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Forum Post: It's time for a change in the way corporations are run

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 16, 2011, 5:58 p.m. EST by fletcher6490 (3)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Hey guys, I really appreciate all the sacrifices that those of you that are on the front lines are willing to give to serve a cause bigger than any one of us. I'm here to ask for your help in building up a company that I feel is one that you all would feel good about fighting for. This company is a true Tithing company which means that 10% of ALL REVENUE goes to charity or causes. Right now we are 16,000 strong but we really want this company to become a household name so that other companies start considering to use these same bylaws when it comes to Tithing. Enough with CEO's getting bonus's that could feed millions in Africa every year, it's time for a major change the way that companies are run. Please just take a look and join if you would like. There are some big things coming soon and with your help we can really make this site a game changer and jump start a way of doing things for the future. Here is a link http://bit.ly/ubnW6k



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[-] 1 points by gestopomillyy (1695) 13 years ago

no one want charity.. they want a job..

[-] 1 points by melbel61 (113) 13 years ago

good luck with that, but who do you want to enforce that? many corporations, including the rather small professional corporation I work for (100 employees) contribute greatly to our community, we do so without fanfare and without acknowledgment. We do it because its the right thing to do. Unfortunately, the media never tells the American people all the wonderful things that happen every day in this country, by people who are part of the 1% and the 99% and everyone in between. Its not black or white, there is a lot of grey as well. Many people contribute their time, energy and money to helping their neighbors in times of need. We don't need more laws to make us more compassionate, we just need to do it.

[-] 1 points by fletcher6490 (3) 13 years ago

I'm not saying anything about enforcing any laws or rules regarding tithing but just think if one of the big social networking sites out there gave 10% of all it's revenue to charity and promoted giving on their massive platform...Don't you think that would start to change the way people think? A lot of people just buy products and services from these fortune 500 companies and don't realize the effect these companies could have on the world if they would just think of others and give rather than do nothing but take. The CEO of Tagvillage is a great man and his ideas are amazing, it just takes some steam to get the ball rolling and spread the word.

[-] 1 points by melbel61 (113) 13 years ago

I agree, but Facebook founder gave 100 million to the Newark school system, I just hope the politicians and others in charge don't blow the money. My point is that many wealthy people within corporations do many good things but no one hears about it, doesn't mean it isn't happening.

[-] 1 points by fletcher6490 (3) 13 years ago

Very true and I agree with everything you have said but maybe the fact that we don't ever hear about it is kind of a bad thing. Let's say for example that Tagvillage becomes the next "facebook" (not saying it ever will, but just using this as an example) and one of the selling points about this site is the fact that the members get to choose what causes close to their hearts receive financial blessings and Tagvillage donates 10% of all revenue to these causes. Now what if people started to realize what a great thing this was and decided to stop purchasing products from these greedy corporations and only do business with companies that are like minded and help the world out of the kindness of their hearts and not just for a tax write off. Don't you think that these ideas might start to take off and change the way these greedy corps do business? I feel like it's a better way to do business and as unrealistic as it may sound, ya never know...

[-] 1 points by melbel61 (113) 13 years ago

I wholeheartedly agree with you. Your initially post seemed to suggest some type of legislation which I would disagree with. I believe that small to large corporations are foolish for not engaging in the type of behavior you advocate. I believe that consumers would welcome that type of behavior and feel better about purchasing products, etc. let's hope it catches on and I wish you luck at your position.

[-] 1 points by fletcher6490 (3) 13 years ago

This site is still very new and is right now developing a search engine and social site. I have been a member since day 1 and have never looked back. I feel like this site could do a lot of good and once the word starts to get out we could be a force to reckon with

[-] 0 points by raines (699) 13 years ago

Newark? They won't blow the money, they will be too busy lining their own pockets.

[-] 1 points by melbel61 (113) 13 years ago

that's what I meant by blowing the money....he would have been better giving the money for a charter start up where the politicians can't make a power grab, but he didn't. I only hope that some of it trickles down to the kids who have been forced to go to schools that are downright scary.


