Forum Post: Judge orders students to wear tracking ID badge
Posted 12 years ago on Jan. 10, 2013, 10:23 a.m. EST by john32
from Pittsburgh, PA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
One step closer to RFID chips.
Wonderful. The police state continues.
Old news and this is Texas!!
Home of the unmitigated libe(R)tarians.
Not a peep from them though.
It has Rick Perry's endorsement.
It's not old news - it was just ruled on...against the student.
It was on the site months ago.
Perry (the pseudo libe(R)tarian/conse(R)vative), doesn't have an issue with it.
Mr. P has been amazingly silent as well.
Yeah, it was discussed because the girl was refusing to wear it.....they just had the ruling on it though.
Isn't Texas and it's neolibe(R)tarian mind set truly Orwellian?
The State that gave us Ron Paul.
You should be very afraid.
Thanks so much for the update john32! They're going to make kids wear these RFID chips at 'Disneyland' now too. The kids will now enjoy wearing their "magical" RFID chips. The creeps know no bounds.
Wow. Under the guise of 'preventing abductions,' no doubt.
Hadn't heard about the Disneyland thing yet....soon enough all kids will be wearing them....and i'm sure that will transfer to adults eventually as well.
Liberal democrat Judge... appointed by Clinton. Enjoy him. He's one on YOU
So it's the governors fault, for the liberal judge's ruling. Blind fucking liberals...making excuses for their own kind.