Forum Post: just no clue or focus
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 19, 2011, 12:15 p.m. EST by soulice
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Hey OWS, get a clue and a cause or take your iPad and go home.
No one disputes the fact that fat bonuses to the bankers with our money was wrong, but keeping members of the 99% from getting to their jobs is more wrong. There is only one place you should be with this protest and that is the White House. Get a clue, grow up and go to the source. Or are you actually too politically left to do so? No different than the Black Caucus when they said "if this prez was white they would have called for impeachment by now." Go strong or go home!
Where are all the protest against actors & athletes making exorbitant incomes?
Yes, will this generation of people who are trying to get things changed in the world please, please stop the neurotic behavior, swearing and jumping all over the place like insane people before you get squashed by the banking world.
You need to have an organized structure with a solid mandate.. or else you will LOOSE the battle.
Forum Post: Does everyone have the forum search link?
Posted 8 minutes ago on Nov. 13, 2011, 12:46 a.m. EST by fredastaire This content is user submitted and not an official statement
this helps
this is a tread to organize forum Topics by category
Your post proves your point: you are without a clue. Thanks for sharing.
typical, reply without substance.
Just like your original post. Thanks for sharing, again.
Then reply to some of my points. Share with me your goal and purpose.
It's all in the open if you would take the time to read it.
You know I read the first...and I read through all the points, and wanted to comment on each. Problem is could not even get past the first 2. Whether ot not the bank as the original mortgage is irrelevant if you are not making your payments! Period. I am under water and bust my ass every day to make it. Second point, goes to my original post...go tell Washington, they gave out the money. If you needed $50 bucks to stave off a loan shark and I gave you $100 to get by, I can't tell you how to spend it. Now if the law allowed me to tell you how to spend it and I didnt, whose fault....mine. So again go to the White House and make yourself heard.
The White House and congress don't listen to you or me, they serve those who shower them with boatloads of cash.
We have the very best government that money can buy.
you really showed us...
What I am showing you is what the real 99% feels when we see you on tv. I was furious with the bailouts, no matter who signed them, but screaming at the walls of citibank, preventing people from getting to their jobs so they can feed their family and camping in a public park (illegal no matter who you are) is not the way to get real support. Go to D.C. and put up a real protest.