Forum Post: Just Read It!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 2:50 a.m. EST by dzel08
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Official days should be made to try to monetarily hurt the finical district. It's not just enough to march around in the finical district but to actually get your opinions across through legal action would effect them tremendously and getting the message broadcasted. OWS officials should strategically pick days were those interested in the movement internationally or within our borders stop using credit cards, don't purchase gas, try to take money out of big banks and place them in credit unions or smaller locally owned banks. OWS isn't just a movement it's a lifestyle if people want to see this change take place we need to make changes in our daily life. Start shopping with smaller locally owned businesses, spend as less as possible, switch from a huge branch to a smaller branch. Also stop just protesting in the finical districts.. If the media refuses to go to movement bring the movement to them. Force them to film and rely your message. It's time to be smart we have the world listening and watching us. Lets take the necessary steps to actually bring this change about. Yes it will take time and Yes it will not be an easy task and Yes it has only just begun but we are the 99% and we will not allow the 1% to control us through a failing systematic government. We are America one of the greatest countries this word has ever seen lets take back whats ours and together get rid of all the acting in politics get rid of the lobbyists who are constantly in our government officials ears. Lets make the unions stronger and jobs ore bountiful. Lets create a country we can be proud to bring our future generations up in. Lets make a change. I can be contacted at this repression by our government needs to end and I am willing to help in any way that I can.
Mm, when it comes to the oil companies, it'll be a little harder; Considering oil is used in practically everything. Pulling out of banks however, is more doable. You don't have to go to Bank of America to get loans. I've been given a choice of taking loans from lesser known banks like Sally Mae for example.
I agree...the wallet is the front line in this battle BUT we can do something constructive on a political level:
In my opinion, the heart of the issue is campaign finance reform. We need to have all political campaigns funded by the taxpayers from a separate fund. An amount would be designated say: 50 million dollars or 25 or whatever is a reasonable amount to actually travel and give speeches, and provide security for the candidates etc. And that NO OTHER MONEY be used, and that any contribution from ANY private donor big or small be made unlawful. AND REMOVE SPECIAL INTEREST LOBBIES from Washington. THEN we can begin to re-center American Democracy around the electoral process and the actual WILL of the people. Right now, politicians tell their "constituents" what they want to hear and make all of the promises they need to make, and then, newly elected (or re-elected) arrive in Washington and are immediately cornered and overwhelmed by all of the special interests that actually funded their campaign and dictate policy, and these politicians no longer connect "doing the will of the people" with "being a successful politician." Campaign financing and the lobbyists who OWN Washington, and every politician on both sides of the so-called “aisle” in their back pockets: THIS is the straw that is stirring this corrupt drink right now. Our leaders no longer need to act in the interests of the people they serve. Moreover, it is actually political suicide for them to do so. THAT, I feel, is a good "starting point" for one of this beautiful and exhilarating movement's central demands. REFORM CAMPAIGN FINANCE and ELIMINATE LOBBYISTS from Washington now...
Easy as pie to hurt the oil company. I just sold my big ass, gas guzzling SUV for a small sedan. I will save $3,000 / yr. I reduced shopping runs from once every week to once every two weeks. Also using more public transportation. If everyone reduce their oil/gas consumption this will lower the demand even more and will lead to lowering of gas price. This will make a big dent in their pocket.