Forum Post: Karl Rove, you lost!
Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 8, 2012, 1:15 p.m. EST by KRLove
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How Stupid Are Karl Rove and Friends?
How stupid are Karl Rove and the kleptocrats who funded his organization? By selecting a Wall Street criminal as their candidate for president, they lost. They lost despite running against the worst president in the history of the United States. Karl Rove, you lost.
Sensible Americans refused to vote for a representative from the class that has been raping and pillaging the country for too long.
Karl Rove, you lost and that is one of the few good outcomes of the election of 2012.
And yet the Democrats selected a proven Wall St puppet and they won....
What a weird wild world we live in...
Obama does suck. It is quite amazing that Karl Rove needed billions to lose to such a lousy president. Karl, you might take that as a hint that you suck, too.
I think they look at it as just the cost of keeping the public feeling like this is actually a democracy at the federal level.
Who lost? Young people, all around the world, who are suffering under oppressive regimes and lost hope in the United States of America the moment President Obama was caught on an open mic whispering to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, “This is my last election. After my election, I have more flexibility.” To which Medvedev replied, “I understand, I will transmit this information to Vladimit (Putin).
we lost... The 99% are the ones now loosing under this inept administration. Our children lost; they will be left with the crushing debt of our short-sighted selfish decisions.
Karl Rove doesn't pick the players. And he can't control the actions of the stupid.
Karl Rove did pick Romney. Karl Rove set out to destroy Ron Paul. Well, Karl, you lost.
Romney was not my favorite, either. And Ryan was scarey.
All of today's (R)epelican'ts, teabagge(R)s and libe(R)tarians are scary.
All of them.