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Forum Post: Just a troll asking a honest question....

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 24, 2011, 4:46 p.m. EST by blkflg (98)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Well, it's been just a little over the 1 month and a lot has been accomplished by OWS. We need to let the world know what we have done so can anyone, someone please put up a list of the accomplishments archived by OWS? How many banks have we shut down? How many corporations have we closed? How many people, politicians and CEO's have we brought to justice? The world needs to know.



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[-] 6 points by bobonit (59) 13 years ago

We got paranoid’s like you hanging out on the computer all day long trying to downplay the movement with stupidity

[-] 2 points by CarlaW (67) 13 years ago

They really do seem to be freaked out

Look how they try to stop OWS What is their fear

[-] -1 points by blkflg (98) 13 years ago

I do what I can for the little people. I don't think the movement is stupid, just silly. How can any of you expect things to change when you all can't even agree on what it is that you are protesting? You have no leader, no organizational scheme and no clear direction as to where u think this movement is going. Talk minus action equals zero. A movement with out direction or a plan or a leader is no movement...it's just a bunch of people thinking they r doing something great. They have you where they want you...in a park so they can keep tabs on you while it's business as usual in American....again talk minus action equals zero.

[-] 1 points by bobonit (59) 13 years ago

Please tell us what you do for the little people. It looks like you are grasping at straws

You don't have a valid argument so you make stuff up

What's next, the name calling

You just can't let this go because you know you are starting to look pretty silly. That's all part of the righty profile

[-] 0 points by blkflg (98) 13 years ago

So I am making stuff up? Who is the leader of the OWS? Can you tell me? Who has the money that OWS has raised and who has the money that has been donated? Who is the person that communicates and calls the shot to organize all the OWS protests across the country and world? R the donations at OWS in Oakland being pooled with OWS in NYC for good of the movement? I'm not making stuff up, just asking for answers....can you tell me? Can you? Can any of you?

[-] 1 points by bobonit (59) 13 years ago

Yeah answer this lightin'

Who gives a fuck about your questions?

I want to know what you do for the little people and I want to know now!!!!!

Don't make me jump through this monitor and make you my woman

[-] 1 points by blkflg (98) 13 years ago

sounds yummy

[-] 1 points by Notconfusedanymore (62) 13 years ago

Occupy Wall Street teamed up with the Alliance For Global Justice, a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit group, to receive tax-deductible donations.

[-] 1 points by blkflg (98) 13 years ago

WOW.......man that is huge....but you still didn't answer not one of my questions....try again. No response is the same as admitting that you can't answer my questions....but to answer u would have to know the answers first.

[-] 1 points by Notconfusedanymore (62) 13 years ago

I came here looking for the same answers as you. No one could answer my questions either. Still waiting.

[-] 1 points by blkflg (98) 13 years ago

So there ya go....finally.....thank you. PLEASE let me know when u do find out....until then please return to protesting......what ever it is your protesting and for who ever it is your protesting for. I can assure you this, that there are people in the OWS higher levels that r making serious money off you guys.....that just how it is...it's the American way. If no is telling u where the money is going then the OWS is no better than the greedy organizations u say r in the wrong.

[-] 1 points by MyHeartSpits (448) 13 years ago

There are very few people from the actual NYC Occupy here on these forums. Maybe you should go and ask them in person?

[-] 1 points by blkflg (98) 13 years ago

They can read....but they will not reply to the questions.

[-] 1 points by jbell78 (152) 13 years ago

They do read some of the stuff on the NYCGA (tab above). I think it's ridiculous that all of these things are still left a mystery "on purpose".

When OWS disbands, a few people will walk away with a nice chunk of change.

[-] 3 points by RantCasey (782) from Saginaw, MI 13 years ago

The protest isn't trying to shut banks down it's trying to get them regulated. And let's say if the protests accomplished that. They would quit protesting. Why do you think they are still out there?? This question is ignorant on so many levels??? Not saying this is the American revolution but was that taken care of in one short month??? No ? Movements take time.

[-] 1 points by blkflg (98) 13 years ago

So how long will you stay involved if there is no visible change? R u willing to go the distance? 6 months, 9 months, a year, 2 years.....r u gonna go the distance?

[-] 1 points by RantCasey (782) from Saginaw, MI 13 years ago

Til I die. Iv been against corporate greed for a long time now. Til the situation gets better. You have an obligation as a citizen to fight injustice til you are dead.

[-] 1 points by blkflg (98) 13 years ago

So u will fight it till u die and u have been against corp greed for a long time but u didn't take to the street until the OWS thing started....how very revolutionary of u. U my friend r a true patriot....a lazy patriot but a patriot non the less...I guess.

[-] 1 points by RantCasey (782) from Saginaw, MI 13 years ago

I don't protest at wall st. Been to one protest there but I go to wherever I am locally. Two I actively volunteer at my parties rallies I send letters to politicians. I'm sure people do much more then me but I try. I don't go crying on other groups political sites as a troll trying to argue.

[-] 1 points by blkflg (98) 13 years ago

I do commend you for what u do. Locally is where change can b made and not in some park where they have u where they want u and can keep tabs on u. NO ONE cares that OWS is protesting there because it isn't doing anything other than keeping like minded people together.

[-] 1 points by RantCasey (782) from Saginaw, MI 13 years ago

Maybe you are right maybe you are wrong, More needs to be done then protest. I just hope the protest brings people together and wakes them up to realise something has to be done. A lot more has to happen for that. But this is the start the finish is the hard part ask the tea party.

[-] 1 points by blkflg (98) 13 years ago


[-] 2 points by rustyshackleford (10) 13 years ago

L.A. decided to cut ties with banks associated with financial wrongdoing. There you go.

[-] 1 points by blkflg (98) 13 years ago

I believe those banks r still open for business....right?

[-] 2 points by JQcitizen (125) from Houghton, MI 13 years ago

Is that oxymoronic?

It took the founding fathers years to get their grievances together and work through the various alternatives. You want to give OWS a whole month.

I guess you'll just have to let your inquiring mind dangle in suspense a bit longer.

[-] 1 points by blkflg (98) 13 years ago

The founding fathers also gave up their land, businesses, families and their lives.....r u really comparing yourself to the founding fathers of this country? What have u sacrificed....what have u walked away from for your revolution? Will u give your life for OWS?

[-] 1 points by JQcitizen (125) from Houghton, MI 13 years ago

They never planned to. They just wanted to ask that the government enforce their rights, which were being violated. If you can't see the similarity, there is no sense talking about it.

Go watch Fox news. So much for an honest question. BTW yes a troll asking anhonest question is oxymoronic. Thank you for the demonstration.

Now, talk to the hand...

[-] 1 points by blkflg (98) 13 years ago

SO is that a yes to giving your life for the OWS? I'm still confused on that one.

[-] 2 points by MJMorrow (419) 13 years ago

1) OWS has demonstrated that men and women of all walks of life can unite against corruption, criminality and joblessness, for over a month. If they can do it a month, they can do it a thousand months.

2) OWS, as a growing protest movement, is part of an emerging and enduring Global protest movement; uniting humans from around the World, against, corruption, criminality and joblessness.

3)The lack of establishing a single issue, has created a broad appeal for the movement and has established true ambiguity. Fearful Executives and I-Bankers are hiring private security. This month tested the commitment of the US Government to the American people. Executives need private security, because the US Government is not going to smash the protest movement. Therefore the US Government has already demonstrated to Wall Street, that I-Bankers can expect to lose ground, over the long haul. After all, protests tend to end in reform or authoritarianism. The US Government is not moving to establish a military authority, so reform will be the likely outcome. This is good for protestors to know, this early in the game.

[-] 1 points by blkflg (98) 13 years ago

So basically OWS has done nothing. I hate to tell you but high profile CEO's already had security details long before OWS started a drum circle. Talk minus action equals zero.

[-] 1 points by MJMorrow (419) 13 years ago

You don't believe in the power of the Global peace protest? You don't believe in OWS? Keep an open mind, you may be surprised by the power of the people and the sensible pragmatism of our elected officials. Our Government is a pretty good Government, at the end of the day, through flawed. In time, I am confident that we will see reforms; through a combination of regulation and incentive, we will see the mitigation of corruption and criminality and experience a period of high paying career growth, a new American Century.

[-] 1 points by blkflg (98) 13 years ago

Maybe....just maybe

[-] 2 points by CarlaW (67) 13 years ago

I see your follower chiming in

Why do you want OWS movemvent to fail?

What do you get out of their failure

[-] 1 points by blkflg (98) 13 years ago

What r u going to get out of spending weeks on end for nothing? Standing in a park and marching up and down the street will get nothing done. Talk minus action equal zero.

[-] 1 points by CarlaW (67) 13 years ago

I like watching you paranoid control freak righties make fools of yourselves

It's like ground hog day over and over

[-] 1 points by blkflg (98) 13 years ago

I do what I can for the little people. I don't think the movement is stupid, just silly. How can any of you expect things to change when you all can't even agree on what it is that you are protesting? You have no leader, no organizational scheme and no clear direction as to where u think this movement is going. Talk minus action equals zero. A movement with out direction or a plan or a leader is no movement...it's just a bunch of people thinking they r doing something great. They have you where they want you...in a park so they can keep tabs on you while it's business as usual in American....again talk minus action equals zero.

[-] 1 points by thebeastchasingitstail (1912) 13 years ago

Jeez, you want banks shut down and corporations closed?

And in four weeks no less?


[-] 1 points by blkflg (98) 13 years ago

Just going on what I hear protesters saying they wanna do....talk minus action equals zero.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago



[-] 1 points by April (3196) 13 years ago

Accomplishments, among other things, even trolls are getting a voice. We have to take the bad with the good I guess. Trolls are the price we must pay to live in a free speech society. So there ya go!

[-] 1 points by blkflg (98) 13 years ago

WOW...ouch....u got me.....I see now how much of an impact u OWS'ers have....please stop....I give....I give!

[-] 1 points by frankchurch1 (839) from Jersey City, NJ 13 years ago

As I have said before, it took hundreds of years to end slavery, while we still have slavery in the Sudan and forms of slavery in other places. Activism doesn't have fast results, it takes several years, if not decades.

I see at least a 25 year window for any meaningful change, but that would take organizing the general public, not just our base.

[-] 1 points by blkflg (98) 13 years ago

25 years is a long time to sleep on a park....but I wish you all the best.

[-] 1 points by frankchurch1 (839) from Jersey City, NJ 13 years ago

It would go beyond a park..lol

We have to convince the public of these things, since we need them for social change. The powerful will not change a thing.

The majority of Americans don't even know we exist. Sad truth.

[-] 1 points by blkflg (98) 13 years ago

And they never will know. OWS is no revolution, it could b call a movement I guess but it sure isn't a revolution.

[-] 1 points by frankchurch1 (839) from Jersey City, NJ 13 years ago

Well, if you want to be around in the next few years you better hope it comes close to that. With global financial meltdown, possible nuclear war or environmental collapse around the corner, we don't have much time for games.

[-] 1 points by blkflg (98) 13 years ago

Hey you forgot the aliens who r infiltrating into our society as u protest...Hey, there ya go...."Stop Alien Infiltration". I don't think I've seen that one on the forum yet.

[-] 1 points by frankchurch1 (839) from Jersey City, NJ 13 years ago

Remember Fukashima.

[-] 1 points by blkflg (98) 13 years ago

Remember 3 Mile Island?

[-] 0 points by occupierofwallstreet (0) 13 years ago

We want our 500k back.

[-] 0 points by occupierofwallstreet (0) 13 years ago

We want our 500k back.

[+] -4 points by YuckFouHippies (189) 13 years ago

Let's see, trashed a park. Closed 26 bank accounts totaling almost 3k. Hundreds of arrests costing taxpayers at least 3.4m in overtime wages. Oh, and scored their first rape. Oh, and destroyed 5k worth of drum equip from the now estranged OWS drumlins. A little north of 120k in property damage, and totally played into the unions pockets. That's got to be worth something right? I'd say if the goal (still not agreed on) is to alienate 99% of us from OWS, the plan is right on track.

[-] 1 points by Assbagger (11) 13 years ago

Well done.