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Forum Post: Jon Stewart; you busy?

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 18, 2011, 8:11 p.m. EST by 1of99forsocialjustice (1) from Medford, OR
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I saw Jessie Ventura on Anderson Cooper last night. Ventura was telling it like is is; Cooper kept trying to portray this movement as disorganized and lacking direction. So here's my point; wouldn't it be better to focus on one theme; one that the idiot talking heads of media and government could understand? SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC JUSTICE! Isn't that it in a nutshell? To make that point, someone with gravitas needs to grab the gavel and speak the voice of the people. Find out what Jon Stewart is up to, or Tim Robbins or another famous and patriotic individual. Maybe some ultra-rich person could pull their head out of the ground and admit that making 1 billion is just as much a power trip as making 5 billion. What's Bill Gates doing to help???Creating monopolies to dominate small business, then starting a foundation "for the greater good"?

Ventura had a point; if we ever want anything to change we need to elect completely independent candidates. He was a Governor and he stated that the US government runs on BRIBERY AND DECEIT; that's something many of us realized long ago but felt powerless to change. The inequities don't end; there are too many to list; Anderson Cooper and his fraternity know this; hasn't one of them the spine to start a creative dialogue? Will no one be the ANTI-FOX? Will no one try to balance out all that totally right-wing propaganda?

I voted for Obama, but he must have been threatened, or maybe we were just duped, but he's given up. I wonder what he tells his daughters. I understand it's hard to get anything done when partisan ego tripping is the main game. Politicians play it for the crumbs of the 1%; we all know the function of lobbyists. Maybe Mr Obama could renounce the Democratic Party and start anew; that might bring about the change we all hoped for 3 years ago.

Hollywood types could start a new propaganda network to cancel out Fox news; it could be used like white noise to cancel out the relentless dissemination of half-truths, slanted views, and complete fallacies they pump out 24/7, like droning factories for the automatons of big industry and finance. Let's just call propaganda what it is when we see or hear it.

This movement needs someone, or some group with respect and influence. Until then, can't we agree that SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC JUSTICE just about covers all issues?



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[-] 1 points by lizajane (2) 13 years ago

Jon Stewart is ambivalent about, if not positively hostile to, OWS. I'm not sure the reason, but his lukewarm coverage of the movement indicates that. Colbert, on the other hand, has supported the movement with some great send-ups of the chancellor of Berkeley and the cops involved in brutalizing protesters.

[-] 0 points by MBJ (96) 13 years ago

Well, some insight to why Stewart might not embrace ows comes from the final authority on all things, wikipedia:

"Born Jonathan Leibowitz, Stewart was raised by a Jewish family in New York City. He and his older brother, Larry, who is currently Chief Operating Officer of NYSE Euronext (parent company of the New York Stock Exchange), grew up in Lawrenceville, New Jersey, where they attended Lawrence High School."

I don't know if he's Jewish but was raised in a Jewish home, so some of the rhetoric here (and I know it's fringe), plus the fact that his brother is part of your target group, might hold a clue to why he'd not be too friendly to ows.

[-] -1 points by Renaye (522) 13 years ago

You're right, but you won't get Jon Stewart talking on behalf of any group against the Zionist banksters. He's pro, pro, pro Isreal. If you know anything about how the Zionists control Hollywood, when any celebrity tries to expose it, their career goes in the toilet or worse.

[-] -1 points by reddy2 (256) 13 years ago

Obama wasn't threatened. LOL.

He went into this eyes wide open.

He is an actor, reading his scripts and teleprompters.

He knew years prior to campaigning who his backers would be.

He was bought and sold to the banksters BEFORE he started to campaign.

He was selling desperate people hope and change with ZERO intention of following through.


His premeditated deception makes him a devious liar, fraud and criminal.

America is still full of people lying to themselves in order to cope with the level of deceit and betrayal of successive governments and most recently this treasonous imposter.

[-] 0 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

I used to be an AVID Obama supporter, but I now think exactly like "reddy2". I don't think Obama was EVER sincere. He was known in Chicago as a crafty manipulator and that's exactly what he is. Apparently he suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder.