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Forum Post: Jack Abramoff Exposes Lobbyists Owning Congress

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 7, 2011, 2:08 p.m. EST by ragincajun (3) from Pleasant Hill, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement




(CBS News)

Jack Abramoff, the notorious former lobbyist at the center of Washington's biggest corruption scandal in decades, spent more than three years in prison for his crimes. Now a free man, he reveals how he was able to influence politicians and their staffers through generous gifts and job offers. He tells Lesley Stahl the reforms instituted in the wake of his scandal have had little effect.

The following is a script of "The Lobbyist's Playbook" which aired on Nov. 6, 2011.

Jack Abramoff may be the most notorious and crooked lobbyist of our time. He was at the center of a massive scandal of brazen corruption and influence peddling.

As a Republican lobbyist starting in the mid 1990s, he became a master at showering gifts on lawmakers in return for their votes on legislation and tax breaks favorable to his clients. He was so good at it, he took home $20 million a year.

Jack Abramoff: Inside Capitol corruption How corrupt is lobbying in Washington, DC? Enough to get "60 Minutes" correspondent Lesley Stahl angry when she hears how Jack Abramoff bribed and influenced legislators.

It all came crashing down five years ago, when Jack Abramoff pled guilty to corrupting public officials, tax evasion and fraud, and served three and a half years in prison.

Today he's a symbol of how money corrupts Washington. In our interview tonight, he opens up his playbook for the first time.

And explains exactly how he used his clients' money to buy powerful friends and influence legislation.

Jack Abramoff: I was so far into it that I couldn't figure out where right and wrong was. I believed that I was among the top moral people in the business. I was totally blinded by what was going on.

Jack Abramoff was a whiz at influencing legislation and one way he did that was to get his clients, like some Indian tribes, to make substantial campaign contributions to select members of Congress.

Abramoff: As I look back it was effective. It certainly helped the people I was trying to help, both the clients and the Republicans at that time.

Lesley Stahl: But even that, you're now saying, was corrupt?

Abramoff: Yes.

Stahl: Can you quantify how much it costs to corrupt a congressman?

Abramoff: I was actually thinking of writing a book - "The Idiot's Guide to Buying a Congressman" - as a way to put this all down. First, I think most congressmen don't feel they're being bought. Most congressmen, I think, can in their own mind justify the system.

Stahl: Rationalize.

Abramoff: --rationalize it and by the way we wanted as lobbyists for them to feel that way.

Abramoff would provide freebies and gifts - looking for favors for his clients in return. He'd lavish certain congressmen and senators with access to private jets and junkets to the world's great golf destinations like St. Andrews in Scotland. Free meals at his own upscale Washington restaurant and access to the best tickets to all the area's sporting events; including two skyboxes at Washington Redskins games.

Abramoff: I spent over a million dollars a year on tickets to sporting events and concerts and what not at all the venues.

Stahl: A million dollars?

Abramoff: Ya. Ya.

Stahl: For the best seats?

Abramoff: The best seats. I had two people on my staff whose virtual full-time job was booking tickets. We were Ticketmaster for these guys.

Stahl: And the congressman or senator could take his favorite people from his district to the game--

Abramoff: The congressman or senator uh, could take two dozen of his favorite people from their district.

Stahl: Was all that legal?

Ira Rosen is the producer.



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[-] 2 points by aabang (2) 12 years ago

I listen to a podcast called It's Rainmaking Time - there was a new interview with Jack Abramoff yesterday, goes into a LOT of detail on the bribery discussed here. http://itsrainmakingtime.com/2012/jackabramoff

[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

Thanks for the link. I will listen to the whole thing later today......:)

[-] 1 points by Builder (4202) 13 years ago

Google Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

To be this corrupt and still think you are doing the right thing, you must have it.

And I'm not talking about Jack here. I'm talking about Congress. All of them.

Jack is a convicted criminal, and if he is profitting off his crime, he needs to be going back inside for a spell.

Not contrite at all is Jack.

[-] 1 points by MrsPhil (151) 13 years ago

Thanks for the information, Ragin. Political candidates should not be allowed to receive monetary contributions in any form. That would effectively keep the lobbyists out of our government. It all starts with Campaign Finance Reform.

[-] 1 points by Philpux (643) from Mountain View, AR 13 years ago

Campaign Finance Reform. Boom!

[-] 1 points by TheCloser (200) 13 years ago

These A-holes create too much poison AND have too much political influence! Bastards! Move your money from Merrill Lynch!

[-] 1 points by SayNO2GovInc (99) 13 years ago

"Rationalize", that's it right there, in a word. That is what they do. Stop the rationalizing of lawmakers by taking away the rationalizers of Big-Pig.



Qualifications: Jack Abramhoff types need not apply! You must be as fed up with the corporate governmental system that lobbyist helped create. You must be ready to trade in your profession for one of honor – lobby one last time – lobby for the people. Shed the SHAME, SELF-LOATHING and DISHONOR for the work your profession has done on behalf of greedy corporate controllers. You must recognize the fact WE THE PEOPLE demand representation above non-living corporate pigs.

read more: http://saynotocorporateamerica.blogspot.com/2010/10/help-wanted-lobbyist-to-lobby-to-end.html

This position was posted over a year and the position is still available. I guess the corruption profession is unaffected in these tough times.


[-] 0 points by JohnnyO (119) 13 years ago

Yeah, you trust him now, dontcha?



[-] 1 points by brooce (65) from Minneapolis, MN 13 years ago

anti semite

[-] 0 points by pseudocop (11) 13 years ago

There are two types of antisemites- those who dislike the Jews and those the Jews dislike.

They don't seem to like it when you notice how prominent they are.

[-] -2 points by VantagePoint250624 (-51) 12 years ago

WHY WASN'T I INFORMED that anyone in DC, especially congress, could actually be bought and were not there actually representing the best interests of all living in their respective states?!?!

I am absolutely shocked and sickened by this!

[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

Your vantage point is behind the curve.

Step it up son.

[-] 1 points by VantagePoint250624 (-51) 12 years ago

Not at all, all of the OP's original content and supporting links are absolute lies.

None of this has ever happened in America, I just verified that it has never happened, personally.

[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

I gotta give a point for your most senseless, uninformative comment yet.

I'd tell you to get thee behind the 8 ball, but you already are.

[-] -1 points by VantagePoint250624 (-51) 12 years ago

Idiot, if half of that crap were true, it would definitely mean I'm very right and you're very wrong about your Republic existing OR NOT.

[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

More meaningless drivel?

From you? Yes of course.

9 ball corner pocket.......I win.

Do you ever offer any actual information?

[-] -2 points by VantagePoint250624 (-51) 12 years ago

Obviously, other than you being a compulsive and lifeless internet addict on this forum (mental health professionals would diagnose you as a real live troll at the very best) all your waking hours, you also have a fixation on the balls of other men.

Now run along and go suck some Fed, UN, IMF, Rockerfeller, Rothschilds, Obama, DNC, GOP and any other balls. Keep your trombone skinning mitts away from mine.

[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

Insults from a ding bat?

Zip for information. Just BS.

You're lucky to still be posting here under this username.

They are far too kind to bozos like yourself.

[-] -2 points by VantagePoint250624 (-51) 12 years ago

They are? Really?

Do you ever find yourself, wishing you had the self-control to walk away from your computer and just not make those last ten posts?

Is that your dying hag calling for attention you hate being unable to take care of for your internet addiction?

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

Pot? Meet kettle.

That would be Ma Kettle, in your case............:)

Yet still, no information. Just hyperbole.

[-] -2 points by VantagePoint250624 (-51) 12 years ago

Yes maam! I'm right here on this forum EVERY WAKING HOUR doing nothing but incessantly post whoring non-stop just to satiate my own need to feel important.

How many computers and devices do you hijack from here everyday?

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago


I wouldn't know how, and have no desire to do so.


[-] -2 points by VantagePoint250624 (-51) 12 years ago

Of course you would lie about it..........

[-] 2 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

Whatever......go practice with your potato gun.


[-] -2 points by VantagePoint250624 (-51) 12 years ago

And will continue replying until doomsday!

Why not? You've ABSOLUTELY nothing else you're able to do other than be several resident "trolls" on a forum.

How many times have you been to rehab?