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Forum Post: Jart Jart JART - where fore art thou???? The site has been hacked - so it would seem and We have not heard from You.

Posted 10 years ago on July 29, 2014, 4:40 p.m. EST by DKA4today (42) from Coon Rapids, MN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Jart Jart JART - where fore art thou???? The site has been hacked - so it would seem and We have not heard from You.



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 10 years ago

I think this has been going on for a couple of months at least, they just got in deeper


[-] 2 points by jart (1186) from New York, NY 10 years ago

That might be a good idea :(

[-] 2 points by oneeyedjack (-125) from Queens, NY 10 years ago

Why the funny game attacking your own forum?

You finally realized these old twinkle team nincompoops do nothing but soil the reputation of OWS?

Take it down I say. Have some dignity. These old trolls have been soiling this place for years. They totally ruin the last bit of honor left for OWS. Enough with this twinkle team already.



[-] 3 points by oneeyedjack (-125) from Queens, NY 10 years ago

You realize jart is doing this don't you?

I'm a jew, not an anti-Semite. I don't have bots, and who is Arturo?


[-] 4 points by oneeyedjack (-125) from Queens, NY 10 years ago

You are more dim witted than I previously thought.

The person with admin privileges is jart. Lol, she's playing mind tricks with you old nark. She's taking down the twinkle team. Finally. Took her long enough eo realize who to real trolls are.

You dog troll...


[-] 2 points by oneeyedjack (-125) from Queens, NY 10 years ago

Troll - go hide under your bridge.


[-] 0 points by ZenDog (-18) from Burlington, VT 10 years ago

That is not nice, nor respectful.





[-] 0 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 10 years ago

what you replied to was removed, I noticed funky karma point stuff as soon as I started posting again, I hope they haven't done this just to shut me up, but yes the site has been under attack for a bit at least a couple of months










[-] 1 points by oneeyedjack (-125) from Queens, NY 10 years ago

They should have been removed ages ago. All you do is troll this place with your twinkle team friends. You completely soil the reputation of OWS. I'm happy jart finally uinderstood and is doing something about it.

Go back to your Pentax forum. Go back to shooting kitties and flowers.





[-] -2 points by shooz (-6) from Detroit, MI 10 years ago

I like kittens and flowers. Both are fabulous photography subjects. Flowers are like vaginas. They invite. They open up to reveal beautiful forms. Kitties, well, who doesn't like kitties.


[-] -1 points by shooz (-6) from Detroit, MI 10 years ago

I love kitties and flowers. I take pictures of them and post them in the Pentax forum.


[-] -1 points by ZenDog (-18) from Burlington, VT 10 years ago

I think we need to forgive. To let go of past wrongs. We can't spend our lives attacking others for mistakes they made, or seeking revenge.

We have to think bigger than our personal vendettas. We should do what is good for OWS as a whole. Put OWS before us. I think that is the best way to be an occupier.

We should think of the others that read this public forum. They don't want to see fights between two users. They want to read about cool OWS stuff.



[-] 4 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

come on shooz - you should have known what a mess you made of the site. letting the zenboy say really nasty things and your comments and behavior. you get no sympathy from me. a little common sense and decency was all you needed but you couldn't do it - ask for forgiveness - wow. too many people asked you very nicely to handle the situation and you didn't









[-] -1 points by shooz (-6) from Detroit, MI 10 years ago

Flipped or not he is correct.

Weren't we heavily narcissistic? Airing private one on one battles on an open forum as if anyone cared for our personal rivalries!

Crazy when you think OWS was created to solve the biggest problems in the world. People come to this forum to create a better world, and, here we are, fighting childish battles with shadz66. We have such huge egos!

He's right. We must let bygones be bygones and move forward. We need to start dealing with real problems. Not childish schoolyard fights.











