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Forum Post: It's Time for a 3rd Party

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 10:08 p.m. EST by Vorcha (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

All, a 3rd party is the way to go. The Wigs did it when are nation was formed and it's time both parties realized that they work for every american and not just the rich.

A 99'er party should be mainstream people willing to take over the jobs of those life long "politicians" who've allowed us to get to these straits. The 99'er party should be middle of the road political view people who can finally use common sense to govern our nation. I say vote out the right wing tea party AND the left wing do gooders and put folks in who understand compromise and hard work....so they can finally get to work reforming our tax code, reeling in the insurance lobby, tackling the debt, and getting big business the heck out of the political arena. Obama and the left wing have proven they need supervision, and the tea party conservative right wing needs to get a clue.

Reform the tax code, get rid of the lobbists, get rid of wall-street speculators, get business out of government, downsize the government, get a universal healthcare, reform insurance just to name a few.

Our government (both parties) form all these expert think tanks and then don't have the gutts to follow through with thier recommendations...

If our leaders won't lead, won't compromise, won't stop servicing billionaires then fire them and form a party that will serve the people.



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[-] 1 points by UnitedAmericaParty (7) 13 years ago

Yes it is and we are here: www.uaparty.org

Unlike a traditional political party, the United America Party was formed as a party that puts the common good above politics, corporate, and personal interests; a party focused on making informed decisions to solve the seemingly intractable problems of today while preserving the promise of tomorrow; one party that represents one America – a United America. We welcome Democrats, Republicans, and independents to join the United America Party.

This grassroots movement is quickly attracting members from all across the United States. We represent voters from all walks of life that are committed to finding comprehensive and common sense solutions to the problems facing our country through rational and informed decision-making.

If you find yourself in the political middle, on the left, or the right, but want to move the country forward through an efficient government that does not sacrifice long-term viability to achieve short term goals, then the United America Party needs you. We encourage citizen participation.

The United America Party is not just another ephemeral “third party”. Our mission is to build a viable, permanent system that promotes an incorruptible, common sense and information-oriented force that put the peoples’ interests first. The United America Party is that force. Join us!

Basic Principles -An efficient government -Ethical, but secular -The government and the people must be willing to pay for those programs they deem important -Governance, not at the expense of individual liberties, and with respect to the rights of a minority -The public before politics, corporate, and personal interests -A government that utilizes resources such that the environment and people are not exploited -Short-term gain should not overshadow long-term viability

What do you all think?

Check out our new website for more details: www.uaparty.org

[-] 1 points by crrice (68) from Durango, CO 13 years ago

Agreement here. I'm tired of the repub/demo flip-flop that goes on every 4 years.