Forum Post: Keiser Report: Bring down Bernanke Gaddafi style (E203)
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 30, 2011, 11:55 a.m. EST by nickhowdy
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Watch Max and Stacy!
Keep the movement going! GIABO! (Global Insurrection Against Banker Occupation) with OWS, Max and Stacy and (Pushing out Alternative Media RSS on FB and Twitter)...
no world gov't, no communist state, nothing but our constitution and our rights. and those rights do not include YOU sticking your hand in my pocket. Oh and by the way, if you even try a violent revolution in this country you will find what percentage you really are.
I don't want your money dummy and I won't have to try for a Revolution..By your own actions, you yourself, have ensured a Revolution. No one minds capitalism..What they mind is a government that is completely hi-jacked by banking and corporate interests...If you like crony Capitalism then go f*ck yourself.
No i hate crony-capitalism. hate it. but the solution is not bigger gov't. If you want to get rid of corruption in high places you get rid of the high places, right? you don't make a larger, regulated, bloated gov't. You don't create another thousand little high places for a thousand little kings to push their will on others. What everyone has to understand is the Big Business and Big Gov't LOVE each other. A top down authoritative approach is the absolute wrong direction
I don't want bigger government. I want effective government and yes big gov and big business get big together...I want a government to protect our supposed constitutional rights...But right now all these politicians take turns wiping their asses with this document...The crony capitalists and the government that keeps enabling these people who are Capitalists during the good times and Socialists during the bad times...Needs to GO AWAY..and soon..We will have to start over..We can't depend on these people reforming themselves.
Yes exactly, it needs to go away. I can't stand the so called Repubs of my party who call themselves free market and then want a gov't hand out. Smaller Gov't