Forum Post: Just throwing this out there
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 10, 2011, 3:58 a.m. EST by vjeanne
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I assume many of the people who participate on this forum are familiar with the Zeitgeist movement and the Venus Project. I think there are many great ideas there that can be harnessed by the energy of this movement and taken forward. Given that we live in a monetary system, I have heard a lot about questioning the transition to any kind of system that would resemble the end goals (economically) put forth by TZM or VP.
Well, here's your backing.
If OWS and the patriotic millionaires can agree that helping people understand why tax increases on wealthy individual INCOME is very important, the funding by patriotic millionaires to help OWS spread that message could be very effective.
(It would be a good idea to recruit funding from any person, wealthy or not, but the fact that such a group as that exists shows the fertile ground for that kind of cooperation.)
OWS is very good at helping to broach topics in the public space. Everywhere I look I see people questioning the causes and implications of vast income disparity. People are understanding that unequal distribution of resources (by way of money) leads to social unrest -- it is systemic. The more that narrative circulates, the more power it will collect.
Another thing that would help would be using Wikileaks, or other whistle-blower sites to leak documents that would aid in any and all investigations behind mortgage fraud, insider trading, or general financial scumminess. If OWS could help corporations and fraudulent billionaires get prosecuted for their actions and alert more people to their crimes (helping to inform effective regulation perhaps?), well that's a win for 100%.
The ideas are out there -- the door may yet be open to us to affect legislative policy. That alone could help ease the burden from the poor and lower classes on the road toward more sustainability.
Protesters in general these days end up spending most of their time guarding against police evictions. I love the societies you have built -- I have visited them many times. I think they could grow better without constant threat of interruption. We need places people can go to that are sustainable so the idea of defecting off the current system becomes viable, or at least reduces their dependency on institutions that are grossly inefficient.
Keep having the conversation! Societies are the emergent characteristics of its individuals. There is a feedback loop taking place always and all of us are capable of influencing it in interesting ways. Thank you for your participation.
I was about to log off, before I noticed this....I'm too tired to input, but I just wanted to say THAN-YOU. Keep up the good work!
Remember rule #2.
Encourage good posts!
The Revolution starts here!
I'm just curious... does Germany tax its millionaires at a higher rate? In terms of a mutual productivity they seem to be relatively successful; are they reliant of the Euros of the rich?