Forum Post: Jobs and a return to democracy Part I
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 23, 2011, 10:18 p.m. EST by Democracy4All
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JOBS AND A RETURN TO DEMOCRACY The law of supply and demand tells us if there is a demand for goods, a supply will be produced. When the majority of Americans have the money to buy goods, jobs will be created to make them. When Americans have less and less money to spend, there are less and less jobs causing recessions and depressions. To create jobs and make America strong again we need to take back our country, our money and resources and make corporations pay their fair share of taxes. We need to stop multinational corporations from sending our resources and jobs overseas. These corporations only exist to make money; they do not care if America is destroyed. In that sense they are like terrorists. Not long ago in the 1970’s, corporate tax rate was 71%. Companies were given tax breaks if they invested in America and hired more Americans. Our country prospered because most businesses chose to grow their business and hire more Americans rather than pay more taxes. As jobs were created more and more people had money to demand more and more goods. Tax revenues increased from these workers and their companies and America prospered. Taxation without representation was the cause of the first American Revolution. Today we again have taxation without representation. We were not for Bush’s bailout of the banks. Bailing them out when they make bad investments just encourages them to keep gambling with our money. So we tried to regulate them again like we had to after the first great depression. But their right wing talk show hosts lobbyists cry regulations are socialism. But the bailout is socialism but only for the rich bankers. When Bush bailed out Bank of America, its CEO received $24.8 million in salary compensation. Goldman Sachs CEO and its two presidents each received over $70 million! American taxpayers can’t afford to pay for bank bailouts, wars, and skyrocketing healthcare costs while their CEO’s make billions and their lobbyist buy off the politicians to create tax dodging loopholes. Hard working Americans end up paying the bill and they are being driven into the poorhouse. We are again being taxed but not represented. Not that long ago in the 1970’s, corporate tax rate was 71%. Companies were given tax breaks if they invested in America and hired more Americans. Our country prospered because most businesses chose to grow their business and hire more Americans rather than pay more taxes. As jobs were created more and more people had money to demand more and more goods. Tax revenues increased from these workers and their companies. America and Americans prospered. We need to return to this 71% corporate tax rate.
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