Forum Post: JFK Sacrificed his life for this
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 11:31 p.m. EST by saunders
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Executive Order 11110 This was created by Pres. John F. Kennedy. It effectively put U.S. Treasury Notes into direct competion with Federal Reserve Notes. That, in turn, would put the biggest monopoly in the history of mankind, the Federal Reserve.......out of business. These Notes were to be backed by the good faith of the people of the United States through their purchase of U.S. Savings Bonds, which I bought many of as a child through the purchase of stamps to put into my savings bond booklet. All of the above transgressions are being funded with this money that is being robbed from us via the Federal Reserve. They literally own the world plus five percent! The fed note is put into circulation as an instrument of debt. At the end of the year you owe the principal plus the interest. But the interest is never created, it just keeps compounding. To pay it off you need to rob Peter to pay Paul, borrow more and siphon some off to pay the interest or file for bankruptcy. Sound familiar? None of the above is ever a means of dealing with the debt. It is a mathematical system derived by Amir Rothschild to keep a people or a government in perpetual servitude. For more details on the history check out a great film called "The Money Masters." In conclusion, the first order of the day is to cut off the head of the Viper, the Federal Reserve. All the previous grievances will generally cease to exist once we cut off access to the "free money tree". Using credit created by third party private bankster instituions and mistakenly using that as currency/money only robs us of our sovereignty that our for-fathers fought to create and protect with the original revolution of 1776. In the proverbial words of Thomas Jefferson, "Every generation needs a new Revolution!" DO NOT LET J.F.K's DEATH HAVE BEEN IN VAIN! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!
U.S. Treasury Note
-Credit created by the people, for the people, not at interest.
-Backed by the good faith of the people using the currency through the purchase of U.S. savings bonds. This eliminates the possibility of our being beholden to any outside sources as we are now to the Federal Reserve and China.
Federal Reserve Note
-Credit created by private bankster corporation at interest that robs us of our sovereignty and keeps us beholden to outside and foreign sources of "credit." Credit that is created out of thin air.
-A mathematical formula that is impossible to ever repay, no matter how good your business is, how frugal you are or how good of a business man you are.
"a long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right, and raises at first a formidable outcry in defense of custom." -Thomas Paine 1776