Forum Post: It's time to get a divorce
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 10:53 a.m. EST by GeorgeMichaelBluth
from Arlington, VA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
You hear constantly about separation of church and state, I'm proposing separation of business and government.
Too long has government burdened business with taxes and red tape..... Too long have government favoured certain businesses with lucrative contracts.......... Too long has government told business how it should run its affairs........... Too long has government been swayed by lobbyists to get favours for businesses...... Too long has government favoured some business over others with grants, etc...... Too long has government guaranteed success to the parasitic 1%
Too long has business profited from government war mongering.......... Too long has business profited from rebuilding other nations we destroyed........ Too long have reckless businesses been propped up by government....... Too long has fraudulent business been bailed out by government......... Too long has business influenced law making in its favour.......... too long has criminal business not faced prosecution due to political ties..........
Too long have the American people been cheated by those who pretend to protect them.
It's time to get a divorce. Separate business and government.