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Forum Post: Jon Stewart rips OWS

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 9:33 p.m. EST by RicoSuave (218)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

This is a very funny video from Stewart's Daily Show.

It shows the hypocrisy and class structure within the OWS encampment (prior to the evacuation)




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[-] 5 points by OldLeftie (253) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

only to people like you predisposed to judge. Back in the 1960's you would have said the same thing about the civil rights movement; perhaps you still do.


[-] 3 points by MyHeartSpits (448) 13 years ago

This is still the civil rights movement.

[-] 3 points by OldLeftie (253) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

what does the size of the movement have to do with a reaction to it? Or are you just commenting because you feel a need to insult someone and I turned out to be the next post you viewed?

[-] -1 points by puppetsofsorros (70) 13 years ago

If that was for me.....you don't see any irony in wanting to share OTHER PEOPLES stuff not your own?

[-] 3 points by OldLeftie (253) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

as riethc said, and you misunderstand, OWS is not about "sharing" personal property. It is about restructuring the ownership of private property, in which all workers should have a fair share. If you don't see the distinction, there's no use trying to discuss it with you, because you are too mired in your worship of capital to be able to understand what we're getting at.

[-] -2 points by puppetsofsorros (70) 13 years ago

My, my. You sure are testy. Can't you debate without making it personal? Like your assumptions on my view of the civil rights movement, which btw, you and yours kid yourselves if you think your tantrum in the street comes anywhere NEAR. You insult Dr King and all his followers. But I digress. I will admit I am not fully schooled on Marxist theory. Am I going to have to bone up on it if OWS gets its way?

[-] 3 points by OldLeftie (253) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

certainly not. you can remain ignorant of it, just as you are ignorant of civility. And your ignorance it seems of syntax, since I never compared the movements, but simply said that your reaction would have been the same at its inception. I can't imagine ever seeing you on the Mall that August day. After all, it wasn't just a march for black equality, which of course you will claim you favor today. It was a march for "jobs and freedom", co sponsored by civil rights and labor organizations.

Oh, when do you want to meet me face to face and tell me again that I insult Dr. King and all his followers? How many of his "followers" do you know personally, and how many of them have told you they do not support OWS? I'll be happy to bring a few dozen of Dr. King's co-workers with me when we meet so that you can discuss this with them. In the meantime, you'd be best advised to moderate such statements lest they portray you as a racist bigot, which I am not prepared at this moment to claim you are.

[-] 3 points by MyHeartSpits (448) 13 years ago

So, I guess this means that they're wrong about trying to get money out of politics and that our democracy is in trouble. Or not.

[-] 3 points by nickhowdy (1104) 13 years ago

God..it's Jon Stewart..It's not the news..It's humor..WTF is the matter with people..Stop swallowing your toothpaste...Shit!

[-] 2 points by mvjobless (370) 13 years ago

Don't forget Jon Stewart's brother is a stock broker and works right down the street from Zucotti Park.

[-] 2 points by sudoname (1001) from Berkeley, CA 13 years ago

This is not anti-ows, this is funny! If you think the daily show/colbert report is anti-ows, you lack a sense of humor.

[-] 2 points by riethc (1149) 13 years ago

Pretty funny, but it avoids contributing factors for the division between Occupiers; many people chose not to participate in any working groups or even go to the General Assembly!

[-] 1 points by JonoLith (467) 13 years ago

So... The Daily Show points out that there's two groups forming in the OWS movement. And, not at all shockingly, the divide seems to be between people who like drumming and people who don't.

Is this surprising? I'd go mad if I was around constant drumming all the time.

[-] 1 points by Royksopp (89) 13 years ago

And this is the whole problem with OWS and why something better and more evolved needs to spring from the exposure it's generated.

Good thread talking about this for people who actually have a general understanding of how things work called http://occupywallst.org/forum/so-much-of-whats-here-is-contrary-to-the-actual-mo/#comment-372472

[-] 0 points by RexDiamond (585) from Idabel, OK 13 years ago



[-] 0 points by JonFromSLC (-107) from West Valley City, UT 13 years ago

That's awesome.

[-] 0 points by nineeightpercent (11) 13 years ago

Love it.

[-] -2 points by puppetsofsorros (70) 13 years ago

Too funny!!! I especially liked at about the 4:30 mark the guy who didn't want to share his I pad. It's his PERSONAL property. He's only about sharing PRIVATE property. Yup, that just about sums it up

[-] 2 points by riethc (1149) 13 years ago

I believe he is using Marxist-speak. Marxists argue there is a difference between "personal" versus "private" property. I think the line is gray, but their argument is essentially that if the thing owned is a means of production, it is private property; if it is not a means of production, it is personal property.

[-] 1 points by ceazar (12) 13 years ago

How is a computer not a means of production?

[-] 1 points by riethc (1149) 13 years ago

It could be. I'm not agreeing with the pudgey Marxist, I'm just pointing out the way he may be thinking.

[-] 1 points by ceazar (12) 13 years ago

No, I am not saying that you agree with him. It was a rhetorical question. But I think it is all just a play on words and not really a distinction.


[-] -1 points by MVSN (768) from Stockton, CA 13 years ago

How convenient .

[-] 1 points by riethc (1149) 13 years ago

I know! lol
