Forum Post: Judical Corruption Part of the problem
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 2:46 a.m. EST by KnowingOne
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Defeat Corruption
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 2:46 a.m. EST by KnowingOne
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Defeat Corruption
Fox News
Judaical Corruption Part of the problem
Defeat Corruption
Goldman Sacks Gibson Dunn kind of sound like it goes together quite well I agree how can Dylan be associated with these crooks.
Is this the singer Bob Dylan who has the same Law firm that represents Goldman?
Dylan utilized a Gag order against Damiano who sued him in federal court for plagiarism. Damiano was ordered by the court to not speak about the case on the internet. Even though Damiano has a massive amount of video tapped depositions that incriminate Dylan. Dylan has no repsect for the first amendment.
I never did like that no-talent hack and I was around when he was "popular." He stole James Dean's persona and Woody Guthrie's style. And obviously Damiano's music. What a phony.
What's really wild is that Dylan stole Damiano's song titled "Dignity: I listened to it and sent it to some of my friends and they all thought it was the same song
The article says Damiano was a one time affiliate of Dylan's. Is this true?
I was watching the depositions and it appears to me that Dylan had his people calling Damiano for songs for quite a long time. It's also interesting that Dylan's law firm represents Goldman Sacks. How could Dylan even be associated with these sleeze bags
I watched it also Damiano makes his point no doubt quite interseting