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Forum Post: Just don't call it Socialism!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 4, 2011, 1:22 p.m. EST by picaman (14)
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We need a system the recognizes that the welfare of the individual and the success of business are not mutually exclusive.



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[-] 2 points by JonathanKlondowski (31) from Bangor, ME 13 years ago

"The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money”. Margaret Thatcher

I hate to point this out to you kids, but socialist economies are falling apart all over the world, and you want to emulate them?

Get a clue.

[-] 1 points by Cafree (80) 13 years ago

Canada's economy is better than the U.S. right now. We didn't have to bail out anybody "too big to fail" either.

[-] 0 points by DrSmith (2) 13 years ago

Actually, Johnny-Boy, if you do some research, you'll find that Socialist governments in place like Denmark, Sweden, and Norway have more secure banking systems than the US at this point, and their economies are strong too. Boo-Ya Johnny-Boy!

[-] 1 points by JonathanKlondowski (31) from Bangor, ME 13 years ago

Oh really? Let's see, we'll take Norway as an example.

Norway has a 95% tax rate, they also will collect debts from a deceased debtor's family (even children), They have socialized medicine, but their waiting lists are even longer than those in England and Canada.

so even in your example, the demands that this pathetic excuse for a group has made wouldn't even fly.

But getting back to the real point.

Greece, Germany, Spain, Portugal, even Italy are all socialist countries, and all are falling apart because of the debt that they have incurred.

So, go back to 1992 with your "Boo-Ya" and learn a few things before you pretend to be an intellectual.

[-] 1 points by DrSmith (2) 13 years ago

I don't think that I pointed out "Greece, Germany, Spain, Portugal, even Italy" as examples of great socialist economies, just Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. In those countries, you may be forced to suffer "state-sponsored health care", but at least you and your family won't have to declare bankruptcy when one of you gets sick. I'd wait for surgery if it meant that I could keep my house and not end up in the poor house.

Oh but, I'm sure that everybody up there in Bangor is very happy with their health care and nobody ever missed a mortgage payment or had their property foreclosed on because of a little thing like an enormous medical bill...

If you want to discuss debt, well I guess the USA has some experience with incurring debt right?

But alas, you have uncloaked me for the "fake intellectual" that I am. Guess I'll just chuck those engineering and business degrees that I earned back in the 90's in the shredder, put on my parachute pants, and head down to Wall Street to protest with the other losers.

[-] 0 points by pariscommune (205) 13 years ago

because socialist economies dont want to compete with you working for 7 bucks an hour. thats not what they were made for and if they have to compete with that on the world market and thus put their own people to cheap labour and military service might aswell go back to capitalism, thats the story of socialism. capitalism attacked socialism with everything: hitlers big war and making atomic bombs, low prices for commodities by cheap labour on the world market, boycotts and indoctrinating young fools to hate socialism, productivity race by keeping people on low standards. and you, the idiot, the average worker, who is the means to this "success" blames socialism for not working. good job bro.

[-] 2 points by JonathanKlondowski (31) from Bangor, ME 13 years ago

Hey Spanky, Hitler was a Socialist. He was a progressive liberal socialist at that. So, your opening statement is not only flat wrong, it is horrible twisted and misinformed. Hitler conslidated power in the government and used that power to remove those that he didn't agree with from the market. He then convinced the simpleminded (read that as liberals) he was going to save them from the economy and then he took more power, and more power, and more power... kinda like what your "demands" are asking for.

Socialist economies are what created "free trade" and allowed companies to export jobs and import goods cheaply. So yet another of your statements are flat wong, you're not batting too well are you?

Socialist economies allowed governments to take over a sector of an ecomony and destroy other people who were operating in it. Thereby driving up costs and lowering quality.

So, either you are a pathological liar, or you are COMPLETELY misinformed, which is it?

[-] 1 points by pariscommune (205) 13 years ago

hitler was a socialist? then why did he attack the udssr when all other socialists organized in the udssr? shouldnt they got along with each other splendidly just like the rest of the socialists? how was profit and wage still the same as in every other capitalist country and not planned by the state like in all other socialist countries, how was national socialism never a planned economy? why did he change nothing in the economy itself except forcing everyone to work, why was private property still the state reason? what are my demands then if you know them? tell me who is misinformed, you take hitlers national socialism which is actually fascism as socialism.. then tell me why all the socialist were anti-fascists and capitalist elites keep adoring hitler even today for his efficiency and supported him back in the days?

[-] 1 points by JonathanKlondowski (31) from Bangor, ME 13 years ago

He was a socialist son, like it or not, he was a socialist.

As for the USSR, they were socialist, and they had no real problem with taking over other countries, did they? So where you got the idea that "they got along with each other splendidly" is beyond me.

No one "adores" Hitler for his efficiency. He was one of the most inefficient leaders in the history of the world. His military logistics caused his downfall because he refused to delegate authority. The only people that "adore" Hitler are racists that want to disguise their racism by talking about his nonexistant efficiency...

Oh, and learn to type, reading your post is almost impossible.

[-] 1 points by pariscommune (205) 13 years ago

you learn to argue. if you want to argue hitler was a socialist then you have to name important/elementary phenomena from the socialist system and say nazis did that too. i did that, you did not. socialism with private property... get a basic education in political economy id say.

[-] 1 points by JonathanKlondowski (31) from Bangor, ME 13 years ago

Then go back to my original post, your short term memory seems to be slipping... and PLEASE learn to write.

[-] 1 points by pariscommune (205) 13 years ago

you go tell those guys they live in socialism and get a good laugh at yourself bro.

[-] 2 points by williamforstrength (16) 13 years ago

I agree. Thank you. Labeling this movement socialist will not win the hearts and minds of America.

[-] 1 points by JonathanKlondowski (31) from Bangor, ME 13 years ago

Don't worry, no matter what you call it, your movement will never win the hearts and minds of America. Have you seen your schizophrenic and childish "demands"?

[-] 1 points by luciferaseglow (1) 13 years ago

Wow, why are you even bothering with trashing this if it is so beneath you? Why don't you, ya know, contribute something worthwhile as to how things can be run better. What's your idea? Deregulation so that we can have another depression? That sounds fun.

[-] 1 points by Cafree (80) 13 years ago

Oh gosh not this again. Wait lists in Canada? REALLY? Yes for some non emergent things. I am an American who has lived in Canada and whose father was a doctor and mom was a nurse in the U.S. I have some reference for comparing the two systems. The ONLY thing wrong with the Canadian system is when they try to copy the U.S. with a conservative government in power. I did not experience long wait lists and my son who was very ill there had five different specialists at Children's Hospital. They saved his life and worked together for his health for five years. I did not go bankrupt. I did not pay a red cent. I preferred their system by FAR over the system in the U.S. and here's a heads up. Since my dad was a doctor and mom was a nurse in the U.S. when I was growing up I got the BEST medical care. Yes, docs and nurses do know who is the best and get access for their family. I cannot believe some in the U.S. still think Canada is "socialist" and that people are dropping like flies up here because of wait lists. And here's a little clue for you all......more Americans come to Canada for health care than there are Canadians who have been south of the border for the same. When Canadians DO go south of he border their government will pay the cost if the person can prove no such treatment was available in Canada for them and that the treatment was warranted. The doc just fills out the forms for you. So before you go believing the b.s. about how awful it is in Canada or the system is failing there so we better keep the benevolent insurance industry we have snark and we would rather have our deny care than that old "socialist" care you need to visit one of these countries and get your facts directly from them.

Canada is in political terms, a federal state and a parliamentary democracy. It is also a constitutional monarchy. It is not a "socialist" state though it does have functions which could be considered a social democracy. Those calling it a "socialist" country are simply ignorant.

[-] 1 points by KarmaTinfoil (52) from Philadelphia, PA 13 years ago

Capitalism & the Free Market, are not Freedom. Their belief in money, is mind controlling you into believing that you SHOULD HAVE TO PAY to Exist on the Planet. "If you don't work, you don't eat" is ENEMY PROPAGANDA, meant to sway your heart & mind into thinking it's ok for you to let police, harm people for eating food & forcing them out of their home, if they don't continue to pay rent or their mortgage. We must end the Tyranny of money, for it rules us ALL, by buying, a gun, the powers that be, stick in your face. Please, try to PROVE ME WRONG, i need a good laugh today?

[-] 1 points by pariscommune (205) 13 years ago

actually thats socialism and its fault, socialism never had anything against business, why else would they have money, planned commodity production, state-planned profit and all that jazz? its exactly that idea which is still as wrong as it was when lenin made his new economy policy.

[-] 0 points by DrSmith (2) 13 years ago

The last time I checked Jesus Christ was a socialist and I understand that there are lots of followers of this guy in the US.

[-] 2 points by gadflydigital (180) from Wantagh, NY 13 years ago

Please, don't diminish the messages in the Bible by linking it to the so-called "religious" in our country. It requires a lifetime of studying to understand any religion, and, unfortunately most people don't even give the Bible a day of true and open thought before disenfranchising it or endorsing it.

[-] 1 points by sluggy (49) 13 years ago

Jesus wouldn't forcibly take my money against my will, then give my money to you, so you can decide who is deserving of it.

[-] 1 points by picaman (14) 13 years ago

Yes, I agree he was, and he does, unfortunately they are willfully ignorant of that fact. The label does not work in this particular time/place.

[-] 0 points by JeffKnox (4) from Alva, FL 13 years ago

Right! Checkout www.sophocracy.com and send link to your contacts.