieing movement. Go home and look up your mothers skirts, it's the only pussy you assholes will ever see.

[-] 0 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

OWS didn't initiate that effort. Bernie Sanders did.

so what? Does it matter?

Are you suggesting OWS is about OWS, and not about making the necessary changes to our political system and so bring about a social revolution in the interest of social, economic, and ecological justice?

Because if it is simply about your ego, or the movement's ego, then I'm wasting my time.

Ego has no place here. Arriving at a place where we have instituted needed reform is all that matters. People like Senator Sanders have been working toward those goals far far longer than OWS.

They've needed our help moving the ball - just as we need their help.

We are all in this together.

[-] 2 points by RobinHood2012 (39) 13 years ago

You are only in the toilet along with 10 other turds. The giant flush is days away. If oberdouche has dismissed you losers than the flush is a coming. Ha ha and bye bye!

[-] 0 points by kayak69 (57) from West Sand Lake, NY 13 years ago

It's not about ego. It's about getting things done and changing the corrupt system.

[-] 0 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago


For a minute I was worried.

[-] 0 points by blackbloc (-19) 13 years ago

the99declaration is a good start but not near enough....

[-] 1 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 13 years ago

The 99% Declaration is The People storming the wheelhouse and turning this ship around. "You can be the Captain and I will draw the charts, sailing into destiny, closer to the heart" The beginning is near....

NGA NOW all roads lead to Philadelphia July 4th


[-] -1 points by blackbloc (-19) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 13 years ago

It doesn't matter what's on The List, what matters is that The List exists.

Thanks to OWS and the NGA.

OWS is over.

2012 will be owned.

We. Are. The 99%

[-] 0 points by chaires (17) 13 years ago

The message "The Countdown with Kieth Olbermann show" sends to OWS is we are causing this corrupt- media controlled system, to fear us, as it should. And ows will respond by pushing harder, as its working. Having no leaders that the system can arrest- is the reason for our success. Every ows member thru-out the planet is there own leader-- go get them.. http://tinyurl.com/6lkzgbk

[-] -1 points by OTP (-203) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

Ed wrap up on what he's about....blah blah blah.

Any thoughts on the 85billion in bailouts this past week Ed? Any outrage over it? No?

So we protest about bailouts, and you ignore them. And we should trust you why? Because you work for a huge multinational and defense related company called GE?

PS- Heres a note Ed- real liberals dont listen to your bullshit.

Holy shit, Chris Hayes is taking over the 8pm spot. I think the spot just got worse.

[-] -1 points by OTP (-203) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

Here's a Hayes ad- "Our fellow citizens are suffering needlessly without it"

Very true junior. Unfortunately, turning it into Geico or Statefarm isnt going to solve that problem, you dumb shit.

Perfect example of an anchor making a good point on something obvious, but doing nothing in terms of background or direction.

[-] -1 points by OTP (-203) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

Book guy: "The majority becomes the minority again eventually".

Exactly. Thats the way the system works.

All you moronic NDAA "he promised he wont use it" tools are going to see how that works eventually. The next generation says thanks for nothing.

CU- How about a mention of MTA there Ed? Instead of the both of you agreeing with each other until you are blue in the face, how about what you aredoing about it?

[-] -1 points by OTP (-203) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

Book guy on Ed Shultz: What can Harry Reid do about fillibusters?

Really, what can Reid do about it? After that vote? Please.

[-] -1 points by KingVegetax (51) 13 years ago

Fuck those 2 douchebags. Neither one is worth the sweat off a dogs balls

[-] -1 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

Bernie Sanders is the only independent politician left in Washington who is not 100% a bought and paid slave of the corporate interests.

In spite of him being supposedly on paper against the federal reserve and for many progressive changes, even he supports the building of a new military air base in Vermont with the newest jet fighters breaking the sound barrier landing and taking off; in direct opposition to his own voters who are furious that he has sold out to the Pentagon and caved in. because he does not dare oppose the industrial military complex and the CIA.

The political fact to remember is that every stinking politician BEFORE they were elected into power were voted into power by promising too work for the people. Obama did exactly the same thing as FDR and Wilson and all the others. The instant they get into power they turn around and do the excct opposite of what they promised.

Until the brainwashed masses wake up and throw all of them out of office and throw all the offices of power out of the nation : you will continue to have business as usual.