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Forum Post: Just keep on keeping on - you're doing fine so far

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 2, 2011, 9:13 a.m. EST by dreddog (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

First and above all remain true to the essential character of your movement and to yourselves as individuals. One lesson that this movement has taught the world is that you don't need a comprehensive strategy and enabling resources to start something. And once started ... anything can happen. Follow your own impulses .. you're doing fine so far. Resist any influence that limits your growth particularly your own tendency to control what you have created - this movement can make you into what it needs you to be. Let it. And above all remain true to the essential character of your movement and to yourselves as individuals. God bless you all.



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[-] 1 points by joewealthyhaha (152) 13 years ago

yes, history has many examples of directionless efforts, with no clear initial strategy or "enabling resources." The 19th century Donner party comes to mind. Lets hope the fools at Zucotti Park don't resort to cannibalism.