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Forum Post: Keep society intact, just change the things that need to get changed

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 3:44 a.m. EST by HenkVeen (46) from Utrecht, UT
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I keep hearing way too many radical psuedo intelligent people shouting to destroy 'the' system, which makes no sense at all. Please stay focused and break it down to the real issues. Sure we need core changes, but let's not throw the whole thing out. There are way many more choices you can individualy can make, setting creative examples to tap into abundant positive energy, to get to these mayor changes needed. You can achieve this without senseless destructive or evenly provocative, violence inciting action. That would be fully counter productive to the points your making. Stay creative! Don't give in to the provocations, that will just show how much you also are corrupted by the twisted values projected on you by the corporate provocateurs. You now have the worldwide media attention, now should your restraint and stay civilized to maintain the momentum. Turn the other cheek. Preach non violent resistance. Be Ghandi, Jesus, blow them away with love. You are doing a great job. But we are seeing people invoking the police, even if the police are pro actively violent, they also are just doing their jobs, following their training and you can know when and how they will react if you upset them and you will not be able to controll them. Remain calm, focussed, stay in line, they are not what you are up against. Do not exclude, but include. Project the proper values and advocate them. Lay the magnifying glass on those greedy few and amass proof in all ways possible on how they are doing the destroying of people, communty, family and the environment. Watch out for emitting the picture that you are rejecting society we are. Do not alienate main street. We are society, we are community, we are family, and I don't like this idea, or image, of the frustrated, extremist, anonimous, autonomous mob, because to me by now they seem already no better than those they claim to be up against. I don't want one extreme group taking over, because of some idiot other extreme bunch of crooks have hijacked and are clodding up the economy. And would it not be right up their alley, if we we were to finish their set agenda of self destruction?



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[-] 1 points by April (3196) 13 years ago

I value democracy. Simple change - get all of the money out of our political system. Totally and completely. 1% buy their representation in our government. 99% are left with the crumbs. This is not radical, it's the way our democracy was meant to be. However, sadly, that is not what we have today.

[-] 1 points by HenkVeen (46) from Utrecht, UT 13 years ago

It's all about wall street greed and not about overtrhrowing society. Freedom is not limitless. There are practical and moral lines, basic needs and interest of others and of our communities which you can not just simply discard out of self interest; for they are not just 'game rules': We do not live in a virtual world, we are real people, and there are real children living on the streets, dying out there, in the US, for no justifiable or other reason but the shere lack of proper health care and good housing. Life is not a movie or soap or competetion. It's all too real, and the thing now is, it's draining the light and lifeblood out of peoples hearts. It is also about corporate interest having gained way too much influence over politics through the media they own, through the donations they throw at candidates, which for them is profitable business to get their tax breaks, the majority can't ever compete with. Because they simply have not the money to spare, they need it for food and many are about to lose their homes if not already evicted. And these are pensioners as well, that worked long and hard all their lives. And it is also the amassed wealth which is clodding up the financial system, this is a classic economical problem, and the solution is not redistibution, but making core changes to let money once again do it's primary function: as a trade asset, a means to exchange goods for services, labour for food, etc.. It seems now it is a primitive means to measure status, the gameshow of power, to take as much of it out of rotation, to serve one self at the expence of family, society and community. Finaly, in this way, the financial system of 'making money with money' which is was never intended for, is impossible to maintain.