Forum Post: Keep this site but...
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 4:19 p.m. EST by ThinkHuman
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
please, I beg you, make the 'Forum' link go to an actual forum where proper discussion can be facilitated.
Maybe or
The forum is the front door for OWS but the chaos here prevents anyone from 'getting through'.
Pick one, link to it, and let those willing to do it moderate it.
This forum needs moderation and organization. It is mystifying that there are anti-American trolls, literally pissed off that Americans want to mitigate corruption, criminality and get their careers going, but there are literally men and women, due to sociopathy, self interest or otherwise, bent on the destruction of the American middle class way of life. I, frankly, have heard enough of why these low life animals think we should power batteries for the machines in the Matrix and I would like to get to the rational issues. Please clear out the ignorant anti American sociopathic trash, so we can have a rational discussion of issues.
The operators of this Forum should check with an attorney. I am not an attorney and no one should rely upon my speculation, with regard to matters of law. Still, I speculate, but do not hold out, as a matter of pronoucement of law, that:
1) trolls have the ability to form their own web sites, to discuss political points of view and to criticize the OWS movement. So deleting troll posts, does not interfere in their exercise of political speech. 2) The people operating this unofficial OWS forum are under no obligation to support, in any way or endorse troll points of view, since the right of free speech includes the right to refrain from endorsing points of view that are contrary to your legitimate and lawful points of view. 3)This site, merely being on the Internet, does not necessarily qualify as a public forum.
This is mere speculation and not a pronouncement of Constitutional law, mind you. is fucked, all those posts magically deleted. Nice alternative
Well, whatever, pick one that's moderated and let's get some real discussion going.
Absolute chaos.