Forum Post: I've already said it before, but here it is again for those who won't listen.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 10:34 p.m. EST by ARod1993
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Who said that we wanted to overthrow/destroy/end capitalism or even Wall Street? There's always a group of communists or anarchists or conspiracy theorists or flat-out crazies that will get involved with something like this because they believe our willingness to accept anyone with a desire to help fix things gives them a blank check to do as they choose and then sign it with our names.
Incidentally, I'm fully behind the protests, and I'm a computer science major at MIT. Underachiever? Pfft. Don't make me laugh; if you can call three to four hours of sleep per night underachieving then I want to see your schedule. I came from a working-class to poor family and I'm on track to make six figures in five or ten years even if things don't turn around. And yet somehow I'm still behind these people. Why?
Because my family went through hell in order to put my sister and I on the track we are now; my mom left a teaching job to homeschool my sister and I to keep us out of a dysfunctional inner-city school system, so we've been living on one rather precarious income since I was three. My dad's union job got through almost to the end, until a hedge fund by the name of Brynwood Partners took over and decided to break the union. We would not have survived the resulting eleven-month strike and plant closure were it not for a combination of unemployment benefits, food stamps when the chips were really down, and a strong community that really cared for us when we needed it most.
Here's the thing: because of our family and community my sister and I were uniquely equipped to weather the storm that hit us; not everyone is so lucky. Any number of small things could have derailed us at that point, and for every one of me who makes it through there are ten more who through no fault of their own get screwed out of an opportunity to move up.
I was raised the old-fashioned way; life doesn't owe you one particular outcome over another. Life doesn't owe anyone a job simply by virtue of their existence. Jobs, wealth, happiness: all of these things are earned. The one and only thing in this country that a man is owed is a free and fair opportunity to better himself, and it is these opportunities that have been drying up over the past three decades.
In the old days, if you were good with your hands and willing to work you could get top-notch vocational training and hold down a solid middle-class career with just a high school diploma (or sometimes not even that). In the old days, the ordinary American had opportunity after opportunity available to him and all that was asked of him in return was that he get off his ass and grab one.
These days, that's all drying up. Vocational training of the old sort is dying out, and half the new sort is provided by for-profit "colleges" that often screw unsuspecting students. Academic degrees leading to the professions are hardly for everyone, and whole groups of people get closed out of that game before they even realize they're playing. Getting a decent job of the type that sustained our parents and grandparents is getting more and more difficult.
In short, OWS and its affiliate movements will be happy to stop stinking up your parks and get jobs if you will point the protesters toward opportunities they can reasonably be expected to be able to take advantage of. Until then, they will stay exactly where they are and grow stronger and stronger until the system has no choice but to make these opportunities available to them again. And I will stand with them.
Thanks for telling your story, and thanks for not looking only to "I still got mine" as some do, and remembering where you came from, and that others work hard too without still having a bright future. It's good to have stories out there countering the lazy dirty hippie spin on OWS.
No problem; "I still got mine" is how we got in this mess in the first place. People who make it need to look around and say "If someone tried to come up the hard way now like I did then, would he have an easier time of it because of my actions?" If the answer is "no" then there's something wrong.
Excellent! Well said. It wasn't too long, it was perfect & eloquent.
You sound like a wonderful human being and I wish you the best of luck in your education and career.
Interesting perspective ARod1993... would you like to write a full length article about this? Please email me at | #OccupyUnveiled is an independent news source regarding OWS and its affiliates. Neither for nor against OWS, we seek truth where ever it may lead us.
Well, it might be all BS but it's very well written. I'm liking it.
Ha, thanks. Nope, everything I post here is true to the best of my knowledge, especially the personal stuff. Not sure how I can prove that to people who don't necessarily believe me, but there's really no reason for me to make this stuff up. Why would I go on the public record (which this is; the beauty of the Internet is that anything I put here is visible for all to see from now on out) and lie when stories like mine are fairly commonplace?
That isn't the question, the question is whether you are them or us.
What do you mean?
The problem with any of the posts here is that we do not know if they represent the opinion of OWS. I don't know if it matters; either way this IS a national forum.
Here's the thing; everyone has their own vision of OWS; my argument as to "this is OWS" is based around the fact that pretty much EVERYONE in the movement can agree that Glass-Steagall needs to come back, campaigns need to be run with few or no private donations, and outsourcing needs to end. The other points I've made about a second New Deal concern policies that should satisfy 90+ percent of the movement when things are said and done.
tl; dr
Wait, what?
Too long; didn't read.
It's helpful to condense your thoughts on a forum like this which is very fast paced.
I thkn nobody gives a damn what you think, your an eevul capitalist banker billionaire CEO