Forum Post: Jon Huntsman gets "it"
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 9, 2011, 7:02 p.m. EST by ronimacarroni
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I've been looking at what Jon Huntsman platform and I was surprised.
He wants to:
-Go after the too big to fail banks
-Increase manufacturing in the US
-Form good relations with China and Russia instead of antagonizing them (so no WWIII !)
-Go after lobbyists
-Set a term limit to congressmen
-Doesn't deny global warming
-He speaks of a trust deficit in our institutions (very true!)
-He would deal with the deficit in a fiscally responsible way
I'm not too crazy about him going after Iran in the future, but I'm sure he would handle the matter more gracefully given that he used to be a diplomat.
He speaks common sense instead of theatrics and unpractical extremist policies.
I'm not sure if he still stand a chance, but I'm glad that sanity is still an alternative.
Huntsman is the kind of moderate this country needs. But he is a decent and honest person so the chances of him getting elected in today's environment is almost zero.
yeah... sigh
He now denies global warming. The Tea Party probably got to him and straightened him up. The carbon will help trees grow : )
The planet is thriving. It's dinner time!!!
: )
Oh I forgot a really important one.
-He wants to end the war in Afghanistan and drop the US military base in Germany.
Huntsman is a RINO so it's no wonder why Libs like him.
Well he's not part of the anarcho-capitalist tea party.
You were just dying to use that word "anarcho-capitalist" even if it is inapplicable. Feel better now?
lol I know I can't help myself
This makes me wonder...
Shouldn't anarchists side with libertarians?
I know they're not the same but at least they down play one hierarchy.
Besides, fairness in the workplace is not in the domain of the government.
Make up your mind folks. You're either a democrat or an anarchist but you can't be both.
is he running as a repelican?
yes. :\
there is no excuse