Forum Post: Keystone vetoed
Posted 10 years ago on Feb. 24, 2015, 6:46 p.m. EST by DKAtoday
from Coon Rapids, MN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
What kind of a shit storm are we gonna see from the corp(se)oRATists?
None. KXL has always been a distraction. I've posted this twice before, but it never hurts to repost good info:
Exactly. We have to come to the conclusion that the people that run this country are much much much smarter than the people who live under them (us) and thereby up our intelligence and investigation levels when dealing with them.
Or we could parade to the polls like dumb mules every four years and think that its all good as long as "my side wins" :)
@Mindmenow @hedyepstein spam block on #congress hashtag #twitter #cia #fbi #NSA @fbi #freespeach
keystone pipeline must remain government property for the people and by the people.#congress
President vetoes keystone like he destroyed oil production in #syria #congress
Really DK? I'm sorry but Obama pulls out hie first huge veto for Keystone, I applaud you for being first to post but I am more interested in how the Obama haters on here will respond....or maybe that's who you were talking about?
Just read through the replies, as expected people here are more concerned with scoring points than caring for the planet, if people cared about the planet Nader wouldn't have gotten five million votes.
Yes, they would have instead endorsed the establishment, including someone who was teh VP in the previous admin who shipped all the factories to zero regulation countries.
Another boomer heard from...
So turbo the real point of my comment was that the Obama haters on the site would not be able to acknowledge the "win" you prove that point, you stinking Greens are the lowest scum on earth, worst even than the GOP.
So another "radical" that can't find a difference between W Bush and Al Gore, how'd that work out for you? Did you love that Bush presidency or what? Was it the huge tax cut that sent the deficit soaring or the CU ruling turning America over to corporate interest or was it the Iraq War which of the Bush policies did you love the most? You do l o v e the GOP so much.