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Forum Post: Kid with a gun

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 10 a.m. EST by Arachnofoil (104) from Charlotte, NC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

A quick example from what I see as one of the root causes of these problems.

Giving a government the ability to print money from nowhere, is like giving a toddler a handgun.

You can tell the toddler, don't shoot anyone, don't shoot yourself, don't point the gun and pull the trigger, but why not take the gun away from the kid? You can legislate, regulate etc etc the banks and fed all you like, but why not remove the power they have to cheat us all?

Let me state some inalienable facts.

  1. Debt enslaves a person
  2. Excessive debt cripples a person
  3. No empire has ever lasted when it cheats it's citizens by cheating it's money.
  4. Inflation crushes the working class
  5. A central bank increases depressions and recessions.
  6. No man is good enough to rule an economy.
  7. Propping up failed corporations is immoral.
  8. Doing it with tax payer money is criminal.
  9. You have the right to make as much money as you can, but the money system has to be a level playing field to begin with.

You would be amazed at how many problems would go away if the money supply was not fiat.

  1. You wouldn't need an income tax (income tax is to pay the interest due to the owners of the fed who lend US currency to treasury.)
  2. You could not afford wars in iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Libya, and soon Iran.
  3. The US dollar wouldn't have lost 97% of its value in as many years.
  4. Your jobs wouldn't go overseas
  5. 1% wouldn't meet to decide how much you will pay on your mortgage and how much spending money you would have
  6. You wouldn't need regulation for everything- its a natural constraint.
  7. Total Control over the 99% would be near impossible.

It really bugs me when I see people say "we need to tax this group or that group more". You're a dick. No one has a right to remove another persons money. We need to fix a system that gives power to a few and slavery to the masses, a system that privatises profits and socialises losses. Stop thinking taxing or regulations will fix this problem. TAKE THE GUN AWAY FROM THE KID!

I will leave you with 2 quotes:

"debt is real, equity is opinion"

"Give me control of the money supply, and I care not who makes the rules"- amayer Rothschild



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[-] 1 points by MyHeartSpits (448) 13 years ago

I agree with the sentiment that we should focus on fixing the system, not taxing a group of people more. IMO, this involves heavy Wall St. reform (Glass Steagal, etc), election reform (no more lobbyists, etc), reversal of citizens united/corporate personhood, and smaller state-run government except for overarching social programs like medicare.