Forum Post: J. Edgar Hoover Has Returned and You Need To Know Your Fellow Occupier.
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 3, 2011, 2:04 a.m. EST by puff6962
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The Occupy Los Angeles protest was infiltrated by a significant number of L.A. police officers.
Read the article:
oh who cares?
As long as the Occupy remains committed to non-violence, infiltration by undercover officers cannot hurt us. Not in the least. In fact, I see benefits:
to wit:
As Festinger documented in 1961 [When Prophecy Fails], infiltration of a group by researchers - in this case academic - has the consequence of reinforcing the belief system held by the group simply through the process of positive reinforcement. Increasing numbers indicate a kind of ideological validation.
As they infiltrate and move among us, they get to experience our point of view, our language, and most importantly, our issues. How we talk about these issues - the language choices we make, and the relevance to their own structures of belief and commitment, become points of influence. If we focus on the truths behind the ills that this nation currently faces, infiltrators must confront the reality of how they themselves are affected, and what position will best serve their own interests.
Where persuasion is successful, it has two points of merit -
since we do not know who these infiltrators are, it can be presumed we did not design a campaign of persuasion just for their benefit - ie it isn't theater but in fact genuine and relevant
they can carry such persuasion back to the office, into their own network of relationships, and thence up the chain of command.
Let them come I say.
Yes, but if you are trying to herd cats, sometimes the easiest way is to remind them there are coyotes out there.
Ha, I swear to all the gods that I had this dream last night that I was taking the long way home and literally started herding cats in the old part of town, and this elderly Vietnamese woman had a kiosk where she sold fresh food and baked goods, and she was so impressed with my herding skills she rewarded me with a bowl of soup and some mint-y tasting bread, and then I rewarded myself with taking the bus the rest of the way back.
Oh, jeez, I'm sharing actual dreams now on this forum. I really need to get out more.
I actually have herded cats - if you will admit a herd of two. It can be entertaining. And we have coy-dogs, fox, bobcat, any number of wild and carnivorous animals who prowl the back yard at night.
Cat treats work much better than dire warnings and old, worn out, repelican stratagems . . . .
; D
Maybe some of them agree with OWS. After all, the Republican'ts want to eliminate 200,000 more government jobs so maybe their own position is on the line.
When I was involved in protests against our policy in Central America, etc., in the 1980s, there were probably three infiltrators for every one real activist. That is simply to be expected. It is a very effective way of undermining citizen discontent. Some may, and likely are, "leaders" of this movement, a primary reason we have no leaders. If we are to succeed eventually though we must at some point have someone to put in the White House. There is no other practical way to succeed as far as I know. Therefore I think we must keep it in the back of our minds that at some point we will have to find a person of unimpeachable intergrity to take that role. How we will get there is a path still uncharted.
I've been pondering that and I came across ex-Senator Russ Feingold. Has he said anything publicly about the protests?
Not that I'm aware of. I would really like to know where he falls publiclly on the question.
Quote about Hoover. . .
I love LBJ quotes.
He held the rein's of the FBI for 50 years, chased gay-men his whole life all the while he himself a gay-man. Died in the arms of his male-secretary at FBI HQ, so was his lover during his reign.
Gay Edgar Hoover is the name we all know.
How does a man hold control over the powerful police agency in the world for 50 years? By having files on everybody, he controlled the USA for 50 years, HUBRIS in our government is not new.
Ah-hem, evidence, please?
Oh, that's right, as usual you're taking in received opinion as absolute fact.
Why not learn to use google, you really don't know that Gay E Hoover was a transvestite? Surely your joking? I'll post but why pray-tell do you have to ask me to feed you? You should know your stuff.
Cross Dressing - Crazy J. Edgar Hoover Facts and Urban Legends ... - Cached11 Nov 2011 – Was J. Edgar Hoover a gay cross dresser? Sadly we'll never know for certain. But the answer is yes, he was. Only photographic evidence could ... J. Edgar Hoover Crossdress | Hoover Gay | J. Edgar Movie | Mediaite - Cached5 Oct 2011 – As part of the the research for their upcoming biopic on J. Edgar Hoover, director Clint Eastwood and actor Leonardo DiCaprio organized ... J. Edgar Hoover cross-dressing - History News Network - Cached"He [Hoover] was wearing a fluffy black dress, very fluffy, with flounces and lace ... But Susan was Summers's primary source for the cross-dressing story, and she ... Mafia knew that Hoover was a" closet homosexual and transvestite" and held ...
I've been familiar with the urban legend my whole life, as I believe most are. I've also bothered to do more research than the first two or three stories that Google brings up.
No evidence he was a transvestite, let alone acted on any gay alleged tendencies. One woman's testimony does not amount to real evidence.
Look up the word "evidence." It has a separate meaning from "suspicion."
A difference between rumor and proof. Also (not sure you're aware:) a difference between transvestism and homosexuality.
I must say much of this is news to me . . . . scandalous and titillating perhaps, no more so than any headline in the yellow nuuz you find in the checkout line at the grocery store.
I can't imagine google-ing such a topic - especially at this hour of the am.
That's just silly.