Forum Post: July 4, 2012, in the City Of Philadelphia. National General assembly
Posted 13 years ago on March 2, 2012, 3:51 p.m. EST by MattLHolck
from San Diego, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
WE, THE NINETY-NINE PERCENT OF THE PEOPLE of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, in order to form a more perfect Union, by, for and of the PEOPLE, shall elect a NATIONAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY to convene on July 4, 2012, in the City Of Philadelphia.
I don't like how your site is hosted on the 1%'s servers.
probably free hosting
not my site
I think it would be wise to take advantage of the 4th of July
Amen to this, Matt!
hopefully a good number of GAs will participate
I haven't heard of any San Diego GA backing this
travel is hard but
there are larger occupy protest like Oakland and LA
I wish all those who attend the General Assembly in Philadelphia all the best. I live about half way between Philly and NYC, and if i were not in AK at the time of this GA, i would definitely be there. I know some of my friends in OWSNY will be there.
I am hoping to get momentum for a voter holiday there
I'll sign on to a voter holiday for Philly. We should also challenge the status quo in every way possible as to the irony of Independence Day, and how our idependence and liberty are being whittled away. We should co-opt July 4th, because we are the true patriots.