Forum Post: Jeffrey Sachs
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 12:53 a.m. EST by Rainrules
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Amazing man, just published "The Price of Civilization" which describes where we are and how we got here. Here is an article and I will post the KQED (CA public radio) transcript when it is out on friday!
In 1986 in Bolivia Sachs implemented economic measures to push down inflation but at the great cost of farmers livlihoods. Yeltsin invited Sach to impose a radical shift to capitalism in the former USSR in the early 1990s - economic shock treatment. A handful of former cummunist apartchiks became the new capitalist oligarchs and the 99% of Russia had all the underpinnings of sane social order and social benefits pulled out from under them. Sachs is not a friend to anyone anywhere who has to depend upon trading his or her time for wages in the labor markets of capitalism. Read Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein. Klein spoke at OWS last Thursday evening.
Please read, all! This man is unaffiliated with the evil bank Goldman Sachs, and he makes some very potent claims. He is also an influential economist, and may make waves.