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Forum Post: Just curious - are you concerned about govt/corporate disinformation?

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 15, 2011, 8:58 p.m. EST by joonior (2)
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As the title says, I'm curious if individuals here, as well as OWS itself are concerned with the strong possibility of some members here (heck, even myself) possibly being government/corporate plants? Perhaps it's being a little too paranoid but I'd think it a great strategy on their side; spread false information or whatever via this and similar sites.

Either way, I'd like to say I very much appreciate the organization of fellow blue-collars for such a worthwhile cause. Passing through Chicago I saw some picketers - I didn't even know Chicago had any - and it made we want to help out.

Thanks and good luck!



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[-] 2 points by Spengbab (5) 13 years ago

Absolutely, and it wouldn't be the first time that it's been done. There was a story a few years ago about corporations and political parties (even the CIA) editing Wikipedia to be more favorable to them. The solution is to call out BS as you see it. If you see or hear somebody advocating a violent revolution to install a socialist dictatorship, or implying the Jews control Wall Street, or just plain being an idiot, say something. Get your friends to say something- there's strength in numbers. Do what this guy did: http://www.salon.com/2011/10/12/anti_semite_gets_called_out_at_occupy_wall_st/ Even if they aren't a plant (and not all of them are, unfortunately), we have to show the world that that's not who we are. Remember, you might not think that one stupid person is that big a deal, but Rush Limbaugh certainly will.

[-] 1 points by ARod1993 (2420) 13 years ago

Honestly, it's not going to affect my posting habits whether people are plants or not. If I have something to say that I feel people could benefit from hearing I'll post it, and I'll try to engage anyone who replies to me in levelheaded discussion. If I have to deal with hate speech, trolling, bullshit, etc. then I'll stand my ground civilly and e-mail the abuse account if it gets too bad, whether it's coming from plants or from people who need mental help (or a swift kick in the ass). I figure the same goes for mods; if speech is outrageous or excessively abusive then take it down regardless of where it comes from.

[-] 0 points by Rico (3027) 13 years ago

Sure, but "disinformation" isn't the same as "I don't agree with it."

I support OWS, but I have ALSO posted a lot of material that I think people should understand if they are to be effective. I always post my sources, and they are GOOD sources (not links to a guy on YouTube who agrees with me).

Unfortunately, many people respond "Troll! Shill!" when they see information that contradicts their cherished opinions, even when the source is irrefutable (i.e. a pointer to the US LAW showing the Federal Reserve is NOT a private bank).