Forum Post: Its Time To Get Noticed
Posted 12 years ago on March 19, 2012, 8:37 p.m. EST by fst2011
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
First, I'm not saying to go out and hurt anyone, lets be very clear about that. However, at what point do you say enough and start to be a little creative and get the attention.
Hardly any local news are even telling the rest of our neighbors the truth. There are a few morning shows that broadcast "live" with the city streets behind them. Why not get some banners up, that can point people to a link or etc.
Also, how about creative ways to delay certain "key" people who need to get to work.
Look, I'm truly not about being violent. I just feel its time to step this up and get things DONE!
Tired in Staten Island, Mac
Yes, but if you look at every movement as you say.... They may have started out peaceful but when things finally got out of hand, is when that "movement" finally had a positive outcome.
As for telling people...i agree however most people I speak to....all reply "well how serious could this be, local news is not mentioning anything" so why get involved...or.... When I tell people of the things/tactics our own police are doing... They don't believe. And why don't they believe, cause no media.
This movement is happening at such a perfect time. Meaning with technology at everyones fingertips, its even easier to do things. There must be some really smart tech's in this movement, why not let them work their magic (hack) to spread our word or cause delay. And if we don't have these people, then search them out and express our reasons to unite.
As for patience...I would agree, however enough time has gone by. How many times has everyone got together in just NYC a peaceful manner, but end with the police abusing their authority. Listen, I'm not trying to come in here and start trouble...truly I'm not but look back at every single protest we had and each time the police treated us with violence.
I don't want people to associate this message with that offensive twitter..."time to shoot cops"...absolutely NOT! If that is the vibe you are getting from what I express, then I apologize.
However, I do feel strongly that we should NOT ALLOW our protesters to be BEAT, KICKED, PEPPERED. I feel if you are protesting within your rights and here comes a officer that, pushes you, sprays mace, etc...then he lost that right to be protected by our laws.
We really need to start taking a active role. You want to spread the word, fine. But lets also start a NEW creative campaign. Get lots of people to those spots where the morning shows have the city streets in the background. Have people holding signs with web links to tell the viewer at home where to find the info.
There is so many things...creative things, that can be done to turn the light back on this movement. This can be done!
PS: I want to repeat this one part again, because media and some people have a tendency to twist words to create their own meaning...I am in NO WAY suggesting to go out and hurt/harm ANYONE! All cops are not bad, everyone has heard the famous...few bad apples, don't mean rest are bad, etc etc. Overall cops should be respected, they truly do have a hard job. That said, NO ONE has the right to abuse their power and you should not be protected. Lets stop being door mats and start acting like people with RIGHTS!!!
Occupy has accomplished their goal faster than it takes Wall Street to put together an ad campaign and with scarcely a penny to do it...millions of people don't need to ask us why we're doing this in less than a year - the message is clear and loud and coloring the political scenery worldwide. We are the voice for the 99 percent, we are the voice for the voices that can not be heard. One percent has stolen away the world's natural abundance and is hording it for themselves and turn a blind eye to the consequences of their actions - we are here to shine a light on it - Occupy On !!!because we care about people we care about things like this:
A little patience, please. I know it's not easy to bide a little time, but things will play out and the advantage will turn.
Mac, the most effective thing you or anyone can do is tell a friend, then another, and a family member. People with the capital have public service announcements and ad campaigns, we have protests and movements. This may not sound as exiting or visually stunning but it has proven effective in every movement. Once people are aware, the situation will manage itself. I run into at least a dozen people every day that still don't know about Occupy.
I think I see what you are saying. But there are so many different ways to look at it that more leadership would be needed to focus the "creativity".