Forum Post: Just a reminder to remember WHY we're doing this.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 1:44 p.m. EST by Onihikage
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We need to keep this in mind as we move forward and continue to gain support and momentum, and eventually prepare to write new legislation. Always keep the focus on WHY, then HOW, then WHAT. The "Why" will become the pitch that we rally around, while the "What" and even the "How" will probably change often. For example...
It's not right that those with the most money have the most control over the laws that the rest of us have to follow. We believe that we need to level the playing field and enable economic equality just as the Civil Rights Movement enabled social equality. (to clarify: not a guarantee of economic equality, which is communist, but a guarantee of equal representation in the government regardless of economic status)
To do this, we must create laws and legislation that are short and simple, with basic language that is easy for laypeople to understand, which will make it easy for everyone to understand when their rights are trod upon and when laws are broken. Simple legislation is how our founders were able to build the greatest nation in the world, and detachment from the simple is now killing us.
But what legislation will help to achieve this? Join us, and we'll figure it out together. Add your voice to the movement to restore America to greatness.
Again, remember: Why, then How, then What. If we stop talking about the Why, we will lose support.
The real question that everyone should be asking themselves, "Is our government intentional trying to bankrupt America for total power?
The evidence is:
There is certainly evidence for that. A no-tax pledge right after a monumental spending spree? Certainly seems suspicious to me. We all know the tea party leaders were payed off by the Koch's and the Walton's, etc. to prevent the rich from having to pay for the gambling losses they suffered in their shady derivatives markets. They get a public bail-out, we get falling wages, joblessness, food stamps. The wealthiest have an interest in bankrupting America and certainly the Republicans are on board.
It's not about that, it's about telling people why we're upset, how we plan to fix it, and then exactly what they can do to help. The people who share our reasons for being upset will rally around that message as long as we keep reciting it. And when we all stick with the same message, it's easier for us to remember, as we argue over the "What," that we're all on the same side, the side of integrity and equality. Anyway...
I agree, NAFTA and other free trade agreements have caused us a lot of problems. Free trade is UNFAIR trade.
The Patriot Act is an unconscionable violation of civil liberties and we have to put a stop to it. Oh wait, we really can't, because no matter how much we call our representatives, our voices seem to fall on deaf ears.
Indeed, if we'd spent that kind of money on American infrastructure, our living standards would be golden.
I had no idea about the immigrants thing - if immigrants get it, shouldn't people who are already natural citizens get even better benefits for starting a business?
Indeed, Social Security is actually sustainable, but there are two current problems with it. ·1· People are living longer than they used to (paying 30% of income for 40-50 years isn't quite enough to live another 20 or 30 after that) ·2· The government didn't leave SS money alone, they spent it when they should have left it where it was, in savings.
But to answer your posed question, I don't think our government is intentionally trying to bankrupt us to gain total power. I think corporations are trying to cause a crisis so they can force even more extreme legislation through the machine of congress, subjugating the poor even more.
I long for a time when someone (perhaps a modern Samuel Clemens) waking up from a cryogenic chamber would perhaps say, "I come from a time when men achieve power and wealth by standing on the backs of the poor, where prejudice and intolerance are commonplace and power is an end unto itself, and you're telling me that isn't how it is anymore?"
Were we willing to step outside the norm, we could end world poverty, hunger, illness, and inequality right now. We have more than adequate technology, more than adequate resources, and more than adequate ingenuity. But why, then, do people still die of starvation? Why, then, do people still die of malaria? I tell you, it's all because of greedy men, whether gluttonous despots robbing imported food of all substance, or the corporate boards of directors obsessing over the bottom line and accepting nothing less than the soulless money which, they fail to realize, will never bring them happiness.
The focus needs to be on changing the laws in how State and Federal governments are run and a board of American citizens that can enforce them if the laws are broken. Change the way legislature is introduced with public voting for it for apprroval, government job descriptions and benefits must be changed in congress and the Senate and shorter terms.
Which focus, the "How" or the "What?" The "Why" is because, at its simplest, money has created UNEQUAL representation. Remember when they banned segregation? Because "separate but equal" was inherently UNEQUAL. Before that, black people or women were UNEQUAL to white men, in the eyes of the law. Right now, the super-rich and the middle-class/poor are UNEQUAL because the massive wealth possessed by the rich can be used to create laws in their favor.
Believe it or not, the number of incorruptible human beings is VERY low. I could probably count on one hand the number of honest and "priceless" politicians that are active in the federal government right now. For that reason, I believe we have to make it so that even if federal officials are bought, there's no way for them to favor one corporation over another without it being totally obvious.
For this reason, the "How" would be changing how laws are written and enacted, the obscurity in which the government and corporations operate, and emphasize the focus on legislating by imposing short terms and eliminating reelections (serve once, then someone else must serve before you can serve again). The "How" for How we achieve victory must be by changing the system so it can't be gamed again.
Now comes the "What?" What will we propose to accomplish these? That is, of course, the hardest part, and there won't be any single bill we can push to accomplish this goal of minimizing corruption in the name of fair and equal representation.
We can start by eliminating useless regulations that do nothing against large corporations but lay a stranglehold on smaller businesses. We can restore the Glass-Steagall act to its former status as THE legislation that kept banks from becoming "too big to fail."
We can do something to make trade FAIR, rather than FREE, since free trade is the root cause of the mass outsourcing of manufacturing and labor in America, and so far it has only caused an enormous outflow of our capital to other countries.
We can make it so that all congressional proceedings, federal and state, are made public and open, perhaps televised on a nationally sponsored station, so anyone with a TV set can watch congress at work. The records and recordings of meetings are published online as well, with no copyright.
We could build numerous dedicated voting centers so that the people can go to a nearby center to vote on any particular piece of legislation, with the results visible online. Let's make them very distinct buildings, easily recognizable, with multiple stories and entrances to support peak demand during big voting periods or when major bills are put through. Each state manages its own voting centers.
There's much more that could be proposed, but I hope you get the idea. Start with WHY we're so outraged, move to a general HOW we plan to accomplish the fixes, then get to the very fine details on exactly what we're doing to bring that plan to reality.
Here is an idea that will help with the movement. We only have to force the government to enact this as law.
The idea of the banks recovering the loss thru selling the property is, at this time, ludicrous
Idea: Banks should be required to ' Suspend' payments and interest accumulation if a person loses their job during an 'economic downturn' until that person finds a comparable paying job or until the national unemployment rate is less than 5%.
this only changes who owns the money
Who owns the money? Who owns the money is NOT. THE. POINT.
The point is that money gives individuals a disproportionate amount of influence in Washington politics. THAT is what's ultimately gotten us into this problem, and THAT is what we have to change.
true, but that will take a long time. at this point in time to help the people survive this would be a good idea. the money here does not exist anyway cause the unemployed can not pay anything. this would force the economy to produce jobs.
As long as it's cheaper to outsource manufacturing and labor to other countries, jobs will continue to leave America. I don't believe that what you've suggested will make a difference in the job market. Debt is not really a factor when it comes to getting a job.
If a person in debt loses their job, there are plenty of lawyers that volunteer their time to those in that kind of situation, and will help them negotiate something like what you've suggested. If you tell the company you owe money to, "Hey, it's impossible for me to pay you anything until I get work, so can we make an agreement to suspend payments and interest until I can get back on my feet again?" they WILL work with you. They know the alternative is that you default, and then they'd get nothing.
I believe the only way to "force" (actually, persuade) the "economy" (actually, businesses) to produce jobs is to make it so that it's less profitable to outsource those jobs to other countries. By that, we need to repeal NAFTA (free trade is UNFAIR trade), eliminate regulations that, in practice, don't accomplish what they're meant to do - such as those enacted after Enron, which actually wouldn't have done a thing to prevent the criminal activity - bring back regulations that did do their purpose - such as Glass-Steagall which successfully prevented depressions for 70 years until parts of it were repealed - and making regulations simpler and easier both to follow and enforce, among other things.
These benefit small businesses which can't afford the high preliminary costs to outsource things anyway, while putting large businesses on a level playing field with the small ones.
it will become less profitable because these business have to have loans. if they are not creating jobs in America they will not get loans.. there for it will become more profitable to create jobs in America
You illuminati fuck why are you poisoning our skies food and water answer me that. You're not even in the 1% the devil is in the 1% and if you don't know SATAN the man who owns money and has no COUNTRY then you are not in the 1%. WE need to expose the REAL 1% which is the illuminati.
What WE need to do is not come across as a bunch of crackpots, which you unfortunately are being quite successful at doing.
Whether it's the Illuminati or not, people probably aren't going to rally around that purpose. Anonymous and others know about Bohemian Grove and many of the atrocious things that many people have to take part in just to be part of the 1%, but acceptance of that belief (that the Illuminati is a problem for all of us) is minimal. Let's get through this crisis by focusing on the problem which everyone does know about.
holy shit the illuminati is the problem we take them out we take all the rest of the pigs out call them what you want devil satan wutever wutever those are just labels we need their real names thats what we shuld be investigating