Forum Post: Just stay home
Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 22, 2012, 12:42 p.m. EST by pudge
from Moffat, CO
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
An illegal and immoral war or wars, inadequate health care, dissolving education, destruction of the Bill of Rights, complete moral collapse; Can we do anything about these and other serious issues? December 21, 2012; it is time for a national strike. It is time for a natural strike. Everyone should go on strike starting 12-21-12 and just stay home. No marching, no occupying, no work, no school, no shopping, just stay home. Stay home and paint that spare room, clean the kitchen, read a book, write a book, but just stay home. If you just stay home they, whoever they may be, cannot tear-gas you, or put you in jail or shoot you. Just stay home for eleven days, till the first of the year. Just stay home. Why not? You have done everything else from demonstrations to turning blind eyes. Do you really think you have a say in this democratic republic? Let your silence speak out. Let your absence be conspicuous. If people are ever going to catch the ears of our leaders there must first be a great silence. They do not exist without the people and if the people just stay home those who have betrayed us will begin to fade; listen for the cries of desperation. Dec. 12, the Winter Solstice, what better time to take a little time off and catch up on your contemplation and self-realization. The date was already popular with astrologists and meteorologists, and for years it’s been getting a lot of press and investigation over the Mayan cylinder ending. So why not make an event out of it. Just stay home until the first of the year, and consider your place in world being ruled by a handful of obscenely wealthy people, or stay home and clean the garage. Just stay home. Jesus would, so would the Buddha’s and Mohammed, not to mention Gandhi already did.
Just stay home 12-21-12 thru 1-1-13. 122112
You gotta do this with PEACE, LOVE AND PICKELED EGGS or enough food of choice for eleven days and a good book.
Just stay home!