Forum Post: I've seen lots of Occupy videos, but NEVER have I seen any protester as violent as this crazy!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 8, 2011, 8:46 p.m. EST by unarmed
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What's wrong with this "lady"?
She's a trashy wacko.
She's a mother going off on assholes. I don't blame her.
Figures, I bet she's just your type.
A mother getting pissed because people are blocking her children and her right to freedom of speech. Yep, she's my type. OWS thugs are now as bad as the cops.
No one was blocking her, idiot. Her husband ( or whoever th guy is) was holding the kid, even he pulled her by the hair to get her to shut her trashy ass up.
Trashy Koch-smokers like you and her are worse than the cops.
Look, I am a public school teacher and a Democrat. What is happening in this video is a bunch of punks keeping a group from free speech. End of story. This is wrong. It is hypocritical. It's bullshit. They were blocking old men and ladies. If this is OWS, then they have become thugs just like the cops.
Who cares if you're a democrat? does that make you not a Koch-smoking idiot? No.
In the words of your 20-somethings, "Whatever." If you defend hypocrites, so be it. These kids were keeping others from freedom of speech. Call me what you want, but that is what is happening in this video. That, along with the fact that they are bullying old people and a woman in a wheelchair makes them out to be regular thugs.
Oh please, shut up now with your victimhood. I don't want to keep getting notifications that you're replying to me.
Post your whining BS somewhere else.
OOoooo the old people!
Poor old people, coming out of a conference to elect candidates that want to take away benefits from other old people who have nothing else.
Benefits that they WORKED FOR.
Talk about bullying old people. The people paying for that conference don't care if the lower income old people have to go camp in Zucotti Park do you realize that.
Now cry to me about OLD PEOPLE.
Rational replies seem to make you cranky. Why? You do not address the obvious problems here. People gathering to practice freedom of speech being kept from doing so by people complaining they don't have the right to freedom of speech. Don't want to read my responses? Ignore me then.
You lie and say people were shoved when they weren't.
Like the trashy screamer. Two peas in a very dishonest pod.
Just like happier the troll who I see came to join you.
Just like the predators who taught you to play victim to defend their predation.
I addressed the obvious problems, like so:
Poor old people, coming out of a conference to elect candidates that want to take away benefits from other old people who have nothing else.
Benefits that they WORKED FOR.
Talk about bullying old people. The people paying for that conference don't care if the lower income old people have to go camp in Zucotti Park do you realize that.
Now cry to me about OLD PEOPLE.
You choose not to understand the point of the protest. It is not to "practice free speech". It is to protest the practices of the Koch Brothers, their organizations and the candidates that they spend big bucks to help get elected.
Candidates who want to torment "old people" and children by taking away benefits and making it harder for thier caregivers to earn a living.
Given the chance to choose between walking a gauntlet of loudmouth protestors lining a walkway or having my Social Security benefits taken away, I'd choose the protestors and thank them for what they do.
The agenda looked pretty lame to me. I'm done with you. Shoving old people around is simply wrong. If you want to continue to defend them, go ahead. Neither of us are giving up on this so no need to carry on with this whatever it is. Goodnight. Be kind to your Grandma, no matter what her political leaning may be. Mine was a Republican, but I loved her immensely.
Wrong. They pushed her kids as they were leaving. You can see it in another video.
Post it.
Suck it.
Shove it.
What are thoses protesting. Looks like a bunch of losers who need to get a life. They hurt the innocent.
What are thoses protesting. Looks like a bunch of losers who need to get a life. They hurt the innocent.
This is my contribution to the movement. Please watch and share... Thank You!! -Markell
If you actually watched the video, or did any research, you'd know that she's screaming "don't you get near my kids!". The protesters had apparently done or said something to the two children she and her husband had with her. When she expresses her mother bear rage, the protesters tell her to "". And instead of apologizing, the man at the door keeps up his oh so compassionate chanting at the door.
I promise you, if I was me and someone in an angry chanting mob even looked at my kids, I'd do the exact same thing. Only my hair is too short for my husband to get ahold of from a distance and I'd likely be clawing someone's eyes out before he could remove me.
That you are pushing average, family oriented, American citizens to this extreme and then posting about THEM as if you cannot fathom WHY they would react so negatively against you says more about you than it does about her.
Those tea-party bootlickers know how to yell and make a scene and make it look like something happened even when nothing did.
Just like the fight with the flag seller in Mo.
They're political slip and fall artists.
And the people using their own children as shields, and barricades, and throwing themselves on the hoods of police cars, and standing in front of police motorcycles and then screaming "He ran over my foot"!!!!
What are THEY?
Politics is a dirty business son.
This isn't politics. It's terrorism.
It's exactly what the Tea Party did at the health care townhalls.
Congregate and shout people down, scream in people's ears, intimidate people who were telling stories of ill and dying relatives.
Just the same.
Yeah, remember the time the Tea Partiers vandalized.. oh wait.. remember the time the tea partiers damaged that.... oh wait... remember the time the tea partier raped... oh wait....
No, not like the tea party AT ALL.
The candidate being promoted by the people who organized this event is an accused rapist, does that count?
And then there's:
Is Bill Clinton running again?
Quite the stretch. But hey, you keep telling yourself that your little mob of thugs, criminals and rapists is just like the tea party. I'm sure you believe it.
Not a stretch at all.
Shoving your hand up someone's skirt and grabbing them without permission and pushing a woman's head into your lap is most definitely considered assault in the America I live in. And that's only the one accusation where details have been provided. Three more to go.
Of course, in Tea Party land IOKIYAR.
And in OWS land its just another night at the camp....
You're so full of shit dude. Keep making excuses for your fuck ups. The only people who buy your crap are idiots like yourself. The rest of America is running away from you losers as fast as they can. MSNBC isn't even sucking up anymore. lol
Nah, she's just INSANE! Did you see her husband, he knows. Hair Yank, LMAO!
If the OWS protesters did anything, or said anything, TO HER CHILDREN-they were wrong.
What's wrong is letting a psycho like her roam the streets without heavy sedation. She's by far more violent than any protester Iv'e ever seen! Lock her crazy ass up!!
Screw you. I'd go ballistic too if some punks were attacking my kids in a mob.
I don't think a psycho like her is very concerned about her kids, if she was she wouldn't be charging what looks like a 15 year old kid, threatening to punch him. And her Husband, Who yanks their wife by the hair in front of their kids, (or at all)? I'd be awfully worried about the kids safety at home. Someone should call Child Protective Services, for the sake of those kids.
Maybe it's just me, do all right-wing nuts behave like this?
You are so screwed. This is done now.
Oh yea?
You think the average American citizen is going to give a shit if people who knock down old ladies get maced? If people who block a level headed woman in a wheel chair get handcuffed? Think again, pal. If this group continues to show this level of violence towards people who are doing the same thing OWS is trying to do, practice freedom of speech, forget it.
If you think the average American is stupid enough to swallow the line of BS that your'e trying to stuff down our throats. Then you have Badly mis-judged the intelligence of the Average American. And anyone with eyes can see that the old lady was surrounded by cops and security. If She Had Been Pushed It was By Them.
Uh-huh. Defend this behavior. This is bullshit. Keeping another group from gathering and speaking is hypocritical.
Reply to your post below because there is not a reply link for some reason. Yelling, cool. They were all yelling. Pushing down old people and blocking people who are practicing freedom of speech. Not cool. OWS is as bad as the cops.
Yup, that's why that psycho had no right to threaten the protesters.
You keep pushing "right wingers" the way you are now, and you're going to look back on this woman's actions as warm and cuddly comparatively.
This is not the 60's. Most urban areas have gone through multiple "Drug Wars", since then. Plenty of ordinance was left behind.
My don't even know it's ordnance-not ordinance.
And ordnance is usually military grade.
And this is 2011, where many, MANY Americans legally purchase their own weapons, practice with them, compete with them, keep them clean and oiled and are well stocked on bullets. And some of us are licensed to carry those weapons with us.
You idiot, you actually think that out of the 300 million guns in this country that somehow they all belong to right-wing nuts like you. You Are Mistaken.
I never said they all belong to "right wing nuts". Many belong to left wing nuts like you. About half of US households have guns. But "right" wingers own more of them, use them regularly, and aren't afraid of them.
You just pull stuff out, brush off the half digested crap, shake off the excess bile, then call it a fact, don't you?
"You just pull stuff out, brush off the half digested crap, shake off the excess bile, then call it a fact, don't you?"
Oh, coming from the person who posted this video along with his own personal accusations, THIS comment was sweet justice.
For what? Yelling loudly? If yelling in an intimidating fashion is considered "violent"-then this entire movement is VIOLENT. Got that? Be careful what you want to "lock people up" for and who you call crazy. Maybe you need a good long look in the mirror buddy.
They were blocking her and her kids. This makes me truly disgusted. I don't mind at all people protesting, but knocking down old people and getting kids in the middle of this shit has made me officially despise this movement. They are about to bring out the rage of the rightwing nutjobs when this makes the rounds. An old man trying to get back to his car. Old ladies knocked down. Kids blocked. Fuck those ass holes.
The right/tea bag peeps make me sick, but they have just as much a right to meet and speak publicly as these fleabaggers.
LOL what a disaster.
and more of the BS.
OWS really is looking like mob rule here. This is such BS.
At least this one isn't fuming at the mouth like a rabid dog.
This lady in the wheel chair is level headed and calm. The people outside are the ones foaming at the mouth. Freedom of speech goes both ways.
These OWS types are so violent, forget about the peaceful bs they talk about.
Well, I do not like Teapartiers, but this is DISGUSTING. Kick those punks' asses. This makes me sick. Those are fucking old people they're knocking down. Thanks for posting this. Will spread the word.