Forum Post: Just watch one, then hate me
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 22, 2011, 3:54 a.m. EST by Snoob
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The only politician who actually read, and understands, the Constitution. Ron paul is a "pro life" anti woman and anti choice wingnut, who thinks we should control womens bodies in order to end abortion. While i agree with the general principle of ending abortion, that should be done via social economic justice, not making laws that make a womans womb the property of the state.
This is not a right remedy, its a clown circus. While his list of things to do is mostly good, whats missing is obvious. No mention of universal single payer. No mention of getting corporations out of health care. no mention of getting rid of insurance companies.
Ron paul is pro corporation and pro republicanism and pro privatization. So the actual truth is that Ron pauls total positions on this aside from the ones he lists are an insane and evil batch of evil nonsense, which would seriously harm the American People. "legalizing sound money" means in essence returning to a gold standard. this idiot and others like him simply can not come to terms with the simple fact that there is not enough gold in the world to represent the money, by four order of magnitude. While I certainly agree that our money system is corrupt and broken, it is patently impossible to return to a gold standard- even putting this out there proves gross arrogant ignorance of simple absolute FACTS.
"allowing off shore drilling" which is a formula for death of our oceans, which would cost us a hundred billion dollars when that money would be better spent on geothermal power, in short ron paul is a shill for big oil and corporations, and has no regard for the truth about science facts regarding energy or a meaningful evolutionary energy path for our country.
"natural gas vehicles" again- ignorant, stupid, evil, there is no reason to have natural gas vehicles other than to trap people in natural gasconsumerism. we can go all electric and pay less than a dollar a year for electricity using geothermal and electric vehicles. Instead we have ignorant republicans clinging to assorted FUEL centered systems in order to keep us all addicted to those fuels.
"eliminating income and capital gains taxes" in other words, more tax breaks for the rich, more tax burden on the poor and middle class, more class warfare against the people. "A pro American Defense policy" We need a pro HUMAN defense policy, all this pro american stuff is THE PROBLEM.
"capital gains taxes punish you for success" no, they tax success fairly instead of letting the successful off the hook. These taxes are taxes rich people pay, so ron paul is fronting for RICH people- and trying to shift the tax burden onto the poor and middle class- and spinning and lying and propagandizing capital gains tax by calling it a "punishment"
Once again great insights, I'll educate myself on these matters more intently so I can make a more informed decision.
Does he? What happened during the deregulation of the banks when he, as a member of the banking committee, voted for it?
Ron Paul is a serious threat to the establishment. That's why.
Good counter argument. Straight and to the point.
thanks for saying that Ron
Ron paul on taxes fails to identify the original method used to deal with this and how it is written in the consitution which is that the cognress chall print and coin the money and regulate the value thereof. "Fair" tax is just an oligarch con scam to get their dupes to fight for ending income tax and shifting the tax burden to the poor and middle class.
Ron Paul is an isolationist extremist and a racist, and he does not offer leadership here outside of paranoid delusions and mandates to deal with immigration which could never be enforced. We need real immigration reform, fascism is not the kind of immigration reform that we need.
Ron paul is a corporate shill and a tool for "free market capitalism" in fact he stands for many things that OWS absolutely opposes, he believes that we have a free market system and that it comes up with solutions. Thats nonsense. We have a caste war system which has kept the solutions off the table, and thats all that he does here; keep the solutions off the table while offering us free market capitalism as a nonsensical non solution.
"In fact, much of the “pain at the pump” Americans are now feeling is due to federal policies designed by environmental alarmists " It is not being an alarmist to point out the fact of ecological meltdown due to useing fossil fuels. Hes calling us NAMES in order to invalidate us, when hes the ignorant corporate shill. "to punish traditional energy production – like oil, coal, and natural gas" all of which should have been simply ended 50 years ago when they became obsolete, or at least 40 years ago when we KNEW from HARD SCIENCE that needed to be done. " – in hopes of making energy sources they favor more “economical.” The absolute lie here is stunning. the reverse is whats going on. he and other evil pricks are keeping far more economically viable solutions off thetable by waging an information war and lying to the public about what is and is not viable and true and real about energy.
"* Eliminate the ineffective EPA. Polluters should answer directly to property owners in court for the damages they create – not to Washington."
On THIS point alone, ron paul is clearly a mad man. How are we going to hold them accountable the laws his corproate cronies hav made make it almost impossible for us to hold them accountable, now he wants to remove the EPA?
He is a stupid evil mad man, period.
"* Repeal the federal tax on gasoline. Eliminating the federal gas tax would result in an 18 cents savings per gallon for American consumers." and in essence amounts to subsidizing gas, when we should be taxing the heck out of it in order to push to get off of it.
"It’s time for a President that recognizes the free market’s power and innovative spirit by unleashing its full potential to produce affordable, " all of his options listed and his total energy strategy are for continued consumerist energy- not renewable green cheap energy- hes keeping us trapped in expensive energy.
"environmentally sound," there is nothing environmentally sound about any of this, in fact ron paul is a walkingecological disaster. " and reliable energy." and these consumerist forms of energy must deplete and thus are not reliable, in fact they must run out- so sooner or later we MUST go to renewable forms of energy.
EVERY detail of this presentation is WRONG and EVIL shilling FOR corporations.
Those are some very good and well thought out points. I appreciate your insights.
lol I dont hate you, however not once have I heard this guy do a critical analysis of this situation. He boasts hi own point of view well, he however does not support any of his ideas against reality.
I have posted 3 C-SPAN videos in the above, watch the very first link where he talks to Bernanke. This is a very a critical analysis of the situation, and this is the reality.
I'm not here to advocate he's a saint, or even that you should vote for him. I'm just here to educate people, and a lot of the truths, the "realities," are presented clearly in his debates/interviews/speeches.
All I suggest to people is just watch one all the way through, you might learn a thing or two, even if you don't like the guy.
critical analysis means taking all factors into consideration. He is good at simplifying but bad at meta analysis
Our country was founded on the principles he preaches, we lived for centuries with his critical thinking. What factors are there to take into consideration? The truth of the matter is he's saying "hey look, we tried it your way for less than a century now, and we experienced some of the worst depressions, some of the worst corruption and greed. Lets go back to our roots and rebuild what we once had."
JFK argued the same points, and when he was president Americans felt salvation, revered him, and that's before his unfortunate end.
Also part of being a politician is you don't know every single factor of every single situation. All you can do is study the past, learn from it, and build on it to help shape the future.
Our country was founded on Slavery, indentured servitude, and child labor. I hope he doesnt preach these......
You're right though his views are a bit extreme, and I personally agree with you.
None-the-less he doesn't make the rules, congress does. Even if he is elected, congress won't implement his more radical ideas.
With that said, he is the ONE person with peoples interests in mind, he cares about the people, that much you can tell by his videos.
Why elect someone whom will continue us down the path of destruction when we can elect someone who, in the very least, will fight for our freedoms?
Just food for thought, I appreciate the healthy debate.
I dont understand why people dont think our current president has our best interest at heart. He has done so much to try to fix the system, but the people dont support his efforts and the ones with the money win out every time simply because they get you to believe the lies against him
I also appreciate healthy debate where we can express our views without belittling ourselves with insults.
These are just some examples, and yes there is fundamental bias, theories, and conspiracies. But in each there are facts, and together they beg the question, does he really have our best interests at heart?
If I tell you that drinking to much water causes your cells to explode so water is bad for you, would you believe me? The first statement is true, you can look it up if you want, the second statement is horribly misguided at best and a straight lie at worst.
No but when my own president is willing the break the very laws that he swore to protect, I question his motives entirely.
If I am not entitled to challenge him, then there is no point in a debate because your mind is already made up.
Citing original sources what laws did he break. Let me guess you still think he isnt american too......You can challenge him, never said you shouldnt. Im just asking for original sources.
The question here is "No STATE" meaning a govenor cannot enter into war. This has nothing to do with the president. This is talking about the rights of the states within the republic regarding foreign affairs.
Haha, no I believe he is an American.
No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.
Bush was guilty of this, Clinton was guilty of this, Obama is guilty of this.
One other thing, just wanted to ask what people? In your words, how is anything he would implement moving forward even relatively relate to this countries founding, which is seeped in blood?
So just because it was seeped in blood we should, instead of appreciating the insight to people whom learned the value of life, thus ignore it?
What people? the people whom wrote the Declaration of Independence, the people who wrote the Bill of Rights, but more importantly, the people whom created the Constitution of the United States of America.
Now I'll grant you that it is a bit naive to think we can even remotely state what the founding fathers would say about America today. After all times have in fact changed a great deal, knowledge and science have progressed to unimaginable technology, and the world has shrunk to milliseconds.
Needless to say the founding fathers DID create a system that has PROVEN to work, that is fact. Now I'll grant you that it is not a perfect system, and at the time certain immoral, and unjust practices were still legal. But we have learned from those mistakes, fixed them.
However we went to far, we started to fix things that didn't need fixed, started to abuse technology for personal gains. Grew lazy and complacent, and adopted ideologies that in time will just hurt us, not help us.
Point being the system is clearly grown to complex, it is simply broken. So the best thing we can do is go back to what we know does work, something, that even though isn't perfect, will ensure a future exists so we can try new things, find our own solutions, solve our own problems.
the old system doesnt work
All you can do is study the past, learn from it, and build on it to help shape the future.
A mistake is only made when you refuse to learn, and fix it.
I agree, however I dont feel Ron Paul understands the past if he feels we need to return to its fundamentals. There is much that we dont understand about how our world works. We need to educate ourselves on the facts and leave opinions out of our critical thinking processes.
I agree, education is the most important fact of life, without it we can not progress.
With that said even if Ron Paul doesn't truly understand the past, he understands human compassion. He understands the pain of the average American, he understands where it comes from.
Even if he doesn't know exactly how to fix it, he can in the very least, get things moving in the correct direction. Congress and the Senate can weed out his extreme policies, and they will.
The compassion of his supporters at the recent debate that cheered "let him die" with regards to an injured man without insurance? The determination that the state has no moral mandate - exactly his position - is not compassionate, even if he personally seems so.
I googled this to get my facts straight because, well I didn't want to make an uneducated retort.
In point of fact, it was tea par-tiers that were chanting it, not Ron Paul supporters. Ron Paul simply stated that it up to the communities to save the man, as he himself did before time and time again. (yes he's old, but also wise).
It takes more than compassion to run a country. He will be able to accomplish even less than our current president without understanding government. If you like him cause he has a nice personality I will respect that, however I dont think that personality alone qualifies one for the presidency.
It does take more than compassion clearly. And lets be realistic, no one really knows what the presidency is like until you become president. We can all guess, assume, presume, estimate, etc, but every past president says it's not what they expected.
And I'm not necessarily going to vote for him, I'm working on understanding politics more and getting more active so I can make a better, and more informed decision.
Things in the country are clearly wrong and one thing the OWS brought to everyone is awareness. Debates, websites, ideas, are popping up everywhere and is becoming part of every day life. I support the movement full heartily and as it grows I would like to grow with it.
In order to achieve this I must educate, challenge my knowledge and thoughts, and so here I am. I appreciate all and every insight and I ignore no facts, or opinions. Hat off to you sir, I appreciate the civility.
Of course. I am open as well. I didnt get involved until I took an American Government class in college and I had to read these bill and write reports interpreting them and their consequences. We were no allowed to use opinion pieces we had to use original documents. What I read and what I was hearing was two different things. The media has really twisted his presidency and that twisting gets allot of fuel from sheer racism. I really feel bad for him, and even worse about America.
Don't get me wrong he's getting stonewalled by both congress and the senate. Both political status and race are more than likely big factors. And many just want to watch him (and help him) fail.
With that said he really hasn't proved to me, outside those point of facts, that he is good for the country (though his bringing home the troops is a huge helping hand). On top of that, if people are going to let the country burn because of who he is, how does that help my children? It's not his fault, but it's not my kids fault either.
Now I think we can both agree that a majority of the problems lie in the congress. They control the laws and the money, and money is power, and power corrupts. We can debate these philosophies till the end of time.
And since we are the ones that elect our officials, the truth of the matter is the problem is us. At the same time statistically candidates win 90% of their elections if they put up more money for their campaign than their opponent. So corporations front the money to the candidates, whom want to maintain their position, and threaten to lose that money if they don't get in bed with the corporations.
So, regardless of American complacency, ignorance, what ever you will call it, statistically corrupt people are more likely to get voted into congress than the average joe with peoples best interests.
So what is the underlying problem, what is the one demand? Get money out of politics.
Sorry I know I had no consistency, no real point, just wanted to get that off my chest.